
"What is your true identity?" Ann struck him with a bizarre question.

Vincent looked at her "What's with the look? Listen, I don't know how or why did your thoughts run wild but I'm not the person you think I am" "Oh yeah! How am I suppose to believe that?" Ann is carefully reaching out to her gun inside her purse without Vincent noticing.

"I am not a stalker or some other bad guy you might be thinking right now.... anyways you should head back to your class" Vincent patted Ann's shoulder and whispered to her ear "Bringing out that gun will suspend you for a week.... It's wise if you don't do anything rash" Vincent took big strides down the hallway. Ann narrowed her eyes and stared at his back.

'I will be watching you... don't think you'll hide from me forever'

Xia looked at Ann who is constantly stirring her soup. She has been like this after Xia left her with Vincent. "Ann, a penny for your thoughts?" Xia smiled gently at Ann who gave her a confused look. "It's nothing.... About the auditions" Ann paused for a moment and looked at Xia "I understand if you don't want to enter. Also, I think that you don't have to show the world who you are, let them notice you instead" Ann said with cheer in her voice trying hard to hide the anxiety she got from her suspicions on Vincent from earlier.

"Actually, I–" "Don't!!" Ann interrupted, Xia was shocked from Ann that she was rendered speechless. "Like, I said before. I am not forcing you to enter the play. You don't have to go just because of me." Ann clarified to Xia. She remained silent from Ann's sudden protest.

(cough-cough) "What I want to say is; I am going overseas with my brother for business stuff" Xia cleared up her misunderstanding allowing Ann to calm herself down. *That was close, I thought Xia is finally going to enter. I must protect her from that guy* Ann smiled wide from ear to ear. "It's fine. I can manage on my own" Xia placed her hand on top of Ann's.

"Ann if you are keeping something from me I encourage you to tell me but I will not force you. If you don't want to talk about it then let it be" Ann knew from her tone that her friend is suspicious at her.

The rest of the day came by. Ann is relieved that Vincent didn't bother them. (yawns) "Finally, the day is done" Ann stretched her arms while walking to the gate with Xia. Xander could be seen leaning against the car while looking somewhere else. His good physique and handsome face shows off his alluring aura that surrounds him. He attracted a lot of attention from girls in the campus, some had already fallen heads-over-heels for him.

Xia rolled her eyes and walked towards him. Seeing Xia, Xander opened the car door for her. "Well, this is goodbye Ann. I'll see you tomorrow" Xia waved and hopped in the car. Xander waved to Ann and went to the driver's seat and started the car.

Seeing that the siblings are gone, Ann turned and started to walk home. A hand halted her steps then breathing is felt near her ear. Ann felt a chill on her spine, trouble is near. "What did Xia told you at lunch?" A deep voice whispered at Ann's ear. "Not much, she said that she still don't want to enter the play and that's FINAL!" Ann struggled against her fear and escaped from the guy.

She ran as fast as she could and turned to hide in an alley. Catching her breath, she plans on how will she get home without being caught. *It's a good thing that Xia will leave the country, she's in danger in this place*.

Ann entered her room relieved, no one assaulted her again when she sneaked her way back to where she lives. Dialing a number, she called someone. Picking up the phone, Xander answered the call. "Ann, is there anything wrong?" "Take Xia away from here as possible" Ann hurriedly said. "Why? Is someone looking for her?" Xander asked, he quickly arranged a trip abroad with his sister right after he saw the script of the play.

Xander tightened his grip on the script he is holiding. *It seems like my suspicions are true* "Ann, permanently leaving the country is impossible because of the company. Will you do me a favor and watch everything closely for me? Xia will not be around for a few weeks, give me every detail of what is happening here while we are gone" "Understood" Ann hung up.

Xander looked out of the large window. At first he thought to himself that he may just be overreacting. He found the script on Xia's desk when he visited her if she was still awake. Curious of what is inside, he read the script. Xander furrowed while reading, the story is about to childhood sweethearts whom got seperated after the girl was adopted by a new family.

Xander threw the script to the ground furiously. How can someone write a script that is almost exactly like Xia's life. Preposterous! Xander grabbed his phone and called someone "Me and Xia will take over the business trip. There is no need for Mr. Green to trouble himself" looking at Xia he arranged a trip abroad "Yes sir, right away".

