Order of the Phoenix meeting - 1

"I know, but Remus knew too, and he definitely seems off," Ron said. "And Dad just looks sad."

Harry shifted uneasily.

"Don't you dare start feeling guilty, Harry. We've no time for it, and there was nothing else you could have done," Ginny said firmly.

"Besides, showing up here unconscious was the best thing that could have happened. It put Mum right in the 'poor dear' mode. I think it helped all of us," Ron said, grinning.

"Great. What about Bill? You said he was upset," Harry asked.

"Yeah, he's definitely off," Ron said.

"I think that might have more to do with the fact that we were out doing something important, and he's feeling stifled. We're just coming off the full moon, you know. His wounds have never healed completely, and Gringotts won't let him come back to work until they do," Ginny said.

"What? Why not?" Harry asked indignantly.

"They're afraid," Ginny said, sighing. "Werewolf contamination and all."

"That's rubbish," Harry said.

"Tell it to the Goblins," Ron said bitterly.

"I think I will," Harry said furiously.

Hermione shifted on the bed, most likely disturbed by their loud voices.

"Madam Pomfrey was able to heal all her burns, but she wasn't able to save her hair," Ginny said quietly. "The spell that hit her was Dark Magic, and the hair cells were completely destroyed. Madam Pomfrey said it would have to grow back naturally. She's pretty upset."

"No, she's not," Ron said, his expression blank. "It's just hair; it'll grow back."

Ginny shook her head. "I know it's just hair, Ron, but trust me, it matters."

Ron shook his head. "She could have been killed, Harry. Madam Pomfrey said the effects of the curse were most likely lessened because it was split between us. I think the fact we both tried to move away helped, as well. If it's a choice between Hermione and some hair, I'll take Hermione every time."

"Of course you would. We all would, and she knows that, too. It doesn't make the idea of losing all her hair less intimidating. I think you'd be hard put to find a witch that didn't have some vanity about her hair," Ginny replied, patting Hermione's leg.

"How come she's still unconscious, and you've been up for days?" Harry asked Ron.

"She's been awake, too," Ginny said, and Harry could tell she was trying not to laugh. "She found a bunch of medical books in the library, and she's been consulting with Madam Pomfrey about all her options. I've noticed she takes a kip every time Madam Pomfrey gives her a Healing Potion. I think the Madam Pomfrey has been slipping her a Sleeping Draught."

"Wish we had some of that when she starts going off on elf rights," Ron said, whispering despite the fact Hermione was sound asleep.

Harry snickered. "Better not let her hear you say that."

"I won't," Ron said adamantly.

"I suppose we should let everyone know you're awake. They've been waiting to have a meeting," Ginny said quietly.

Harry instinctively reached out and grasped her hand. "I suppose we should get it over with then."


A full meeting of the Order of the Phoenix was held the following evening. Harry had to force himself not to fidget as he waited for the others to file into the room. Ron and Ginny, naturally, were both attending the meeting, but he noticed Mrs. Weasley giving them furtive glances every few seconds, as if she longed to boot them from the room. She'd been as pleasant as always to Harry, and very concerned over his health, but he could sense a distance, a barrier, that he'd never felt before. His chest constricted whenever he thought about it too much.