Harry's Grief - 6

"Good afternoon," Moody said, sinking into the seat across from Harry. "What can I do for you?"

"I want to know all the curses that can kill," Harry said bluntly.

"You know the main one," Moody replied without batting an eye. "The Killing Curse is your best bet against the Dark Lord, and I think you have the power to use it."

Harry shuddered. That curse had taken so much from him already. He really didn't think he had it in him to use it. "What if I can't use thatcurse? I don't even know how to do it. Isn't there anything else?"

Moody shrugged, his eyes grave. "Other curses can kill. Diffindo can slice open an artery, Inflammare can burn someone alive. There are more chances of survival with those curses, however. Avada Kedavra is used when the sole purpose is to kill. Completely."

"I can't do the Cruciatus," Harry said warily, licking his lips. He eyed the old Auror carefully, uncertain how he'd take this. "I've tried – it's never worked."

Again, Moody didn't flinch. "While the Killing Curse is similar, it's not exact. With the Cruciatus, you have to enjoy causing pain. You have to want to cause suffering. When using the Killing Curse, you simply have to want to kill, for whatever reason. The reason it's an Unforgivable is that it can't be undone, or blocked, and there isn't a shield that can withstand it. It's your best hope," Moody said quietly.

Harry leaned back, feeling sick. He'd suspected it already, but hearing the words was difficult. He'd have to use the same curse that took his parents – took Dumbledore – took Remus – from him. If it was an Unforgivable, how would he ever be forgiven?

Not that it mattered, anyway. There was no way for him to survive the end. He'd resigned himself to it. He'd somehow have to go to the Department of Mysteries, and draw Voldemort's attention to the fact he was there. Perhaps he could send images of that bloody locked door back through their connection the other way. That would be poetic justice.

At first, Harry had been stuck on the idea that he'd have to destroy the Horcrux inside himself at Godric's Hollow since that was where it had been created. He didn't really want to return there, and certainly not to kill. He didn't think he'd be able to concentrate. It was something Hermione had said that changed his mind. He was different from the other Horcruxes because he was a living thing. A living thing with a mind of his own and free will to move about. The Horcrux couldn't have remained stationary, and besides, Voldemort had never had the time to create any kind of enchantments to guard the Horcrux within Harry. Voldemort hadn't even known it was there.

After Harry got him to the Department of Mysteries, he'd try to drag him through the Veil. It might be easier to go through if he had to concentrate on getting a struggling Voldemort through with him. If not, he'd try the Killing Curse, and simply jump through himself immediately afterward. Either way, it should solve everyone's problems.

But he'd have to find that last Horcrux, first.

That meant having a talk with his former headmaster.

Nodding to Moody, Harry sighed, pushed away from the table and slowly climbed the stairs back to Gryffindor tower. Stepping through the portrait hole, he found most of the inhabitants involved in a heated discussion.

"What's happened?" he asked, his heart rate quickening.

He could see Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon sitting in a corner, their eyes wide. It was rare to find them out of their rooms, never mind with the company of anyone magical.