"I know you despise Snape as much as I do. I know you'd like him brought to justice. I might be able to help you with that," Wormtail said, lowering his voice conspiratorially.
"And get him out of your way in the process?" Harry asked, finally cottoning onto Wormtail's agenda.
Wormtail shrugged. "Indeed. Snape's capture could be mutually beneficial."
"And after Voldemort's fall, the fact that you turned Snape in couldn't hurt your own sentencing. Isn't that true?" Harry asked.
"I honestly don't see that happening, Harry, but it never hurts to have all your options covered," Wormtail said.
"How very Slytherin of you," Harry said drolly.
"Some would take that as a compliment."
"So, this is why you wanted to talk to me? You've followed me all the way here from the train station for this? Hold on. Why were you at the train station, anyway? How did you know I was coming here?" Harry asked, raising his wand.
"Actually, I expected you yesterday," Wormtail squeaked, his beady eyes darting back and forth. "At the Burrow you said that you'd be here the day after the wedding. I suppose the unexpected guests delayed your arrival. My master was livid that you'd managed to get away. Snape told him exactly how the wards at the Burrow were constructed. He hadn't expected them to be able to reinforce them against the dementors."
Harry's mind reeled. Wormtail had heard him at the Burrow? How? But of course! As Scabbers, Wormtail would know all the ways in and out of the Burrow, and as a rat he could probably breech the wards, much as Sirius had done at Hogwarts in Harry's third year. Wormtail knew everything there was to know about the Burrow, right down to the gnomes in the garden.
Damn! Ginny had never been safe there, and he'd almost left her alone and undefended.
"You've been at the Burrow all this time?" Harry asked, his throat dry.
"I was assigned there. The Dark Lord knows everything and doesn't hesitate to use anything to his advantage. You'd do well to remember that, young Harry. He's aware of my connection to the Weasley family, and he knows of their importance to you," he said, a hint of pride showing on his pasty face. "Your interest in the Weasley girl has not gone unnoticed by the Dark Lord. Severus specifically mentioned how taken you are with the girl. He's right that you do wear your emotions on your sleeve."
"So, you've been spying all this time," Harry said, his voice deadened.
"You'd be surprised at the knowledge I can accumulate in my animagus form. Even those that know that I have the ability to transform forget and speak openly without realizing I am there. I know more about the Dark Lord and his plans than any of the rest of them. I know more than even he's aware I know," Wormtail said, beads of sweat glistening on his brow as he spoke.
"What do you know? I can't imagine he'd trust you with anything important," Harry said, thinking quickly. He was purposefully goading him, but he could see a resemblance to Dudley in Wormtail. Dudley had always said too much if Harry merely showed the slightest skepticism in his imagined greatness. Harry hoped the same ploy would work on Wormtail.
"I know plenty. I was there. I was the one who nursed the miserable wreck of a creature he was. It was me who helped him prepare the potion. It was me who helped him return. I was his most loyal servant," Wormtail shrieked plaintively.