The Team

Age 1989

"You're pretty strong..."

James let out a heavy breath as he looked up at the man who had spoken to him. James was badly bruised and bloodied and currently was face down in the dirt. Despite that fact though, he still managed to look up towards the person who beat him.

"It would be a waste for you to stay here... Even more of a waste for you to die. You might have that cocky problome but your power is the real deal man."

"What?" James asked slowly as he let out a pained cough. "You're a weird guy... First, you defeat me, then you announce that I'm strong..." He spat out. "Not like I stood a chance though... Even if I had beat you, the guy behind you would have jumped in..."

"I suppose it is sort of strange for you, isn't it..." The man said walking forward and reviling that he was Anga. Anga bent down holding his hand out. "My name is Anga... The guy behind me is my brother Yang..." He said speaking softly.

James stared at the man's outstretched hand. "What do you want..."

"How about a name?"

James was quiet for a few moments but finally spoke. "My name is James..." He said taking the man's hand.

Anga gave a slight smirk as he helped the wounded man up. "Well, James. Tell me. How did you get so strong? And why?"

"Who the hell asks a question like that?"

"Forgive my brother," Yang commented keeping his arms crossed, and his eyes closed as he was slumped up against a wall. "He has a curious attitude that he can't suppress..."

"I'm just curious," Anga said simply.

"I got strong to get strong," Janes said pulling his hand back as he turned around. "I was tired of being weak... And besides. The world only ever bends to those with power..."

"Well, James... Do you crave power?"


"Power. Do you crave it? If I offered you a way to increase your power several times what it currently was would you take it?" Anga questioned.

"What kind of question is that... If there was a way I coupe get stronger then, of course, I'd take it, as long as there weren't any side effects of course..."

Anga smirked slightly. "Then do I have the job for you..."


"I'm building a team. We need people who think like us. We need to find something. Something powerful that can save this world! This group called the Organization told me about it. We need to find something that will let us save this cold and sick world..."

Age 1991

"James..." Anga said in shock as he watched the body of his comrade hit the floor. James let out a few gasps for air before suddenly falling limb. "Damn... Damn it..." Anga hissed out squeezing his hands shut. "To think... All I ever did was yell at you... For you to end up like this..."

Yang reaches out placing a hand on Anga's shoulder. "We don't have time to mourn him Anga. Let's honor him by avenging his death..."

"You're right..." The man said nodding his head.

"H... He's dead..." Ken said horrified as she grabbed onto Hero's arm. It was times like these that Hero was quickly reminded of the fact that Ken was a fourteen-year-old girl.

"I... I was not prepared for that..." Kitsune started looking a little green. Cloud reached over patting the boy on the shoulder.

Cloud, Hero, and Irene all seemed to be handling it pretty well but Ken and Kitsune both became an utter mess.

"It killed him so quick..." Irene muttered biting her lip. "It just punched straight through him... Then we really are useless here... Is there even a point to us being here..." She wondered.

"Enough!" Zero announced loudly as everyone, even the monster, turned to look at him. He held his blade up pointing it at the beast. "We let our guard down... We won't do that again... This time I'll personally slay it."

"Like I'm gonna let you get all the glory..." Jackson stated as he smirked. Both men stabbed their swords into the ground as a white aura exploded around them cloaking them in what looked like white flames! They both gained a massive increase in power as they got ready to slay the beast.

The monster let out a loud roar, as both men ripped their pair of swords out of the ground. In a flash, they both charged the creature.

Jackson appeared next to the monster as electricity crackled off of him. The energy surrounded his sword as he swung it at the monster. There was a loud hissing sound as the blade tore straight through the monster ripping it in half.

The creature let out a howl as its two sides fell back, but that seemed to only piss the monster off as seconds later its body sealed together, as it healed itself. "Okay that is bulls-" Jackson began only to be viciously backhanded across the cave wall.

"Prolonged Execution!" Zero yelled out as he sliced his blade down. There was a white flash as razor edges of wind seemed to slash into the monster ripping into its shoulder! The monster let out another howl as it punched up slamming its fist into Zero's gut hard enough to cause the man to almost throw up. Zero was sent flying as he crashed into the wall of the cave.

A loud whirring sound could be heard as the monster opened its jaws and began to charge up an attack!

"Twenty-Steel-Bars-Break!" Anga shouted slamming his fist straight into the monster's head, with enough force to break through twenty solid steel bars.

The punch actually spun the creature to the left as the beam fired out hitting the wall and sending out a massive wave of heat and wind that blew all of the recruits back!

