"Aunt Su!"
Hu Liwei's panicked and aggravated voice could be heard all throughout the house along with the hungry cries of a baby. Hu Liwei was holding Hu Lingrei in his arms trying his best to figure out why he was crying but to no avail. Aggravated he held the screaming child slightly harder which made the poor baby scream even louder.
"Young Master, don't!"
Aunt Su yelled when she came into the room. But it was too late. Hu Liwei had already made Hu Lingrei's badly bruised body become excruciatingly painful due to the pressure of his hold.
"Why is he crying! He is in pain! Aunt Su what do I do! Uncle Yu, call Mo Bingwen!"
Hu Liwei's face was pale and his voice rushed as he looked from Aunt Su to Hu Lingrei.
"Young Master put him on the bed! Yu, get Little Master's milk!"
Aunt Su quickly helped Hu Liwei put Hu Lingrei on the bed gently then ran out the door to call her husband. The Jian and Gang laid on the bed tenderly licking the baby's tears away.
"Why are you crying? What did I do wrong? Did I hurt you?"
Hu Liwei's worried and fearful voice reached the couple's ears as they walked through the door. Laying next to the child Hu Liwei was softly rubbing the inconsolable baby's tummy while whispering to him that everything was going to be alright. The couple stared with their mouths hanging open at the scene before him. Their young master's handsome face was clouded with worry as he laid beside the hurt baby, and two enormous panthers were holding the child closely while trying to console it. They had never seen their Young Master look so worried or speak so softly for anything, not even the Old Master and Madam had been able to see this side of the Young Master. Seeing the little one crying louder, Hu Liwei frantically looked at the bottle in Uncle Yu's hand.
"Why are you just standing there! Hand me the milk!"
Stumbling over his own feet, Uncle Yu finally got the milk to Hu Liwei while Aunt Su went to pick up Hu Lingrei. Bending down to pick up the baby Aunt Su hurriedly backed away when the panthers bared their teeth and growled from deep within their throats.
"Do not touch Rei unless I hand him to you. Jian and Gang will bite off your hand if you do."
Carefully picking up his baby Hu Liwei looked to Aunt Su for help as he awkwardly held him. Chuckling, Aunt Su patiently guided his arms and hands to feed Hu Lingrei. Hu Liwei gazed down at Hu Lingrei with doting eyes and a tender smile.
Watching as his son quickly drank all of his milk and fell asleep.
"I'm here! Hu Liwei, you! I had to rush over after surgery for y-"
Leaning on the doorframe Mo Bingwen's words were cut short when he saw the murderous glare Hu Liwei was giving him. Hu Lingrei stirred due to Mo Bingwen's loud entrance and the temperature in the room plummeted along with Hu Liwei's mood.
"If you wish to die then please keep talking."
Hu Liwei's eye flashed with the coldness of a thousand-year-old glacier, the smile displayed on his thin lips was filled with murderous intent and the two panthers that raised their heads to glare with killing intent, that made Mo Bingwen shrink back.
"Aunt Su, Uncle Yu you may leave. Mo Bingwen get in here quietly, and treat my son."
His cold voice made Mo Bingwen shiver as he slowly made his way out from behind the door. The couple quietly bowed to Hu Liwei, turned off the main lights, and made their way out of the room. However, turning back to the room Aunt Su couldn't help but take a picture of Hu Liwei sitting in the center of the bed feeding the tiny baby in his arms and the large two panthers on either side of him. The solitary light that shone down on the bed illuminated both people and beast but darkened everything else, which of course made for a picture more perfect than the ones shot in the studios. Aunt Su smiled and rushed off to get the photo framed and matted. On the other hand, Mo Bingwen felt a cold sweat drip down his back while wishing he was in the hospital performing a surgery rather than here in the beast's lair.
"Mother I love you! Please visit my grave!"
Mo Bingwen silently pleaded, wanting to cry but having no tears to shed.