Got a House

Next time I knew, I woke up in… my own house, I suppose. It was nice, much more nice than my own flat from my previous life, I tell you.

That doesn't mean I didn't have any illusions - I am lazy to do chores weekly, so it won't look as good… pretty soon. Heh.

Getting up from the couch, I noticed I… know things.

Where the various places in the city are, what is my bank account and so on.

And tomorrow… starts the highschool this year. Yay.

And that's when it got to me.

This… this… is like someone enacting vengeance upon me.

This is the city where you can't go with trash can after sunset because something wild and unexpected may bite you. And it's not the cat in the neighborhood.

This is the place where people may catch a demonic possession instead of a flu. Daily.

The place with a sewer system so monstrously complex and big that a vampire just may come from your kitchen sink, if he managed to be small enough.

But the worse is me. I am not like your Korean MC. I despair and feel down whenever I meet with a new obstacle I don't know how to resolve yet.

So it took me around one hour just laying down until I finally said it.


And a blank game interface came up. It had one small button called "guide", though.

The end.

Like… I was not expecting a customer support, but maybe something more…?

Then I did the only thing I could.

Going into meditating position, crossing my legs, I tried to focus on "training"... um, like some righteous energy… for one hour… two hours, and nothing came up.

Giving up, I fixed myself a dinner before resuming the practice.

Ding, huh.


That's my first goal, right here. Become spoiled food for vampires so they won't find me tasty.