Harry swore. "Your mother's kitchen? Damn it, Ginny. She was so proud of that."
"I know it, but she's prouder of all of us. She can rebuild the kitchen again. Trust me, she's much happier knowing you're coming home, that George is getting fitted with a new leg, and that Fleur wasn't in the house at the time 'in her condition,'" Ginny said, rolling her eyes.
Harry smirked, imagining Mrs. Weasley's fussing over Fleur and how it would test Ginny's patience. "Where was Fleur?"
"She and Bill rented a flat here in London. I think Fleur refused to be anywhere near a chicken," Ginny said, crossing her arms.
"I thought you and Fleur were getting along?" Harry asked.
Ginny shrugged, waving her hand in the air. "She's all right, and she does love my brother. It doesn't mean she doesn't get on my nerves sometimes. She's such a princess."
Harry grinned, wisely refraining from commenting. Ginny elbowed him in the ribs, anyway.
"Shut it, you," she said.
"I didn't say anything," Harry said, his voice raised an octave higher than he would have liked.
"You were thinking it," Ginny replied.
"Yeah," Harry said, his mind drifting back to the Burrow.
"Don't worry about it," Ginny said, snuggling closer to him. "Bill will get the wards fixed, and it'll be perfectly safe. Leticia Warbanks and the Order are obviously extra concerned about you since the Death Eaters want to get to you so you'll tell them where Voldemort is."
"He's in hell," Harry spat.
Ginny gently ran her hand along his chest, soothing him.
Despite the turmoil in his mind, his body had become very aware of how closely Ginny was pressed against him. He rolled slightly to his side and ran his hand along the bare flesh on her arm. Ginny moved her head so their gazes locked intensely for a brief moment. Her eyes briefly flickered to Harry's mouth before he leaned over and captured her lips in a searing kiss.
She opened her mouth, deepening the kiss. She tasted warm and sweet and exactly how he remembered. His entire body thrummed with need and longing as he stretched his arm across his body and ran his fingers through her silky hair.
Perhaps it was only because it had been so bloody long since he'd been able to do this, but the kiss was somehow more intense than ever – full of hope, and promise and…possibilities. A thrill of excitement fluttered in his belly as he realized that she was finally, truly his. The Death Eaters might not have given up, but the threat that she would be snatched away from him if he let himself go was past.
Harry thrilled in the knowledge as he wrapped her possessively in his embrace. She was leaning on his bad arm and, through his impassioned haze, he once again felt that tingling sensation all the way down to his fingers. It was the fact that he felt them move that caused him to startle and pull back from the kiss.
"Harry," Ginny moaned, seeking his lips again.
"My fingers moved," he said blankly.
Ginny pulled herself into a seated position. "What?" she asked breathlessly.
Despite his shock and euphoria over his fingers, her swollen lips and the way her hair was wildly tousled pleased him, and his chest swelled with pride. She looked like someone who had been thoroughly, properly kissed – and he had done that.
"My fingers moved," he repeated, glancing at his limp hand. He tried unsuccessfully to move them again. They remained still, but he could definitely feel that tingling sensation throughout his entire arm and hand.