
The Automatons To The Rescue

Age 1991

Nick gave a smirk as he unleashed his sword throwing it into the air. He slammed his hands together as a white aura appeared around him. Next, he reached out and caught his sword again as his smirk grew even larger. "Alright!" He announced. "I think our odds just increased! Kick their ass Dawson!" He screamed. "Carve our path!"

"I'll turned you all to scrap!" Dawson roared as red tentacles fired off.

A swarm of his tendrils slammed into the Automatons throwing them back as it whipped around cutting through the metal and stone like a hot knife through butter. The force of the attack sliced up sending out a wave of wind as it cut through a nearby building knocking it to the ground as it slammed into the floor.

"Watch it, Dawson!" Sif yelled out. "The city is already shaking, and on literal fire! We're trying to keep it safe!"

"Shut it!" Dawson roared more of his tendrils firing out and cutting through more of the buildings and the robots.