Ginny and Hermione were each engaged with other Death Eaters and from what Harry could see, they were doing a fair job of it. His eyes stopped moving when they locked on Snape's cold black ones.
Snape scowled as he strode into the cave, his cape billowing behind him. "Potter," he said, sneering. "I might have known it would be you. You've always tended to stick your nose where it didn't belong."
"And I might have known it'd be you that Voldemort sent to do his dirty work. How does it feel to still be the lackey, Snivellus?" Harry asked through gritted teeth.
Snape's face screwed up with hate and rage. Raising his wand, he fired several curses in rapid succession. Thanks to his quick Quidditch reflexes, Harry managed to dodge most of them, and he raised a shield in time to block the last one. Wormtail tried to move away from him during this distraction, but Harry's arm shot out and forced the cowering little man against the cave wall.
"Petrificus Totalis," Harry snarled, freezing Wormtail where he stood.
"It appears that you've yet to learn your lesson about snooping into other people's private affairs, Potter," Snape said, his eyes glittering maliciously. "You're no better than your poor excuse for a father. He never managed to learn his place, either. Of course, we all know where that left him."
Snarling, Harry allowed his hatred to build as he cast the strongest Bludgeoning Hex he could master. Snape ducked and rolled to the side, but the spell hit another Death Eater who had just entered the cave behind them. The man screamed in agony as his body was hurled through the air and plunged into the sea below.
Ignoring the interruption, Harry again tried to curse Snape. He first fired a Stunner and then a Cutting Spell as his anger grew. Snape continued to evade Harry's curses, easily anticipating Harry's every move.
"Sectumsempra," Harry bellowed, but still Snape cast his shield in time.
"You'll never be a true match for me until you learn to close off your mind, Potter. Obviously you're not disciplined enough to do this," Snape said, sneering. "Diffindo."
Harry rolled to the side. His frustration mounted as his curses continued to be deflected. He heard a yelp and turned to see Ginny casting her Bat Bogey Hex at the Death Eater who'd cornered her. In that brief moment of distraction, Snape cast a spell that left a deep gash on Harry's shoulder. It felt like an invisible whip coiling around his arm, pulling his wand hand forward.
Harry quickly grabbed his wand in his other hand and moved behind a rock, taking cover. Panting with exertion, he could hear the sound of spells being cast around him and knew the others were still on their feet.
He rounded the rock in time to see Snape attempting to move towards him.
"Relashio," he shouted, sending an array of sparks towards Snape and forcing him to retreat. Harry fired a volley of spells as he slowly began to move forward. Snape managed to deflect the curses, but he was forced to take cover himself.
In the meantime, Hermione had managed to subdue her assailant. She ran towards Harry and crouched beside him, quickly casting a Healing Charm on his shoulder.
"Hermione, take Wormtail. There's enough of an opening that you can get past if I keep Snape busy," Harry said in a hushed whisper.
"Just do it, Hermione," he snapped, determined that they were taking Wormtail with them. "Sirius is going to finally be cleared for what Wormtail did, so help me."