The madness seeks in

Eventually Jack falls asleep from his excessive crying and had a dream similar to Zhuang zhou's dream to being a butterfly , he dreamt that he was in a constant state of between life and death , the butterfly is his longevity that stays and the one he desperately seeks to hide from. But as a result the chase becomes more fierce and more vibrant with bright colors such as red of crimson shades , blue of the ever stretching sky and yellow as bright as a golden field of wheat , these colorful sights fly by without a spec of acknowledgment nor worry. Once he awoke there was a glimmer of sharp heated frozen madness Springing across his lackluster eyes, a thought dashed lively across his mind making for an ever seeming symbol of destruction being lit up!

How about I do an autopsy On a fair skinned maiden? And autopsy ! what a brilliant idea! Now on that's fair skinned maiden bit , is it wrong , or should I change it into a fairly built man? Oh well, I should be seeing who the next possessed person is and work on them . He then stares at the sky and watches a really frightening sight as though it's an everyday thing. He was watching a black door in the night sky open up with grunts and creaks that sound of crushed and ground bones and once that is done there would be a crack through the doors barely wide enough to let a wisp of smoke to pass-through , but what passes those door for that small space were screams of agony and terror , while fearsome ghouls appear and disappear out of nowhere , but through that small gaping gap slides at the speed of thunder at the earth and travels at the speed of light into a mortal vessel that 'it' can enter. This is where these fiends in skin of allies come from , that nightmarish soul bounding limbo that should never be seen by mortal eyes . Jack came up with a name for them as calling them ' Spirits' is quite disrespectful to the gentler calmer and sweeter ones, he has named them as 'cacodiamonion' as it was Latin for 'evil spirits'.

The one that slipped from the limbo slipped into a young girl that reached the age maturity (16) , this female specimen was currently in a comatose state , ever so peaceful and delicate until her eyes spring wide open and a glimmer of evil awakens . At that instance Jack grabbed and gagged then dragged her into his current home , where he placed her on a table and bound her . And finally was beginning his autopsy after sending it to the limbo once more, and thus a freshly laid and bound corpse was on the table . And this body got 0.12kg lighter thus proving that the cacodiamonion was gone.

He hastily went unbound the girl and tied her to a tree upside down and slit her throat, and drained the blood before having the chance to clot. Thus the corpse hung from a tree dripping an unknown liquid and under that liquid was a bucket that carried it's murky blood .

Left out to dry , the corpse was now nice and white , no traces of blood remains in the body , thus he took the body and started the autopsy by removing the layer of skin from the muscles with delicate and smooth movements as though there was nothing unusual about his movements in the slightest and this was an everyday thing. After removing the skin he found that the muscles have yet to start 'Rigor mortis' thus not even 4 hours have passed since he slit her throat till this moment , therefore when he was cutting her muscles , nerves, arteries, veins, organs, tissues, and her joints through the synovial fluids he was met with little to no resistance and felt as if he was cutting mush and a few carrots , celery sticks, onions, and mushrooms. But he couldn't avoid the fate of being splashed with blood, as he was cutting through the corpse. The pungent stench that would stick to his hands was of iron and urea that was gut wrenchingly sick that you'd gage upon sniffing it. Finally he started his experimentation on the corpse's remains and started to think about life preserving pills that would stretch the length of a human's life span by 10 years upon consumption, and gradually other thoughts came with that !