Disaster in the Village of Eternal Snow Part Two

With everyone's jobs set Alicia and her squad set out to handle their tasks. Alicia, Blake, and Rose rushed right into the village to make it so that they could act as a decoy, while Starla, Annelia, Sue, and Bridget charged forward towards the bandits that were guarding the large bared wagons. They could hear the crying of the children and women that were captured from within.

"Starla, with me! We will distract the bandits while Annelia and Bridget free the captives." Sue came to Starla's side and whispered her order. Starla nodded in confirmation and the two split from Annelia and Bridget.

"Starla?" Annelia looked at the two leaving in confusion. 

"It's fine they are going to hold off the bandits so we can let the captives escape just follow me and do not leave my side!" Bridget explained.

"Yes!" Annelia said the one word as an answer as she did her best to calm her nerves.