Harry blinked uncomprehendingly, staring at the Headmaster with a puzzled expression. His spirit? Certainly his body was injured, but Madam Pomfrey had never had any difficulty patching him up in the past.
Dumbledore sighed, steepling his fingers beneath his chin. "Your body is broken, and your recovery will be slow. I suggest you use the forced confinement to allow your emotional recovery."
"I'm fine," Harry mumbled, shifting away from Professor Dumbledore.
Dumbledore's eyes rose to his hairline, and he said quietly, "Harry, the barrenness of our surrounding says differently. I suggest you allow Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger and particularly your Miss Weasley to assist you. They are your greatest strength. You do them a disservice to shut them out."
Harry couldn't bear to look into those sad blue eyes, so he looked at the fire instead, holding his tongue. He tried to hide the flicker of irritation that rose within him. He'd done what was expected of him. What more did Dumbledore want?
"It is not meant as a criticism, merely an observation," Dumbledore said gently, and Harry felt his annoyance fade. "You have been forced from one life-threatening situation to another since your arrival at Hogwarts. You have spent the better part of a year preparing for this battle and what you fully expected to be your own demise. I expect it will take some time for your mind to adjust before you are able to relax and live life to its fullest."
"It's over now," Harry mumbled.
"Killing not only takes the life of the victim, but it takes a part of the killer, as well," Dumbledore said solemnly. "For you, I hope the only part it takes is the part that ought never to have been there in the first place. You've fulfilled your destiny in regards to Tom, Harry, but not your destiny in regards to you. You are a young man with a bright and glorious future ahead of you, if you allow yourself the happiness to experience it."
Harry sat his jaw firmly and continued to stare at the fire, willing the lump in his throat to go away.
"You deserve that. Miss Weasley deserves it; and your friends deserve it. This one last burden rests on your shoulders because they won't fully allow themselves to heal until you do," Dumbledore said, smiling gently.
"I'll try, sir," Harry whispered.
"That is all I can ask of you," Dumbledore said, the sparkle finally returning to his eyes. "And with Miss Weasley's determination, Mr. Weasley's stubbornness, and Miss Granger's cleverness, I am certain it will be enough."
Harry felt a slight grin tugging at the corner of his lips. He certainly did have the best of friends.
"What about Draco?" he asked suddenly. "What will happen to him? He actually came through in the end."
"Mr. Malfoy also has a long and difficult road ahead of him, and like yours, his future is unclear," Dumbledore replied. "As with you, the support of loved ones is a key factor. I suppose an olive branch of friendship would go a long way."
Harry shifted uncomfortably. "I'll try, sir. He's not the easiest person to be friendly toward."
"That he is not," Dumbledore replied, chuckling. "I think it will be beyond your capabilities to do so, at first, anyway. As I said, your recovery will be longer than you expect. I was thinking perhaps your cousin, Dudley, and Mr. Malfoy should be encouraged to continue their friendship once they return to their lives. They each need a friend and confidante."
"Dudley?" Harry asked, blinking in surprise. "Oh, they make a pair, all right."