Ron's awake - 1

"We've been waiting for you to wake up before doing anything about finding the next Horcrux, but I can't wait any longer, mate. Too much is happening. Umbridge is trying to take control and fix everything. I'm certain you can remember how well that worked the last time," Harry said, rolling his eyes.

"Hermione is going to look through the Pensieve again. I don't know what she's hoping to find, but I suppose it gives her something to do.

"You're going to have to wake up soon, mate. If I manage to find this last Horcrux in a reasonable amount of time, I'm not waiting to confront Voldemort. He has to be stopped, Ron, and I'm the only one who can do it. Ginny and Hermione don't want to hear it, but I know you understand. I need you to keep them out of the way, so I can do what I have to do. When are you going to wake up, Ron?"

Harry's throat was sore, and he had to stop talking to ease it. He continued absently kicking at the bed, staring at Ron's pale face.

"Remus left," he said, his voice sounding strange in the stillness of the room.

He watched the steady rise and fall of Ron's chest. "He could have stayed hidden here, I suppose. He would have been trapped here like Sirius, though."

Harry blinked, staring out the window again.

"We all know how badly that turned out, and I don't think Remus wanted to be reminded of how miserable Sirius was at the end," Harry said, his breath hitching. "I didn't like it when they did it to me, so I suppose it wouldn't have been right to try it with him.

"I need for it to end differently this time, Ron," he whispered, dropping his head.

He was startled when a warm arm wrapped around his shoulders. "It will be different this time, Harry," Ginny said gently.

He looked up into her warm brown eyes and opened his arms, shifting over and allowing her to snuggle onto the chair with him. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair, feeling his heart rate slow as his breathing evened.

"How is he?" Ginny asked, nodding at Ron.

"The same," Harry replied, shrugging. "I don't know, I just felt I should keep him in the loop on stuff, you know?"

"Yeah, well, even when he's conscious, Ron's not usually aware he's in the loop, anyway," Ginny said, tucking the blanket over Ron's shoulder.

Harry felt his lips start to twitch and although he tried to suppress it, he couldn't help the chuckle in the pit of his belly that grew until he couldn't contain it. Somehow, she always made him feel better.

"I miss him," he said, his smile faltering.

"I know you do. I do, too. He's certainly taking his own sweet time about waking up, isn't he?" Ginny asked, a slight catch in her voice.

Harry pulled her closer. "Sorry," he whispered. "You came in here to make me feel better, and now I've gone and made you sad."

"Yeah. You're a bit of wet blanket," Ginny replied, nuzzling her nose into his cheek.

Harry snorted, slouching back on the chair and resting his feet on top of Ron's bed.

"Here," Ginny said, pulling a Chocolate Frog from her pocket. "I nicked this from Bill, and I think it's the last bit of chocolate in this house. Remus always says it makes you feel better."

Harry smiled, remembering how Remus would always have a supply of chocolate in his desk when he taught at Hogwarts. He took the frog from Ginny and snapped it in half.

"Share?" he asked.