The Graveyard - 10

"Hermione!" Ron said, reaching for Hermione's wounded arm.

"It's all right," she said, wincing. "Let's get out of here."

"How did they follow us?" Ginny asked, tugging at her necklace. "There isn't a way to instantly trace Apparation coordinates like that."

"Unless they knew where we were going," Ron said grimly.

Harry's eyes met Ron's serious blue ones, a silent communication passing between the two.

"Watch it," he said, pulling the others deeper into the shadow of the store's entrance as two wizards ran past them on the street.

"I got word that they were just seen at the gates, but they Disapparated. They have to be around here somewhere if they want to get back inside the school. Martin is guarding the gate. We need to start searching the shops," one said to the other.

"That'll take forever," the other complained. "What are you doing here anyway, Busby?"

"I've been assigned here by the Dark Lord himself," the other said, straightening importantly. "Now, go. You, take that side of the street; I'll start on this one."

Once they were out of sight, Ginny grasped Harry's hand and tugged him into the sweet shop. "We'd better hurry. It won't take them long until they search Honeydukes," she said.

"Harry, that was Busby Goyle," Hermione said, her eyes shining brightly.

"I know," he replied, trying to tamp down on his excitement.

"We'll work out what that means later. For now, let's just get back inside Hogwarts," Ron said, still trying to stop the bleeding on Hermione's arm.

Despite his throbbing head, Harry could see pain reflected in Hermione's eyes. Ron was right. Getting everyone safely back inside the protection of Hogwarts had to take first priority.

"Episky," he said, pointing his wand at Hermione's arm. "My healing spells aren't very good, but it should hold for a little while."

"You need to slow down and calm your own heart rate before using the Spell," Hermione said. "I read it in one of those medical journals after I lost my hair."

Harry smirked. "I don't think I have the temperament to be a Healer," he said wryly.

He led the way into Honeydukes, glancing warily around the interior before allowing Ron and Hermione to shut the door behind them. The store had always been crowded during Harry's previous visits. The lack of customers made it impossible for the four to sneak into the storeroom unnoticed.

"Children! Blimey, Hal. There are children in the store," an elderly woman cried, hurrying towards them. "Oh, it's been a right shame since the school didn't open this year. Parents in town won't let their little ones outside, and even the mail order business has been right slow. What can I get you? We got a whole new shipment of Sugar Quills just yesterday."

"That's exactly what we were hoping to find," Ginny said, smiling brightly. "We'll take a box."

Harry just stared at her, dumbfounded. She elbowed him in the belly.

"We can't just trick her without buying something," she hissed under her breath.

Harry would never understand her logic, but he paid for the Sugar Quills as Ginny rolled one of Fred and George's Whiz Bangs behind the counter. It exploded with a burst of thick smoke, knocking several items off the shelves.

"What in the blazes? Hal!" the woman shouted, already picking up jars of sweets and returning them to their proper place.

Harry grabbed Ginny's hand and led the others into the back storeroom, quickly moving toward a barrel on the floor. Ron helped him push it aside, revealing the hidden trap door.