Occlumency - 3

"That's enough," Remus said, snapping. For the first time that afternoon, there was a trace of anger in his voice, but Harry was uncertain as to the cause.

"Anything else, Draco?" Narcissa asked, obviously enjoying herself immensely.

"A snogging session between Potter and the Weasley girl. I don't know where they were, but he looked as if he was enjoying himself. It was on that memory that he finally managed to push me out," Malfoy drawled.

"This isn't going to work if Potter is already worried about your finding things he doesn't want you to see, Draco. Stay away from memories about his girlfriend. I most certainly don't want you exposed to that, anyway," Narcissa said disdainfully. "Try again and stick to thoughts when you were younger – your first year at Hogwarts, perhaps when you were both there together. Is that less threatening for you, Potter?"

Harry had to grit his teeth, not wanting Malfoy near any of his memories, but refusing to show his hesitancy. He wouldn't allow Malfoy to think he was scaring him.

"Fine," he bit out, his jaw aching, it was clenched so tight.

Remus appeared hesitant, but he retook his seat and allowed them to continue.

"Once again, work on that solid strong wall, Potter. Make it stronger this time, reinforce it. Use it as your shield," Narcissa said. "Draco."

"Legilimens," Malfoy said.

He was inside Madam Malkin's trying on robes for the first time with a nervous, sickly feeling in his stomach. Malfoy was standing on the stool next to him, questioning him on Houses and Quidditch and a variety of other things that Harry knew nothing about. He had the distinct impression that he didn't like this boy very much…

They were at Hogwarts attending their first flying lesson. Malfoy had snatched Neville's Remembrall and was taunting Harry, daring him to give chase. Harry had never been on a broom before, but he wasn't about to let the blonde get away with it…

He was trapped inside his cupboard feeling bored and incredibly hungry. He couldn't remember how long he'd been there, but knew he was cramped and uncomfortable and longing to stretch his legs. If only he could find something to eat…

Dudley and his pals Piers and Malcolm were chasing him home from school. They always thought a game of Harry hunting was the best way to burn off steam. Harry had twisted his ankle jumping over a fence, and his heart was beating loudly, fearing they'd catch him. They hadn't been able to catch him once yet this month, and they'd be determined for some payback if they did…

Malfoy stumbled slightly as Harry finally pushed him from his mind. He dropped to his knees, sweating and panting and beyond humiliated that Malfoy had seen some of those memories. Merlin, I hate this. It's a stupid idea.

"Harry, are you all right?" Remus asked, alarmed as he rushed over to assist Harry to his feet.

Harry felt shaky and ill, and his scar was burning hot. He rubbed it absently while trying to control his nausea.

"What happened, Draco?" Narcissa asked, perplexed.

Malfoy shrugged, staring at Harry with an odd expression on his face. "I don't know. I only saw a bunch of childhood memories; I don't know why it affected him so badly."

"Does your head hurt, Harry?" Remus asked, glancing significantly at Harry's scar.

Harry tried to nod but it made the room spin so he stopped. "Yeah," he whispered. "First time in a long time."

"I think that's enough for today," Remus said, watching Harry closely.