The monster stopped as it let out a quiet hiss as it slowly straightened up and gave a death glare to the man.

"Uh-Oh!" Anga said slowly as the monster slammed both its hands into the side of the man's head. Anga screamed out as he fell to his knees and seconds later the leg of the monster shot out kicking the man across the cave.

"This is to much!" Kitsune yelled out as more waves of force slammed into all the kids from the battle. "I can't even keep up!" He yelled.

Seconds later, Yang suddenly appeared behind the monster as he slammed his foot down. Several rock spikes raised out of the ground stabbing into the monster. The monster reached out grabbing Yang by the face, as he ripped himself off of the spikes. The beast let out a low growl as it threw its hand to the side tossing the man away and slamming him into another wall!

"Guess I'm up," Seth said letting out a quiet sigh. He threw out several shards of glass as he threw out a blade. The blade vanished as it appeared in the mirror realm, slashing into the monster from all sides. The monster slashed its hand to the left as a wave of crackling blue light fired out destroying all the mirrors. Seconds later all the various wounds in it sealed shut healing again. "Well that didn't seem to work-" The monsters fist slammed down punching Seth's skull straight into the ground hard enough to crack the ground. If he had been a normal human he would have most certainly died...

The creature raised its foot up intending in crushing the man's skull, but before it could act though, a ball of flames slammed into the beast. The flames surround the creatures before it crashed its arms together sending the flames off of it. Then slowly it looked up towards Kitsune.

"Why did I do that? Why the hell did I do that? Why the actual hell did I think that was in any sort of way a good plan!" The Noble shouted as the monster jumped towards him.

Ken slammed her sword down onto the monster as hard as she could slamming the thing straight into the ground as hard as she possibly could...

Before the creature could stand up Hero kicked his foot out sending the monster flying back! "Okay guess we're jumping into this right now!" Hero shouted out as he raised his arms up. "Anyone else feel like we are royally screwed..."

"Less talk more planning!" Kitsune shouted out. "Cloud! Explosive mist! Irene drop a mountain on it!" Kitsune shouted.

"Same thing we did to Dawson?"


"Why not..." Cloud threw his hands out as a wave of combustible gas-fired out.

"Everybody get down!" Jackson screamed out right as Kitsune waved his hand out.

A ball of flames slammed straight into the monster as it exploded out sending a massive wave of pressure and heat out! Irene raised her hands up as she stepped forward dropping her arms down as a massive block of ice dropped onto the monster.

"For God's sake!" Anga said with wide eyes as he stared at the massive frozen, and melted crater. "I thought you said those were recruits..."

"They are..." Jackson said nodding slightly. "Really, really, really destructive recruits..." He said laughing.

"Don't get cocky..." Zero stated pulling his sword out. "Finish it off!" He announced out. He raised his sword up slashing it down and sending out a wave of slashes!

"Good point..." Jackson said nodding his head. "Dust that asshole!" He announced raising his hands up. "Arking Shot!" He bellowed out firing out several beams of electricity.

"Fox Flare!" Kitsune shouted out firing out a beam of orange light.

"Red-Flash!" Ken announced slamming her sword down as hard as she could and firing out a wave of red energy.

"I don't have a cool range attack..." Hero said slowly looking around. "Umm..." He reached out ripping a giant rock out of the ground. "Take this!" He shouted throwing the rock at the monster.

Every powerful attack, plus the rock Hero threw, all slammed into the crater where the monster was as a second shock wave was created.

"And if we really wanna make sure it's dead, we can throw that bomb thingy at it," Cloud said nodding his head.

"Nah..." Anga said shaking his head. "I used those all up... Plus we'd be caught in the blast." He said.


"More importantly is it dead?" Yang questioned nervously.

"Well, we dropped enough attacks on it to quite literally destroy an entire cave," Zero said slowly looking around the destroyed cave.

"So it's dead?"

"Oh its definitely dead-"

The monster let out a loud howl of anger as it jumped out of the crater.

"Okay, look, I'm not a professional..." Zero said slowly.

"Man this thing will just not die..." Hero whined.

The monster eyed the group up. Then it turned around and ran away going further into the cave...

"It's running away!" Irene said in shock. "Oh crap! Is it gonna escape the cave!"

"No. The exit is that way." Anga said pointing the opposite way of the creature. "The way it is going is just further into the cave. We should rest up and go after it only after we are ready..."

"I agree," Jackson said nodding. "Besides." He turned to look at Anga, Yang, and Seth. "You guys have some explaining to do."