Gordic's Hollow - Part 8

He hurried over to his former professor, who was crouched on the ground, cradling his hand. Harry could see a thin trail of blood running between Remus's fingers.

"Damn it, he's gone. He got me with that damn silver hand," Remus said, shaking his hand. "It's only superficial, nothing Poppy can't fix. What happened here, Harry? Are you all right?"

Harry swallowed, unable to form any words. His mouth opened and closed futilely.

I'm going to die, anyway.

Remus grasped him by the shoulders and shook him slightly. "Stay with me, Harry. Tell me what happened."

Neither can live…

Harry tried to swallow, but his throat was too dry. "How did you find me?" he asked in a raspy voice.

Remus stared at him thoughtfully for a few moments, but Harry couldn't decipher what he was thinking. Finally, he wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulder and led him over to a pile of broken stones that was big enough to rest upon. He pushed Harry down and sat beside him.

"Hermione first noticed you'd gone missing and found your note this morning. She was rather hysterical. You're going to have quite a bit of explaining to do upon your return, Harry," Remus said with a hint of amusement. "Everyone flew into panic mode trying to figure out where you could be. To his credit, Ron remained stoically silent, even under his mother's tirade."

Harry blinked. He heard Remus's words, but felt as if he was speaking about something distant and not really connected to him. He couldn't shake the fog that had enveloped his brain.

I'm going to die.

"Hermione finally caved under the onslaught from Molly. She told everyone about your plans to visit Godric's Hollow. She wanted to follow you immediately, but Ron said it was most likely something you wanted to do alone," Remus said.

Harry looked away. He knew Ron would understand, if only because of his own desire to avoid awkward displays of emotion. He found himself wishing they had come with him, if only to help him wrap his mind around this Horcrux business. Hermione would know what had to be done.

"Ginny had been quite livid with you, as well, until that point. She evidently felt you'd promised not to exclude her and then went back on it. She only softened when Ron explained your desire to see this place alone. It occurred to me that she's a remarkable blend of both your friends, your Ginny," Remus said mildly.

Harry smiled weakly. He'd never thought of it that way, but he supposed it was true. Ginny did display a lot of the qualities that attracted him to both Ron and Hermione. He shivered again. Merlin, he'd give anything to see Ginny and be away from here right now. Why was it so unseasonably cold?

He realized Remus was waiting for him to speak.

"Ron's right," he said, his throat very scratchy. "I needed to do it on my own. I'd wanted to see their graves, but I haven't found any trace of them…just this," he said, gesturing to the ruined structure.

"I see. I understand your desire to see it, Harry, but I wish you'd at least taken someone with you. It isn't something you should have done alone," Remus said quietly.

Harry shrugged. "Nothing to be done for it now."

"Would you still like to see where they're buried?" Remus asked, his voice strained. A brief flash of sorrow crossed his face as he asked the question.

Harry nodded solemnly.

Remus stood up, and Harry followed him, finding a detached amusement in the fact that Remus still went through the now non-existent door.