Albania - 3

The tent had two rooms, one a sitting area with a small kitchen, the other a bedroom equipped with two sets of bunk beds. The first night, Ron and Harry took the bottom bunks, but Hermione, who'd never cared much for heights, didn't like being on top so she switched with Harry. Ron was simply too tall to fit on the top bunk, he'd hit his head on the ceiling.

Ron and Hermione's bickering had resumed with new vigor as the days passed. Harry decided he and Ginny needed a break from them, if just for a little while. On August eleventh, Ginny's sixteenth birthday, Harry told Ron and Hermione he was taking her out on a proper date. He told them to go out and enjoy themselves, too, just go to a different restaurant. They needed to lighten the mood and this seemed the perfect opportunity.

Ginny, who'd been feeling a little homesick about being away on her birthday, was delighted. She'd squealed with delight, throwing her arms around Harry's neck when he made his announcement and kissed him repeatedly.

"Oi," Ron shouted. "I don't want to see that."

"Then don't look," Harry said, grinning and accepting more of Ginny's kisses.

Hermione smacked Ron on the arm, frowning in disapproval. "Honestly, Ron. Leave them alone; it's her birthday."

"Just be sure not to let the celebrating get out of hand," Ron said darkly.

"Yes, Mum," Ginny replied, rolling her eyes.

Neither of them brought any clothes suitable for an evening out, so they decided to do a little Transfiguration. Harry dressed in black trousers and a white button-down shirt, while Ginny wore a sage green sundress that flared out from her waist and fluttered around her legs as she walked.

Harry decided he liked watching her walk.

"You look amazing," he said when he'd finally regained the ability to speak.

"Oh, Ginny. You do look really nice," Hermione said, quickly Transfiguring Ginny's jacket into a light shawl.

Ginny blushed; her eyes still locked on Harry's as she took the shawl. "Thanks, Hermione."

"You do look nice when you decide to dress like a girl for a change, Ginny," Ron said. "Better than what you wore to Bill's wedding."

Hermione rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Ron! Can't you even say something nice on her birthday?"

Ron blinked incredulously. "I just did. I said –"

"I know what you said. You'd do better to keep your mouth shut once in a while," Hermione said, turning her back in a huff.

Harry decided to make their escape while they could. Grabbing Ginny's hand, he pulled her away from Ron and Hermione. "We're leaving. Have a good night," he called after them.

"Don't wait up," Ginny shouted, giggling at Harry's raised eyebrows.

There was a small pub in the center of the village, the kind of pub every village seemed to have, Harry had noticed. They'd spent some time there on their first evening in town. Those kinds of places were always good for striking up a conversation with the locals and getting small details it would be otherwise hard to find.

Harry purposely didn't choose this spot for his date with Ginny. He'd noticed a small inn not too far from it, however, that had a nice restaurant and a quieter atmosphere. When they arrived, Harry was pleased with his choice. The restaurant was dimly lit with candles glowing on each table. Soft music played in the background, and a small portion of the floor space was set aside for dancing.

Harry swallowed hard when he saw the dance floor. He hadn't considered that and didn't know if Ginny liked to dance. He remembered her complaining about Neville stepping on her feet during the Yule Ball and didn't expect that he could do much better. Maybe Ginny didn't like to dance.