Troublemaker's insane plan.

Even with how many people there were within the area around him, 11 in total, it only took Huang Ying's law of devouring two minutes to restore all their wounds, that was how plentiful the energy around them was. But seemingly having come to a tacit understanding, the people around him resisted their urge to stand up and stretch their bodies, waiting for Huang Ying to make the first move. Huang Ying's wounds had, of course, healed too, his body had even grown stronger thanks to the plentiful blood. But he didn't stand up straight away, turning his head slightly and asking a question to those around him.

"Those of you who've been here a bit longer, how long does that bastard usually stay away?"

The bastard in question was obviously the Dragonfire Eagle that had left about three minutes ago, knowing how long it usually stayed away would be useful for knowing how long they had to put any plans in motion. The gazes of the other people turned slightly, landing on a somewhat petite woman with bronze-hair and a large scar going diagonally down over her face. The woman, Mo Yu, rolled her eyes slightly as she recalled the time spent here, answering somewhat uncertainly.

"Anywhere between five and seven minutes. It spent a bit longer at one point, but it rarely stays away for longer than that."

Huang Ying gave a slight nod of his head upon receiving the answer, lights flickering within his eyes as his mind started rolling. He stopped using his law of devouring on the blood around him, retracting the muddy tentacles back into his body and proceeding to calmly wait. The others were anxious and impatient, but with Huang Ying not moving yet, they weren't exactly willing to risk anything.

But after the five-minute mark passed, one person ended up becoming too anxious and found himself unable to wait any longer. He sprung up from the blood and rushed to the edge of the nest, tilting one of the ruined trees that were used to build the nest. He used the tree as a sort of rope, sliding down the trunk and using it to descend to the large branch beneath the one they were on. He continued doing this a few more times, but a roar reached Huang Ying and the others after a little over a minute, a scream of pain following and then quickly getting silenced.

Some of the others winced, but Huang Ying remained unmoved. It was the man's own choice to escape on his own, his subsequent death was on his hands and his alone. Half a minute later, the Dragonfire Eagle returned to the nest, dropping off a new Demonic beast before leaving again. The moment the Dragonfire Eagle left, Huang Ying sprung up into a standing position, motioning for the others to remain down.

"You guys have probably waited for a bit of time already, you can live with waiting a bit more."

After leaving behind these words, tendrils of muddy darkness covered in maws and eyes once again extended from Huang Ying, stretching out from his back in such a dense mass that they resembled a cape. He waded through the blood, the tendrils behind him sucking up energy as he made his way around the nest, talking to the others that had previously been outside of his range.

He healed those closest to him and then returned to his previous position after three minutes, laying down again and waiting for the Dragonfire Eagle to return. Once it dropped off another person and left again, Huang Ying stood up and continued healing the others around the nest, making each and every one of them swear the same oath. And finally, after spending a total of nearly four hours, he had healed every single person within the nest. He then laid down in his position again, his eyes practically burning as he looked at the sky with a grin.

"Next time it comes back and leaves, that's when we'll act."

The rest of the people in the nest all burned with anticipation, their bodies tensing slightly as they prepared to burst forth at a moment's notice. After all, no one wanted to die, especially not in a place like this, so they would give it their all when they started fleeing. But of course, while the anticipation and tenseness of the situation had clouded the judgment of most of these people, a few of those within the nest still retained clear minds, a question present in all of their minds. Just what was Huang Ying planning to create the opportunity for them to escape?

Just healing them could be said to be the opportunity, but Ming Chang, Lang Zan, and the others that he had first talked to weren't certain that was the case. They hadn't interacted with Huang Ying for too long, but none of them felt that he was as simple as he looked on the surface, the strange law he used to heal them was more than proof enough of that.

And before long, the Dragonfire Eagle returned and dropped off another Demonic beast, not even bothering to hover above the nest for a bit before it departed. It wanted as much blood as possible, as many corpses as possible, all to ensure that its future child grew strong enough that it could manage without him around. But it was this desperate desire of a parent that left the Dragonfire Eagle unable to see that the humans gathered beneath it were no longer incapacitated. A single second to check might have changed the course of history, but sadly, there were no if's or might's in history, only the final fate.

The Dragonfire Eagle left, the nearly 130 people in the nest all springing up at once, most of them rushing towards the edges of the nest and starting their descent. The first person might have failed, but he was alone while they were all in a large group, they had much better chances. But a few people didn't rush towards the edges, Huang Ying, Xun Zhi, and the others he talked to at first sticking around.

Huang Ying headed straight for the large egg, a grin on his face as tendrils of his devouring element stretched out and wantonly sucked in the surrounding energy. It was easy to see that whatever he planned involved the egg, the peach-haired and golden-eyed Ming Chang no longer able to restrain her curiosity.

"So what exactly is it that you're planning on doing? I would not suggest bringing that egg along, the Dragonfire Eagle will definitely sense it the moment something happens to it."

