Memories Of The Past Part One

White House, United States…

"So your saying this is all real? We have finally been visited by aliens?" The president asked as he looked at the reports in front of him.

"Sir it is all real. At this rate, if we do not move soon, another country will jump ahead of us and take them away before we can. The technology they hold must be highly advanced if they could come to our world as a vacation." A man in a general's uniform explained.

"Then send a team to extract them. Use any means necessary as long as they are kept alive." The president replied.

"Yes sir!" The man in a general's uniform saluted before turing on his heel and exiting the room.

Moscow Russia…

"President, your orders?"

"Do it."

Beijing China…

"Send a team and retrieve at least one of them."


"Sir, as we see it, all the first world powers will be sending in their best men to acquire one of these aliens." A man in a suit said.