Chapter 6.2 - Lurk join the raid

Ando is looking for the inn to rest until the order from the merchant guild is finished.

Meanwhile, Lurk stood in the crowd while watching the two people who seemed to be the committee of this Lizard King raid.

Of the two people were someone who looked and dressed like a knight with a red colored shining armour and the other dressed in a formal suit, it looked like he was the mayor or his messenger.

"Come, we're recruiting peoples for Lizard King's raid. Those who can kill the Lizard King will got a main prize, 500 golds and can keep the Lizard King's core!"

The man in formal black suit is shouting to the crowd, he's asking for peoples here to join the raid.

"Don't worry for those who didn't kill the Lizard King. We will also give 20 golds to the participant that's survived in the raid"

Everyone in the crowd surprised after heard that. 20 golds even though they didn't kill the Lizard King, they just need to participate in the raid and survived until someone killed the Lizard King, then they will still got 20 golds by doing nothing.

Many of them thought that, but some people know if there's no one that can survived by doing nothing in the dungeon. If most, think they can got 20 golds by doing nothing, then—

'—Just ignore them, let them die in the dungeon. Only strong people can win this game'

After a few talking from the man in black suit, peoples began to signing up for the raid. They all have cunning faces when they're register to the receptionist table there.

Lurk lined up in a long line, behind him is the man full of scars from before. They're talking about the raid while waiting for their turn to register.

"Peoples think they can survived in the dungeon and got the 20 golds for theirself. Aren't they too selfish?"

The man full of scars was whispered to Lurk.

Lurk nodded.

"Yeah, they even didn't know how dangerous is the dungeon"

"Right? But, why does the mayor still allowed them to join? i'm sure he's know how dangerous is the dungeon, and especially this is a Lizard King dungeon ...."

"He's have his own reason ... By the way, what's your name? since we will worked together in the raid, we must know each other name right? Mine is Lurk"

"Ah ha ha! So, you want to cooperated with me? that's so bold of you, but okay no problem, i see that your power is at the same level as me or maybe higher, so why not? My name is Jagar! Remember it well, Lurk!"

Lurk let out a small laugh.

"Ha ha, of course, Jagar!"

After a few minutes, finally it's their turn to register. Lurk stood in front of the receptionist guy waiting for him to finish his writing something in the blank paper.

Then, the receptionist guy finished his writing and looking to Lurk.

He put on a smile on his face.

"Hello, are you here to join our raid?"

Lurk nodded.

'Of course he is, why should i always said that to every people whose join the raid? they will die there ... Especially this guy in front of me, just look at his shabby clothes, is he a beggar? A beggar want to join the raid? whatever, he will die there too ....', thought the receptionist guy.

"So, how do i can join the raid?"

Still with the fake smile, the receptionist said, "Just write your name, job, and level here ...."

The receptionist guy pointed to the paper on the table.

Lurk write out his name and his job on the paper as the receptionist said.

He written it like this,

Name: Lurk

Job: Adventurer

Level: 48

After he is done, the receptionist looked at the paper.

'An adventurer level 48?!'

The receptionist is surprised, but he hold his surprised emotion. Then, he surprised again after he looked at the name.

'Lu-lurk?!! Don't tell me ... it's that Lurk, who is partnered with the fire magician, Nana?! Whose been a hot topics amongs the adventurers?!', thought he.

He gulped. And his tone of voice changed as he talked to Lurk after he know the truth.

"A-ah ... Mr. Lurk, i'm glad you're joining our raid. If you're with us, i'm sure this raid will be successful and also i'm sure you can kill the Lizard King and bring the prize home"

He was indeed a sycophant, he rubbed his hands together while talking, and his sudden change of behavior made Lurk disgusted.

Then, Jagar who heard the receptionist say that, suddenly interrupted the chat while slapping Lurk's back.

"What are you saying? i'm the one who will kill the Lizard King, not him, hahaha"

"Heh, like you can do it"

Lurk smirked.

"Of course, i can, hahaha!"

Jagar pushed Lurk aside.

"Now now, it's my turn to register, gimme the form"


Lurk sighed while scrathing his head.

Jagar and Lurk already registered for the raid, and after the register session, they immediately went to near the Lizard King dungeon. They set a camp outside the dungeon.

There's about 115 participants joining the raid, their average level is 30. Sixty participants is below level 30, there are forty participants in the level 40 - 45, ten participants with level above 45 below 49. And the rest, five participants is level 50.