The Story Of The Foolish Scientist Part 2

Age 1978

The two men walked forward. Both of them couldn't help but jump at every shadow they saw as the moved through the massive tunnel that they had just discovered. Who knew where it could lead.

"This is crazy..." The villager hissed out. "We should go back and tell the others about what we discovered-"

"What I discovered," Darvin said simply.

The villager just sighed as he continued following after the man who didn't appear to have any intention of stopping anytime soon.

The two of them took every turn the tunnel made. Thankfully it had no arching paths. The village was certain that Darvin would demand they split up if there was one, and he really didn't feel like being alone in an unknown place in the dark.

The only thing they had that allowed them to even see was the torchlight... The light that of course Darvin was holding.

Finally, after what felt like an hour, but was likely only five minutes, they came to an end in the tunnel.

The tunnel opened up into a new open room, that was absolutely massive in size... It was extremely large nearly three miles big. A pair of stone steps led down, and there were rows of what looked like seats? It was like a large bleachers stand?

"What the hell..." The villager muttered out backing away slowly as he eyed the room up. "This looks super sketchy..."

"What the hell is that thing..." Darvin muttered out as well. His eyes were transfixed on a large glowing orange crystal at the bottom of the room. Slowly he walked towards it out of curiosity.

"Don't go towards that!"

"What? Why not?"

"Look at it! This is some cultist shit man..."

Darvin gave the man a 'are you for real' look before turning away and walking towards the crystal once more. He reached the crystal as the villager followed slowly after him.

"I... I really don't like this..." The villager muttered.

"I don't remember asking for your opinion?" Darvin reached out placing a hand on the massive glowing crystal. "It... It's warm..."

"Really?" The villager reached out placing his hand on it as well. "Oww! Son of-"


"I didn't see a shard, and the damn thing pricked me!", He hissed out as he looked down at his palm which now had a small tiny cut in it. " I... What?"


The villager looked around suddenly with a confused look. "Hello?"

"Umm. Are you okay man?" Darvin asked.

"Who said that!" The villager said backing up.

"It was me-"

"Not you!" The villager said with wide eyes. "The other voice!"

"What other voice-" Darvin's eyes widened as he stared at the man. "What's wrong with your eyes!" The villager's eyes had changed, transforming into something that didn't look human... The white in his eyes was gone replaced by a black void, and his iris had changed into an orange color, that seemed to glow just like the crystal.

The villager stepped back as he stared at his wound. It now had a glowing orange crystal on his hand... "Something... Somethings wrong-" He fell to his knees and began to vomit up blood! It didn't stop as he threw up again and again! He cried and sobbed as Darvin simply stood there horrified, as the man became paler, and paler! It didn't take long for him to throw up all the blood he had in his body leaving his skin as a pale white... Then his veins changed becoming a bright orange. "I..." The man let out a laugh reviling his fanged teeth. "I feel great! This must he what superhumans feel like all the time!" He laughed. He looked up at Darvin but frowned when he saw the look of fear on the man's face. "What?"

Darvin fell back as he began to crawl away from the man, with his mouth wide open. "What! What the hell happened to your face?"

"What?" The man said in confusion. He brought his pickaxe up using it as a way to reflect himself. He stared down at his image in shock. His skin had become a bright red, and he now had four extra eyes, on his forehead. What looked like scales were also growing on his body. He now had a pair of horns, and a tail, and his mouth had become filled with razor sharp teeth... He looked like a Bestia Macht that had learned to wear clothes and walk on two legs...

"You're a monster!" Darvin yelled out falling to the ground as he backed up.

The man shook his head. "That isn't very nice." He said in a dangerous tone. He shook his head. "Wait what am I saying? Why do... Why do I feel so mad!" He groaned as he fell to his knees. "I... I'm-" He touched his stomach as it let out an audible growl... "I'm hungry..."

"Hungry-" Darvin let out a yell when the villager shot forward slamming himself into the man.

"I'm just hungry! And mad! And I just hate you all of a sudden!" The 'thing' shouted out. "I don't know what's happening but I feel so powerful! Like I can do anything-" He growled out as two arms suddenly exploded out of his back giving him four very powerful arms now.

Darvin let out a yell as a blue aura covered his body and he raised his arms up blasting the man off of him. "What are you doing!"

The villager didn't answer him as he let out another growl and charged forward as fast as he could. It slammed itself into Darvin again as it let out more growls losing more common sense with every second!

Darvin threw out a punch throwing what was now most certainly a monster back. He grabbed his pickaxe and ran forward slamming it straight into the things head. The axe stabbed into the top of its skull, and Darvin gritted his teeth as he pulled back ripping the top of the things head of, and spraying orange liquid everywhere!

He made sure to keep his mouth shut, as he didn't want to know what would happen if any of that stuff managed to get into his system.

The body of what was once the villager fell forward hitting the ground, as Darvin fell back staring with shocked eyes. "What! What did I do!"

'You defended yourself...' A calm and dangerous voice said as the aura around him flickered red slightly.

Darvin shook his head as he stood up and turned around. "No! Not even close. I just killed him!" He sighed out as he shook his head. "Oh, Light... What am I gonna tell the others?"

'The truth. His body did change after all... It won't be hard to prove that he turned into a monster!'

"But they'll blame me for getting him into this situation!"

'Just alter the story a bit... You wanted to head back but he insisted on going further into the cave... They'll believe you... After all, you're the son of the Farther...'

Darvin let out a heavy sigh. "You're right. I need to lie to save myself. I'll-" He turned around but stopped suddenly. He looked down at the ground as his breathing became hitched. The body was no longer there.

'Oh, fu-'

Darvin felt himself get tackled to the ground from up above him as he was slammed into the stone floor hard enough to crack the ground! He let out a scream of pain as something grabbed his head and slammed it straight into the floor!

The blue aura around Darvin grew brighter as he turned his body around seeing the creature was now on top of him, as it punched him with its four arms. Its head had completely healed, and it seemed to smirk as its mouth opened and it bit straight into his shoulder causing the man to scream out in utter pain!

Darvin let out a whail of pain as he swung his pickaxe up again, and towards the monsters head. However, in a flash, it blocked the straight with its hand. The axe broke through the hand though coming out the back of the creature's hand, but was unable to move any further...

However, the creature stopped as it blinked slightly. Then slowly it turned to look at its hand. Darvin did the same seeing the axe was stabbed straight through the crystal that was on the hand of the creature. The monster looked at it for a moment... Then it exploded!

Orange liquid went everywhere as its entire body just popped!

Darvin stood there utterly drenched in the stuff as he stood slacked jawed. "What the actual fuck!"