Xander sighed as multiple thoughts run through his head. A vague smile appeared on his face "You're giving me a lot of trouble. Aren't you?".

"Well?" A terrifying tone echoed in the room. "S-Sir, Miss Xia may be going on a business trip abroad" (Bang!!) The man hit the table with great force that some objects fell to the ground. The men in black standing in front of him shuddered in fear. Lowering their heads, they remained silent. Their master is so pissed off from the news. "Xander, you always have the upper hand. Don't worry, I still have more plans coming up" The man smiled sinisterly.

Xia is currently reading a book peacefully. Her phone rang, Vincent's number is displayed on the screen. Picking up the phone Xia continued reading "Why are you calling so late!" "Oh... Are you alseep?" Vincent asked on the other end. "Not yet... Why are you calling anyway?" Xia is already sitting on her bed, tugging her quilt she lay down sideways.

"I heard from Ann that you're leaving the country... Anything urgent?" Xia kept her book in the drawer and sighed "Ann must've said a lot huh?" "No, just that detail... nothing else" Xia chuckled from his answer "Yes, it's a business trip abroad. I have to go personally since I am a shareholder now" Vincent smile grimaced after hearing her answer. *Xander, you played well* "Oh that's a shame.... So, you also can't join the play." Xia smiled "Well, it doesn't matter. After all, I really don't want to join. Ann just kept on pestering me."

Xia yawned "I'll hung up now" "goodnight, sleep well" Vincent wished Xia goodnight and hung up the call. He picked up the wine glass near him and took a sip. *Alexander Evans Vanderwood, I let you win last time but not this time. I will take back what you stole from me years ago*.

The flight will only take 5 hours, Xia and Xander are already at the airport waiting for their flight. Xia is focused on her phone while Xander is talking to someone on his phone at the side. The doors opened and Ann walked in. She gave Xia a warm hug, "I'll miss you!" Ann squeezed Xia tightly "Okay, let go of me otherwise you'll choke me to death" Ann let her go and pouted. "You're leaving and you didn't even bother giving a farewell hug" Ann stomped her feet like a little girl.

Xia rolled her eyes and smiled, Ann always act silly just to get her attention. "Fine, just this once" Ann saw Xia spread her arms, she got excited and pounced on Xia.

Xia chuckled, "Ann you're so adorable" "Then do you want me to be lika this all the time" Ann looked at Xia with her puppy eyes. "No, that will be too much" Xia patted Ann's head and walked towards Xander.

Ann followed behind Xia with her head down. "I'm going to the restroom. Ann, I'll leave you here with my brother" "It's no big deal" Ann smiled, Xia nodded her head and left. "Ann, did you tell any of this to Vincent?" "No, I just told him that Xia can't join his play" Ann shuddered, after what happened, she couldn't sleep all night thinking how stupid she is. She let that man enter Xia's house and even invited him to hang out with them. Shaking her head, Ann rubs away her negative thoughts.

Xander sighed "then how did he know about us leaving the country?" Ann paused for a moment, *How? How did he know? I didn't say and thing* Ann fell down on her knees. Xander saw Ann's reaction, closing his eyes he said "Xia told me that Xander called her the night you called me. She said that Vincent knew about this" Ann is still lost in thought when Xia came rushing to them. "Ann are you okay? What happened?" Ann came back to her senses and looked at Xia who is worried about her. "Yeah I'm fine, just shocked about how long we aren't going to see each other" Ann tried to cover the truth by acting silly, sadly Xia didn't buy it. Xia sighed, she stood up and reach out her hand for Ann to grab on. Ann stood up and cleaned herself up.

"Xia, we need to leave" Xander quickly pulled Xia to boarding platform. Xia waved goodbye to Ann and followed Xander. Ann waved back and quickly left the airport, the news still left a shock at her. Ann went back to her apartment and sat down to a couch. Minutes later, knocking sounded at her door.

Ann wondered who would give her a surprise visit. Her thoughts went wild, what if it's Vincent? I am so dead if he is the one on the other side of the door. *NOnono! Ann be brave, there are a lot of people on earth anyone could be behind the door* Ann grabbed the door knob with her hands shaking in fear. Taking a few deep breaths, she slowly opened the door. The door creaked as it slowly revealed the mysterious person.

Ann widened her eyes in shock