She warned him, but neither she nor the others moved away, deciding that staying with Huang Ying was probably their best choice in this situation. Ming Chang wasn't the only one who warned him, the voice of Li Jun also rang out within Huang Ying's mind shortly after Ming Chang gave the warning.

"She's right, the eagle has placed a small mark on the egg, it will know the moment you touch it."

But while Ming Chang and Li Jun warned him, the corners of Huang Ying's mouth only continued to lift upwards. The plan was mad from the start, it had to be to give him even a sliver of a chance for survival. So now that he was putting the plan into motion, the only thing he could do was smile and laugh, giving his response while putting on a mysterious air.

"What I'm planning on doing? Simple, I'm going to do what I do best, cause trouble."

He swiftly reached the egg and grabbed onto it as if it was a boulder, his veins bulging as he exerted all his might to lift the egg. He heard an ear-piercing screech from the distance the moment he touched the egg, but he ignored it and focused on exerting all his physical might on lifting the egg, which he guessed weighed about 400 kilograms.

Back when he took the entrance exam to enter the Fierce Flame academy, he had briefly grasped hold of one part of Ling Uyong's weapon, the same two-headed spear as his own. Back then he could only barely spin and slash downward with the blade, which should have weighed around 150 kilograms. But now that he had devoured plenty of beasts and strengthened his body a great deal, even this 400-kilogram egg was forced up from the blood under his might.

He could hear the sound of wind being cut apart from behind him and knew that the Dragonfire Eagle was returning to the nest as swiftly as it could, but it was already too late. Huang Ying carried the egg to the edge of the nest, his pupils moving and looking down at the branches beneath it. He then turned his head to look at the incoming eagle, one man's mad grin clashing with the furious expression of the eagle.

"So many delicious bloodlines, all gathered into a single little egg. Don't you think that it's a bit selfish to keep it all to yourself?"

Huang Ying wasn't sure if the eagle understood him, but the slight shift in its expression made him guess that it understood what he was planning. And just like it feared, Huang Ying let go of the egg and allowed it to fall from the nest, the Dragonfire Eagle unleashing a truly ferocious screech.

The egg crashed into a small branch and bounced off it, a small crack appearing in its shell and allowing a nearly maddeningly sweet scent to escape from it. The appearance of the scent immediately caused the entire mass of intertwining trees to burst into a vicious symphony of howls and roars. Demonic beasts craved strong and special bloodlines, it was the sweetest tonic to them. So now that such a delectable bloodline, one formed by absorbing countless others, appeared in front of them, how could they not grow a bit mad?

And as the beasts grew mad with desire, Huang Ying grinned at the eagle, a mad light flashing past his eyes. This was his plan, the opportunity to escape. The others in this forest wanted to start a stampede so that they could create a chance to kidnap the child born to one of the strong Demonic beasts here, and they had indeed succeeded in creating their stampede. But compared to the stampede they caused, the one Huang Ying created right now was nothing, the quality of the beasts it contained simply couldn't be compared.

The Dragonfire Eagle wanted to kill Huang Ying for his sin, but the life of its child took precedence right now so it flew over him and dove down as fast as it could. But with the mass and speed of the Dragonfire Eagle, just it flying above him was enough to create a gust of wind strong enough to blow Huang Ying off of the nest and causing him to plummet towards the branch below.

Huang Ying's grin turned a touch bitter as he spun his body around and pushed both palms downwards, unleashing a gust of wind in hopes of slowing his descent. But the wind unleashed by the descending Dragonfire Eagle was too strong, the strength of his wind was unable to slow his descent by any meaningful amount. But just as his mind was starting to race to figure out a way out of the new pickle, a slender arm wrapped around his waist, a slight sigh sounding close to his ears.

"Good grief, and here I was thinking you were going to do something even slightly reasonable. You're fucking mad, has anyone ever told you that?"

Huang Ying grinned in response to the words of the person who had rescued him and thus showed her true strength, Ming Chang. From the pressure radiating from her body, Huang Ying guessed that she had probably reached the 2nd or 3rd Stair of Ascension, the cultivation realm above Huang Ying's Nine Steps of Mortality.

Fleshy vines covered in skin stretched out from her body and had wrapped around Guo Shui and the others, Ming Chang using the vines to safely lower all of them to the nearest branch. She let go of Huang Ying's waist so that he could stand on his own, Huang Ying carefreely stretching his body while glancing over the edge of the branch, down at the battles that were starting to break out over the egg.

"Things had already gone so far south that they were starting to go north, I figured that I might as well give it the last push it needed to actually go so far south that it ended up going north and then some. But yeah, now it's best that we fuck off as fast as possible, staying here for too long sounds like a good way to get an express route to death."

Not just Ming Chang, but even the others felt like rolling their eyes in response to Huang Ying's carefree words. But they restrained any retorts they had, the group quickly working together to descend down the mass of intertwined trees so that they could escape.