Devil in the details!


"What if I tell you to become a double agent? I mean…" Shaurya's negative shake of head cut Ratansingh's proposal off even before he could finish it.

"I am genuinely done with Chandragarh. There was this girl whom I liked. But her father married her off to a rich snotty kid. That was the day that I swore to myself that I would become richer and more powerful than that guy and go in front of her, one day. I thought that being on the fast track in Suraksha Chakra would help me reach there. But that doesn't seem possible anymore. They have offered a starting position in the army to me at one of the obscure borders. How dare they think that I will go to a God forsaken outskirt for a measly sum and start from the scratch? Was my worth only this much?" his eyes breathed fire at the last sentence.

"So, what's your plan?" Ratansingh asked him quietly.

Shaurya gave a bitter smile and replied, "I think the Saptsindhu spy network would be very interested in gaining the information which I have regarding the recruitment team of Suraksha Chakra. Apart from me, and three others, no one else has this knowledge. How much do you think would be the worth of such insight?"

Ratansingh was quiet for a few moments before he said, "I am wondering why are you telling me about your plan so openly. Didn't you consider the possibility that I will kill you and feed you to the fish for even thinking about treason against Chandragarh?"

Shaurya leaned back in his chair and replied with a small smile on his thin lips, "Do you also take me for a fool? Had I not been aware of your leanings and preferences, why would I have approached you?"

Ratansingh stared at him in consternation.

Midnight, Northern zilla

"Was it safe to come here? Could this not have been communicated via the usual way?" Bela asked quietly.

They were standing under a tree at the base of the hill where they had met first. There was worry in Bela's voice. At this juncture of the mission, they couldn't afford to be seen together.

"I just wanted to get away. The constant failures are eating away my confidence. I needed a distraction but you are right and I apologise," Prithvi said morosely.

He didn't bother hiding his emotions or failings in front of his senior. Having worked under her and observed her, he knew that she would be the last one to judge him for his fallacy.

"You sound exhausted," she remarked, not acknowledging or responding to his words.

"He has reached safely, as per my reports," Prithvi said.

"I will wait to hear from him directly than believe a third person account. Also, more than his reaching, his going past this stage is critical. It will all depend upon whether he has managed to convince them or not," she said with deliberately emotionless voice.

Even though she was palpitating over the smallest details of her mission, she didn't want to show it in front of Prithvi who seemed to be in the grip of other, bigger demons.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked.

He was about to say no when he stopped. After a pause, he started telling her slowly about the details of what all has been happening at the ground level and his inability to see the real picture under the circumstances. Till date, he had only spoken about the plan specifically and details regarding it with Bela because that pertained to what he needed her help with.

But now it seemed that he was seeking her guidance in making sense of the jumble which he was caught in.

Bela listened to him without interrupting. Her eyes were closed and she was leaning against the thick tree trunk. Even after Prithvi stopped speaking, she stayed in that position.

Then suddenly, she said, "Let's go."

Startled at her words, he wondered what she meant but she never gave him a chance and started walking in fast strides. Loathed to make any sound, Prithvi followed her at a distance and soon realised that they were headed to the 'training hill'.

Why does she want to go there right now?

Even though the place was dark, Bela knew her way inside well enough. Prithvi's night vision rivalled that of a cat and he followed her inside with ease, without the aid of a lamp or lantern. Once they arrived at the second level of the hill, Bela finally lit a couple of lamps and carried them to the centre of the room.

Prithvi had not visited this floor before and was fascinated with the settings of the small room. There was a sand pit in the middle where Bela had drawn some formations. She picked up a wooden stick and smudged that design. Then she drew a rough map of Chandragarh in it.

"Let's think from the enemy's perspective. What would you do if you were them?" she offered the wooden stick to him.

Prithvi grinned at her. He was used to pouring over detailed maps and strategizing but his mentor still preferred to look at the bigger, more obscure picture. Maybe that's where he was going wrong – in the details.


"So, what have you decided, Rudradev?" Mithilesh had received a visit from the young minister this early morning.

The younger guy bowed respectfully and said, "I am yours to command."

Mithilesh hid his jubilation under a polite smile and said, "Very good. Let's get started then. I want to know all about the new financial scheme which you are drafting for my father. I want to be a part of it."