
A hushed wind ran through the arena as Yao Peng's memories flooded into Huang Ying, the audience that had borne witness to the massacre left slackjawed. They had all seen the emblem that Yao Peng had shown off as a last resort to save his life, it should have given him practically perfect safety from Huang Ying, who bore his own emblem. But yet, all that remained of Yao Peng now was a lifeless corpse that hung limply in Huang Ying's grasp.

Marked contestants were the stars of their respective academies, they were forbidden from attacking and harming each other. This inviolable rule had been set down by Domecliff Cove, the one place in this city where combat was forbidden. It kept the academies happy and made sure that the battles between them didn't get too bad, war might break out between some of them if they lost their star students after all.

It was a rule that had only been broken once before, shortly after it had been conceived. And ever since that day, there had never been a second man who dared to challenge the dignity of Domecliff Cave. That was, until today, until the madman that was Huang Ying graced this land with his presence and insanity.

"Domecliff Cove, is it? So they didn't find it on their own but had it sent to them instead, now that just makes me all the more curious."

Huang Ying didn't even pay attention to the eyes of the audience, loosening his grip on Yao Peng's throat while rubbing his chin. It seemed like his guess that the Liangyu family had uncovered the fact that Song Yi was with him was a bit different from his original guess. Someone had informed them, and not just that, they had even fed them the wrong information.

"I'm the key to them? Now that's a funny joke, but at least it explains why they asked me to hand them over like that. Find him, Li Jun."

Huang Ying didn't voice out the request, mentally sending it to Li Jun. The messenger that had delivered the message would know more, if Huang Ying could get his hands on him then he would probably find out exactly who had sent word of him to the Liangyu family.

But while Huang Ying was quietly muttering to himself and pondering over what he had learned, those related to him had much stronger reactions. Chen Hong, Lang Zan, Xun Zhi and the others he was acquainted with knew about the cost of breaking Domecliff Cove's rules so they couldn't help but grimace, Ying Feixu didn't know the punishment for breaking the rules so she appeared far calmer than them.

As for Song Yi, she was so pale that it seemed like all the blood in her body had vanished. Her lips had turned blue and her hands were quivering incessantly, her back already wet with sweat. She had prepared herself mentally for the fact that Huang Ying would have a tough battle ahead of him after she dragged him into her vengeance, but never in a million years would she have thought that it would end up with him breaking the rules of Domecliff Cove.

One would involve a tough battle where he could get hurt and did indeed stand a chance at dying. But the other? The other was basically a death sentence, a seemingly never-ending torment that would only stop when you died. The strongest of all competitors, like Yao Long Chi or the others of the Six Heavenly Kings might be able to survive the punishment, but for everyone else, it was nothing more than a descending guillotine.

"Crap, we gotta move!"

The first one to act was Lang Zan, her brown eyes flashing sharply as she dashed forward, her silver hair trailing behind her. Domecliff Cove would act quickly so it was imperative that they acted even faster so that they could give Huang Ying the greatest chances of survival. Chen Hong and the rest also quickly acted once Lang Zan called out, hurriedly chasing after her and hopping onto the bloodstained stage along with the Hei Ya and Hong Yi that Huang Ying had ushered away earlier.

Song Yi and Ying Feixu trailed a bit behind the others, one because her mind was occupied by a myriad of thoughts and the other because she didn't fully understand the situation. But even if Ying Feixu fully understood the situation it probably wouldn't really matter to her, the only thing she cared about was the fact that Huang Ying's head belonged to her. She was the only one allowed to separate it from his neck.

"Oh, you're running pretty fast there. That's good guts, seems like you've hardened your determination."

Huang Ying removed his hand from his chin when he saw the others charging over with almost desperate faces, his relaxed visage a stark contrast to theirs. Li Jun had already discovered the messenger so he was already making plans on how to get to him so that he could get the answers that he was looking for.

"You... Ha~ah, do you even know what you've done? How bad things are going to get now, do you even fathom it? Come, we need to leave immediately, there are too many people here."

