Snake & Spider - 7

"I'm fine. Ginny needs help," he gasped.

When Madam Pomfrey bristled and continued attempting to lead him away, Harry refused to budge. He dug his feet firmly into the floor.

"Please!" he cried desperately.

Something in the tone of his voice gave her pause. Her stern expression softened so briefly that Harry wasn't even certain he saw it. Leaving him alone, she turned and began running her wand over the streaks on Ginny's face.

"She's been poisoned by a snake," he said, wrapping his arm around his aching ribs.

"A snake?" Madam Pomfrey asked, turning around quickly.

"Yes. Do you have a Bezoar?" he asked.

"A Bezoar won't work on a snake bite, Harry," Hermione said, leading Ron to a chair by Ginny's bed. "The poison hasn't been ingested."

Madam Pomfrey raised her chin, studying Hermione intently. Finally she nodded and began directing questions to her instead. "What kind of snake was it?"

"I don't know," Hermione replied. "It wasn't a natural snake; it had been Transfigured. After it was killed, the enchantment ended."

"I see," Madam Pomfrey said, pursing her lips and returning her attention to Ginny.

"I have a Pensieve," Harry said, his eyes darting between Madam Pomfrey and Hermione. "Would it help if I showed you a memory of what the snake looked like?" he asked.

"If it comes to it," Madam Pomfrey replied, waving her wand above Ginny and muttering to herself.

Harry's knuckles turned white as he tightly gripped the rail of Ginny's bed. He was startled when Moody grasped his elbow and pulled him toward a chair.

"Why don't you sit down, Potter? You look dead on your feet," he said gruffly.

"I'm fine," Harry lied, sinking into the chair anyway.

"He needs to be checked over," Hermione said. "Both his leg and his shoulder are bothering him, and I think his ribs are broken. Ron, too, took a nasty blow to the head, but I used a Healing Spell on him."

"The Spell on his head is good," Madam Pomfrey said, bustling around the room and pulling various phials and instruments from her cabinets. "You controlled your breathing while casting it. It's nice work. You'd make a fine Healer one day."

Hermione's cheek pinkened and a small smile tugged at her lips before it dropped completely, her eyes filling. "I didn't know what to do for Ginny."

Madam Pomfrey huffed. "Well, if it's any consolation, I don't know quite what to do for her yet, either. I want you all out of my way while I determine the best course of treatment," she said, ushering them all toward the door. "Go on, out in the corridor with the lot of you. Mr. Potter, if you try to escape before I have a good look at you, I'll follow you into Gryffindor tower and conduct my exam in the common room for all to see."

Harry couldn't even manage a blush. "I want to stay with Ginny," he said softly.

"You can come in as soon as I've finished with her. Go on," Madam Pomfrey said, and her tone left no room for argument.

"Come on, Harry. We'll wait right outside," Hermione said, gently tugging on his arm.

He limped into the corridor, blindly following Hermione.

"I need to go tell Mum," Ron said, groaning. "Merlin, she's going to have kittens."

The three of them sank wearily onto the floor outside the door to the hospital wing. Harry was having trouble catching his breath. The adrenaline rush was wearing off, leaving him tired and vulnerable. His body ached, but he didn't want to take the time to tend to it yet.