Lifeline - 8

"Good," Ginny replied, snuggling back beneath her covers. "What's happening back in Gryffindor Tower?"

"Not much. The strangest thing is that Draco and Dudley appear to have become mates. It's weird," Harry said, scratching his head. "Who would've ever thought Malfoy would befriend one of the most Muggle-borns of all Muggle-borns?"

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Well, both of them are used to having a pack, right? Didn't you say that Dudley also had a little gang of followers?" she asked. "They're both just looking to make a connection. Plus, they both hate you."

Harry snorted. "Yeah, there is that. You know, there were times before Pansy arrived that Draco had been almost…bearable. He wasn't even as nasty about the things he learned during Occlumency as he could have been. Now, with Pansy and Dudley – he's got his fan club back and has returned to gitdom."

"He never left gitdom, Harry," Ginny said, refusing to give an inch.

Harry covered a smile and changed the subject. "You know who seems to be getting along surprisingly well is Fred and Iris."

"Yeah, well…who didn't see that coming?" Ginny asked, unimpressed.

Harry's jaw fell open.

Ginny giggled and patted his hand. "Silly boy. Fred and Iris were both left out after Shannon joined us here. Besides, Fred always likes a challenge. Do you know that Mum is worried about how close George and Shannon have become? She doesn't want them to get up to anything improper."

Harry laughed, remembering seeing the pair sneak out of more than their fair share of broom cupboards.

"Yeah. She's obviously missed the fact that they've made it a mission to shag in every room of this castle," Ginny said.


"What? You'd be amazed how much people talk when they think you're incapable of hearing them," she said primly.

Harry laughed nervously, wondering how much he'd let slip when he thought Ginny was sleeping.

"Don't worry, Harry. I'll always keep all your secrets," Ginny said.

"I really need to get back to the dormitory before I get caught here," Harry said reluctantly.

"Just stay a bit more and talk to me while I fall asleep," she whispered, as if knowing he could never refuse her.

"What would you like me to talk about?" he asked.

"Tell me that dream again…the one on the beach," Ginny sighed contentedly.

Harry smiled as he once again began relaying the story of the two of them walking hand in hand along the surf without a care in the world.

It was a nice dream for someday.


As winter slowly released its icy grip from the Scottish soil, signs of new life appeared throughout the forest and across the Hogwarts grounds. Small green buds began to pop out on previously barren trees, and the first hearty flowers poked their heads from the earth.

Ginny's recovery was moving along, albeit slowly. She still struggled for breath whenever she overexerted herself, and her leg had proven more stubborn to heal than had been expected. She walked with a definite limp. Madam Pomfrey had said something about a pinched spinal nerve, but as yet, she hadn't found the correct solution.

Ginny had adapted to the uncertainty about her leg well – better than anyone would have expected. But she chafed under her forced confinement in the hospital wing. Feeling frustrated and impatient to leave, she was prone to snap and even throw various objects at anyone within reach whenever she was denied her request to return to Gryffindor Tower.

Madam Pomfrey had been reluctant to release her before she was certain that Ginny's breathing difficulties could be managed. Mrs. Weasley followed Madam Pomfrey's instructions to the letter, further testing Ginny's already-strained patience.