Guo Shui couldn't help but feel her breath leave her chest when she saw the casual way Huang Ying greeted them, rubbing her pink eyes in exasperation. She wanted to call him an idiot for not knowing what was about to come, but the fact that he spoke about them hardening their determination showed that he at least had an inkling. And sure enough, Huang Ying wasn't clueless.

"Of course I know. But so what? If you can't even live while doing what you want then what's the point in living at all?"

Huang Ying was done living on his knees, he would live and die while standing on his feet, even if that simple act was what caused his death in the end. Chen Hong wanted to comment, but it was already too late, a bright flash of light accompanied by the sound of rumbling thunder splitting open the sky above the arena.

"Contestant Huang Ying from the Fierce Flame Academy has attacked and killed Contestant Yao Peng from the Star's Ascent Academy, breaking the First Rule. As punishment, he will be exempt from the First Rule and a bounty of 50 Medium-Grade Spirit Stones, 5 Bone-Growing Pills, one medium-grade cultivation technique, and 10 Instantaneous Renewal pills will be placed on his head."

A booming voice emerged from the thunderous rumbling, reaching every corner of the city as the flash of light gathered to form an image of Huang Ying. That was the punishment reserved for those who dared to break the rules, they would become a juicy target for everyone else present, a walking trove of treasures. Like this, Domecliff Cove could punish those who broke the rules while also pushing most of the resulting anger and hatred onto someone else, preserving the fragile balance that had been built up over the years.

"That's surprisingly generous, seems like my showing here increased the bounty a bit."

Huang Ying remained calm as he looked up at his own image, as if that wasn't a massive target placed on his back. The reward was a bit too great for just a cultivator at the 9th Mortal Step, extravagant even, the battle that had taken place here had clearly forced them to consider him a cultivator a good bit above his actual realm. Of course, not everyone present could look at the situation with the same casualness as him.

"That's what you...Forget it, it's pointless now anyway. We'll do our best to carve a path out of here, please support us from the rear with your strange ability."

Han De mimicked Guo Shui's earlier actions, rubbing his green eyes with nothing but exasperation. The silence of the stadium made him worried, all it took was a sweeping glance to see that everyone was currently eyeing them and contemplating when to move. The moment someone built up the courage would be the moment all hell broke loose.

He took up a position at the front, exchanging glances with the others to silently convey his thoughts. Lang Zan and the others had already fought like this once before with Huang Ying, when they all did their best to flee Cloudreacher Forest, so quickly mimicked Han De and found appropriate positions.

Huang Ying would be the target of everyone so it was imperative that he was at the centre, even if he was probably one of the stronger people present. In truth, Han De and the others knew that what they were doing was so close to pointless that it was laughable, there were plenty of cultivators stronger than them here. They may be able to fend off a handful, but what after that? How long would they be able to fight, how many waves would they be able to hold back?

Death was practically inevitable in an endless battle like this, it was really just about them not wanting to sit back as someone they considered a friend was killed. They couldn't help but feel that Huang Ying's personality may have warped them a little bit, seeing as they were willing to basically throw away their lives just to satiate their own thoughts.

There was no more time for thoughts or plans, one of the more impatient onlookers quickly scurrying forwards in hopes of being the one to claim the bounty. Those that didn't want to lose out charged forward at the same time, and before long, the filled seats of the stadium had turned into an all-encompassing wave of people that rushed forward to claim its prize.

Chen Hong sprung into action as the people rushed forward, brandishing his claw-tipped halberd with a solemn expression as he joined the ranks of Han De and the others. So much left to do in life, so many mistakes to atone for, but it seemed like he may have to pass those on to his next life.

Song Yi swallowed a mouthful of saliva and also joined the ranks, grasping her bow so tightly that her knuckles turned white. Her revenge was far from complete, the Liangyu family had yet to drown in their own blood so there was no way she could allow herself to die here. But she would not flee, she would just have to fight all that much harder to survive this calamity, she would not allow her hatred to outlive the hateful.

