The Cave - 5

He was close enough to Crabbe to hear the man's breathing. Crabbe sat on the rocks reading a tattered copy of the Daily Prophet. He really wasn't much of a guard, but it had to get boring staying here day after day.

Harry reached the cliff and began the treacherous climb downward. Although he couldn't see his friends, he could hear their breathing behind him. Ron cursed under his breath several times as the girls loosened rocks above him. Harry was below Ron, so he got hit with the additional rocks Ron was jarring loose in trying to avoid the other stones.

"Ron! Be still," Harry hissed in exasperation after a particularly sharp rock bounced off his temple.

"Oh. Sorry, Harry," Ron said, finally realizing he'd been raining debris down upon Harry's head.

Harry finally reached the slippery rocks below. The tide was low, and the smell of decaying sea life was nearly overpowering. But thanks to the lower water line, more of the jetty was exposed than on his previous visit, and the rocks were much less slippery.

Hermione spoke, causing him to startle. "Where do we go next?"

Harry removed the Disillusionment Charms and pointed toward the fissure in the rocks where he'd traveled once with Professor Dumbledore. "We have to swim over there," he said.

"Swim?" Ron asked, staring at the water reluctantly. "It'll be bloody freezing."

Hermione, who appeared just as displeased, patted his arm bracingly. "Don't worry, Ron. We'll dry ourselves off and cast warming charms straightaway."

They both stared at the water, taking deep breaths and preparing to jump. Ginny rolled her eyes and pushed them out of the way. "Oh, for heaven's sake. The sooner we do it, the sooner it will be over," she said, jumping straight into the chilly waves. Her head bobbed up quickly, and she brushed her newly, shortened hair out of her eyes.

"It's an eye opener," she said, her teeth chattering as she began a graceful crawl stroke toward the fissure.

Harry jumped in after her and heard the splashes indicating that Ron and Hermione had followed. He was grateful for the splashing of the waves against the rocks, for he was certain it would muffle any additional splashes they made from Crabbe.

Harry quickly overtook Ginny as he led them to the tunnel in the rock and felt his fingers scrape against the seaweed-covered rock. His limbs felt numb by the time he'd reached the larger cave and heaved his body out of the water. His heavy winter clothing was drenched and made moving difficult.

He helped a shivering Ginny from the water, then turned to assist Hermione, and finally Ron.

"Bloody hell," Ron said, shaking violently.

Businesslike as always, Hermione demanded that he stand still as she cast charms to dry his clothing.

The hair on the back of Harry's neck prickled in warning, and he glanced around uneasily. Still shaking from the chill, his hand shot out, grasping Hermione's wand before she could cast the drying spell on her own sodden clothes.

"Harry, what–"

"Shh," Harry said, glancing around warily. "No more magic until we're inside."

"What's the matter?" Ginny asked, rubbing her hands along her arms, trying to warm them.

"I don't know," Harry said, still looking around. "I'm worried Voldemort might have done something to warn him if magic is performed here – something like the Ministry uses. I don't think it'll work inside because there are so many spells in place already, but out here… Just hang on a few more minutes, okay?"

Hermione nodded, her eyes wide and fearful as she peered around each rock.