Vol 2 Afterword

Phew, what a ride! I want to thank everyone who stuck around and read till the end of Vol 2, it's been one hell of a journey. Now I know that I said I have an announcement once we reach the end of vol 2 and it is with great regret that I must inform you all that I am taking an extended leave of absence. Why, you ask? Good question, I'm glad you asked. I have this series of books and stories all planned out and this one, TCoS, isn't book 1 of the series (chronologically speaking). That would be the life Katherine remembers before being reborn, the life that she remembers Jason from. And, since she'll be playing a slightly larger role in the first part of vol 3, I have to go back and come up with a synopsis for that previous life.

TLDR; I'll probably be posting once every 2-3 months. Probably. Hey! Don't stab me with that pitchfork, I have slightly good news! I already planned out the prologue for vol 3 so that'll be out soon! I think. Ouch, hey! Stop!