11 Difficult

Running away from the 'kid', I headed outside to clear my airway. It took a while to recover, sneezing everything out.

I knew I said that I could eat anything and everything, but pepper was the only thing I couldn't stand. I didn't know why. It's just my bloody damn body.

It's like asking why I'm a girl instead of a boy. If I had my way, I rather be a boy. You get underestimated by being a girl, thinking they're all weak and helpless.

Well, not me. No.

And if I ever meet one that did, I'll make sure they ever regret meeting me.

With my body relaxing, I sat down thinking about my next move.

I lost the edge of an impromptu interrogation so I couldn't ask what I wanted.

But there was another way I didn't try before.

"Ryder? Are you there?"

No one answered. He was after all acting his part as the invisible guard. I got to admit it but Ryder was far capable than the standard guards in the compound.

I acknowledged him because through my days of boredom, I would randomly throw things towards his direction, like a spoon, a fork or a butter knife. I wanted to see his reaction and so far, there wasn't any.

Instead what I found out as payback, was that all my silverware were replaced with plastic utensils for awhile. I got pissed off with the pathetic material, breaking every few minutes while I was eating so I retaliated by recycling the broken plastic and sharpening the tips.

Let just say I won that battle. 😎

"I got a butter knife with me. Unless you want a repeat of our previous battle, I suggest you better answer."


Not answering huh?

I took out the butter knife I had with me and waved it in the air to show him this was no empty threat. I mean business.

"5, 4, 3,"

"Fine, you win. What do you want?"

Ryder stepped out from behind a tree.

"Ha! That wasn't that difficult, right?"