In search of horcrux - 9

"Harry!" she squealed, trying to squirm away. "Stop! I mean it, stop!"

"Not until you admit I won this round," Harry said, laughing at her protests.

"Stop it," Ginny shrieked. "Harry, get off me."

Harry was about to release her when felt himself being bodily flung through the air, his arms flailing. He landed on the floor in a heap and before he could even get his bearings, he was lifted up and pinned against the wall with an arm digging into his throat.

"What the bloody hell did you think you were doing?" Ron's livid face loomed above his.

Dazed, Harry struggled to remove Ron's arm, finding it impossible to catch his breath.

"Ron!" Ginny shouted. "Let him go right now."

"Ron, he can't breathe," Hermione said, hastily adjusting the red wig on top of her head.

"Ron," Ginny said, reaching up to pinch Ron's ear between her fingers and twisting it with a wrench.

"Ow!" Ron yelped, releasing Harry so suddenly he again fell to the floor.

Rubbing his neck, Harry struggled to regain his breath as he scowled at Ron.

"What are you doing?" Ginny asked, finally releasing Ron's very red ear.

"Ginny, that hurt," Ron whinged, rubbing it.

"What are you on about?" Harry demanded, finally finding his voice. He pulled himself to his feet, clenching his fists.

"What were you doing to my sister?" Ron asked, as if suddenly remembering why he'd been angry.

"It's called tickling, Ron, and most people don't get flung across the room for it," Harry said, snapping. He'd had enough of Ron's over-protectiveness, and quite frankly, was rather hurt. Certainly, by now, he'd proved his intentions towards Ginny were honorable.

"Tickling?" Ron said, dumbfounded. "I heard her shouting at you to stop."

"Of course I was shouting," Ginny said, exasperated. "He was winning."

"Oh," Ron said, deflating a bit as he glanced warily at Harry.

Harry grabbed his jeans and a t-shirt and stalked towards the door. "I'm going to have a shower. I'll try not to accost anyone on my way," he said irritably.

"Harry," Hermione called, but he ignored her, slamming the door shut on his way out. He knew he was the one being irrational now, but he was on edge, and Ron's assumption bothered him. The other Weasley brothers he could understand, but Ron should know him better than that.


They arrived in Diagon Alley later that afternoon. Their interaction had been stiff and uncomfortable all morning with each boy stubbornly nursing his own pride. Ginny and Ron also weren't speaking, leaving Hermione acting as a go-between among all of them. Harry was just as happy to leave the inn; he was tired of feeling confined.

Diagon Alley was quieter than Harry remembered. Several more of the shops had been closed and boards covered more windows since the last time he'd been here. Fewer people were on the street, and those who had ventured out appeared wary and skittish, hurrying along with their errands without making eye contact.

Harry hadn't given Mr. Weasley a specific location where he'd appear, and they'd decided to use this rare freedom to do some window-shopping. It was bitterly cold, however, causing Harry to wish he'd made a more specific plan. Pulling his cloak tightly around his body, he turned his back towards the wind.

"Let's head towards Fred and George's shop," Ginny said, raising her voice above the frigid blast of wind that suddenly gusted. "There's usually a crowd there and you'll probably be spotted fairly quickly."

"Brush your hair off your forehead," Ron said crossly, tugging Hermione's arm as he began walking. "Your scar is barely visible. Don't hide it if you want to be seen."