Snake & Spider - 4

Ron stared back and forth between the two, breathing heavily. The dark freckles on his face stood out so starkly against his pale skin it looked as if someone had smudged them there with a quill.

Speak to the snake? Parseltongue!

Harry could have slapped his head for his own stupidity. How could he not have thought of it sooner? He had to get control of himself. Ginny couldn't afford for him to come undone now. He could do this; she needed him.

Violently shaking himself out of his stupor, he turned and stared at the snake's overly-large head, narrowing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Release her," he demanded.

The snake's head jerked up, swaying to and fro as it stared at him.

He wondered if the snake could detect the pleading quality in his voice. He knew some animals could detect uncertainty in a human, but didn't know if that was the case with snakes. He wasn't about to take the chance.

"Release her. She's not a threat to you," he said, stronger this time and without blinking.

The snake's tongue tested the air before it hissed and slowly unwrapped itself from Ginny's head. It slithered away, coiling under a table and still hissing uncertainly. It appeared to be rethinking its decision and drew back, ready to strike.

Ron shifted into position to shield Ginny's prone form from the hissing serpent, while Hermione immediately began trying to rouse her. That left the snake for Harry. A movement on the other side of the room caught his eye, and he noticed the invisible spider once again struggling inside its bonds.

His mind raced, remembering how spiders and the Basilisk that had once lived inside the castle were natural enemies. Perhaps snakes and spiders in general could be turned against one another.

Barely aware of what he was doing, Harry quickly raised a shield around his friends. In a flash, he Banished the draperies binding the spider and then cast a Blasting Hex at the snake, flinging it forcefully through the air. It collided with the invisible spider, causing the spider to emit a high-pitched squeal of rage.

The snake twisted and struck, its mouth opening massively wide, and its sharp fangs sinking into some unseen part of the spider. The room flickered again, and suddenly the spider became visible. It was furry and brown and not quite as large as Aragog – but big enough to draw a horrified gasp from Ron.

The snake hit the floor with a thud before slithering away, leaving a bleeding and furious spider staring directly at Harry. He clutched his wand tightly in his sweaty palm.

"Inversum," he shouted.

A golden mist appeared in front of the spider, hovering in mid-air. The spider ignored it, taking a step forward into the mist before stopping, bellowing its rage and confusion. The Anti-gravity Spell had disoriented the spider, but Harry didn't know how long it would last or when the spider would realize it only had to take a step to regain its equilibrium.

"Accio snake," Harry said, finding it difficult to take a deep breath.

The snake was yet again hurtled through the air, twisting and hissing. Harry's hand darted out, snatching the creature around its large head. It writhed uncontrollably, trying to break free from Harry's grasp.

With another whine of rage, the spider broke free of the mist and barreled toward Harry. Forcing himself to remain calm, he ignored Ron's frantic shouting and let the spider get closer before tossing the snake in the air. Casting a Levitation Spell, he dangled the snake directly in front of the spider's eyes, distracting it. He then carefully led it away from where he stood, using his body to shield the others.