Ying Feixu was the last to join the ranks of the defensive line, her eyes narrowed sharply as she inspected the horde of people. But her gaze was different from the others, it was more akin to a child looking at someone that was trying to steal their candy, or a rabid dog doing its best to protect the bone it was gnawing on.

"Your neck belongs to me and me alone, so for the moment, I'll help you get away from here. But if you fall behind or stumble then you'd best watch your neck."

She didn't look at Huang Ying as she spoke, drawing her twin daggers, but it was obvious that her words were directed at him. And he knew that she wasn't joking, she wasn't above attacking him should his concentration falter or if he showed a moment of weakness. She was on his side, but she was also just as dangerous as the sea of people rushing to claim his head.

But even in this scenario, the curve of Huang Ying's lips didn't sink, it was still twisted into a wide grin, one that almost seemed malevolent to those rushing towards him. He picked up the blade he had dropped and connected it with his other blade, once again forming his two-headed spear, laughing as he took a few casual steps forward.

"Well well well, it seems like I'm actually rather blessed when it comes to the people around me! Madmen and idiots with more determination and guts than wits, just the way I like them. Well then, let me respond to that worthy determination. There'll come a day where we'll die, standing on our feet hopefully, but you watch my back and I'll make sure that today won't be that day."

The grin on his face seemed to spread even wider, as if it was trying to crack his entire face open in a macabre display. He didn't have people like this when he was living in the village, if he did then perhaps he wouldn't have had to live on his knees. Or perhaps he only had people like them now that he stopped doing so. He didn't know, and truthfully it didn't even matter what the reason was. They showed their determination, and he would respond in kind.

"...I wouldn't recommend it, there's no telling what the outcome will be, it could be more harmful than it is good. If you really want to survive then I can tell you a technique that should be able to obscure your features so that you can sneak away in the heat of battle."

Li Jun could tell what Huang Ying was planning, but it really wasn't something he could recommend, it carried too many unknown factors. But the offer he gave wasn't one Huang Ying wanted to accept, sneaking away like that wouldn't sit well with him, especially since there was a good chance that Lang Zan and the others would have to keep fighting and may get overwhelmed.


"Come, let's charge."

Huang Ying cut off Chen Hong before he could say anything, stepping past him and kicking off the ground. The earth beneath him rose up and launched him forward, directly towards the sea of people. The impatient ones were at the front, the weaker ones that others would hide behind as they observed the situation.

And they were the first to meet Huang Ying's spear as he shot towards them. It swept out, drawing a simple arch through the air the moment his foot touched the ground again. The blade-like head cut through flesh and bone alike, his great physical force aided by his Qi to tear through his enemies like they were paper.

Six men died in one sweep, their blood splattering both Huang Ying and the surroundings as they were cut in half. The blood stained his black hair, the drops almost looking like narrowed eyes as they slid down. And then there was the crooked grin that embedded itself in the minds of people, the last sight many of them would ever see.

But that was only the start of the nightmare, the brutality. His shadow extended, welling out like black mud as sticky tentacles clambered forth and latched onto both the body parts and the living people around him. Crimson eyes and grinning maws covered the entire darkness, his right eye turning pitch black as similar crimson pupils surfaced within it.

The devouring began. The corpses vanished into the darkness and the living people touched by the muddy tentacles felt their strength wane, all of it pouring into Huang Ying. A small bit of the energy moved through tentacles so small that they were nearly invisible, connecting him with Chen Hong and the others and sharing part of the energy he devoured.

His spear swept out once more, the wind turning violent in response and heeding his call. A spear carved through people, blades of wind severed limbs, the earth swallowed the legs of the unaware, the muddy darkness ate all. He held nothing back and brought the law of devouring out into the day, showcasing it to all who might want to see.

They could send as many as they wanted, he would eat them all the same, they would become just another light in the star-filled sky of his dantian. He swung his spear and stepped forward with a bloody grin, the man who would later bear the legendary title of Asura was shedding any and all reservations right here and now.