In search of horcrux - 3

Still, he certainly didn't plan on doing anything with Ron in the same room, but the knowledge that the opportunity was there caused his stomach to flutter. He stole a quick glance at Ron and noticed the perplexed frown on his mate's face. Obviously, Ron's train of thought had gone down the same track as Harry's.

The girls, however, didn't appear at all concerned. Hermione continued to remove items from her rucksack, while Ginny had jumped on the bed Hermione was using and proceeded to test which pillow she liked better.

"So…you're both going to sleep there?" Ron asked, rubbing the back of his very red neck.

Hermione and Ginny looked up at him, blinking uncomprehendingly.

"Er…would you prefer this bed, Ron?" Ginny asked, her eyes suddenly sparkling. "Or would you just prefer my bed partner?"

"What? Of course not! Er…I mean…Hermione," Ron whined, staring at Hermione. "You know what I meant."

Her back ramrod straight, Hermione said, sniffing, "No, Ron, I don't know what you mean. Perhaps you should explain yourself."

Harry struggled not to laugh as he sat down on the other bed and looked at Ron with the most innocent expression he could muster.

"Shut it, Harry," Ron said, glaring.

"I didn't say anything," Harry yelped. Obviously his expression wasn't innocent enough.

"Since you've apparently got issues with me," Hermione said waspishly. "You and Harry can share that bed, while Ginny and I take this one."

"I'm not sleeping with Harry," Ron said, spluttering. If possible, his ears had grown redder.

"Would you prefer I sleep with Harry then?" Hermione asked, her eyes narrowing.

Harry could barely control his grin. He bit the inside of his cheeks to keep a straight face.

"I'm used to sleeping in cramped quarters, so I don't mind. Why don't both Ginny and Hermione share with me, and Ron can have the other bed all to himself," he said, barely containing his glee over the expression on Ron's face.

"Okay," Ginny said happily, leaping from her bed to Harry's and snuggling down next to him. She twisted her new necklace in her fingers as she continued to wind up her brother. "Ron always did have problems sharing."

"I don't have problems sharing," Ron said indignantly. "And you're not sleeping with Harry…and neither is Hermione."

"There are two beds, and four of us, Ron. You make the choice. You have to sleep with one of us, who's it going to be?" Hermione asked, her hands on her hips. Harry could hear the challenge in her voice and was very glad he wasn't in his friend's shoes at the moment. Of course, to Harry the answer seemed painfully obvious.

Apparently, Ron felt the same way. He looked between Hermione's cross face and Harry and Ginny sitting on the bed together, failing miserably at hiding their grins.

"Fine," Ron said, throwing his hands in the air and glaring at Harry and Ginny. "You two had better behave yourselves. I'm sleeping on this side of the bed to keep my eye on you. Believe me, Harry, if you try anything with my baby sister, I'll chuck you out the window."

"What I choose to do or not to do is no one's business but mine and Harry's, Ron Weasley," Ginny said, rising to her knees on the bed and glaring daggers at her brother. She reminded Harry of an angry sprite – beautiful and fiery, but dangerous to the touch.

"Not with me sleeping next to you, it isn't," Ron said, furiously.

"So you're sharing with me, then?" Hermione asked, her arms still folded across her chest.