19 Melody

Blooming beautifully in the summer, the Rose Sanctuary as the name implied, had a variety of roses, coming in all shapes and sizes.

The garden literally had every colour of the rainbow, integrally planted to complement each other.

While I was not aware of every species that was growing here, I knew that it must had taken a lot of effort to cultivate such a magnificent landscape.

Which was highly odd, now that I took noticed of it again.

Because out of the many places in the garden, only this bed of roses were left untouched, other than the occasional pruning and watering.

If I recalled correctly, I hardly saw anyone passed through here which was such a pity because the roses were breathtaking.

While it was accessible to anyone, the whole area was clearly avoided as if it was some sort of prohibited enclosure.

Even Mr Garrison, the Head Gardener avoided this area like the plague and even if he did go which was very rare, he waited until the family was out of the residence before he even took a step inside.

I wanted to ask the reason why but I respected his privacy so did he with mine thus I kept quiet.

And even if I did open my mouth, he won't say a word about it unless he had permission to do so.

Despite his many years working here, Mr Garrison took his job seriously, no matter how menial the task was at hand. That was one of the many reasons why the family appreciated him. Not only for his loyalty but that Mr Garrison never took liberty of the trust given to him by the family.

After all, his employer was a big shot or so I heard. I mean if the Head of the Family was able to keep his end of the bargain, I'm guessing he must have some level of influence.

If not, how else could the deal be made?

Finding a spot along the roses, I picked up the tools and slowly prune the roses while carefully avoiding the thorns.

Although I had never prune roses before, I had experience in pruning other plants as taught by Mr Garrison so I got the gist of it.

It took awhile to get the rhythm down but before long, I was sniping away like a pro.

While I was engrossed with the job at hand, I didn't know what overcame me but, I heard a melody playing in my head.

I wasn't about to break into song. Hell, no. Besides, all I knew was the melody. There weren't any lyrics of any kind, just the sweet melody which kept replaying in my thoughts.

The more I hummed it, the more soothing it felt to me. Despite being under the hot sun, it was more cooling than ever as the gentle breeze swept through me.

It was from this calm wind, that the violent storm approached me.

"What are you doing here?"