Epilogue - 6

"Oh, ho. Very funny," Hermione said, swatting him gently and gaining James' attention.

"She grew into quite a beauty," Harry said, smiling.

Hermione's eyes flew open wide and for a moment Harry feared she was going to start crying again, but James saved him by reaching out and grabbing a fistful of Hermione's hair. He tugged, trying to bring it into his mouth.

"Uh, oh," Harry said, "hang on. He does this to Ginny all the time."

"Ouch!" Hermione said, although she was laughing.

"Little bugger has a knack for tangling his fingers in there," Harry said, desperately trying to free Hermione from his son's tight grasp. The baby squealed with pleasure.

"Harry!" Hermione chided. "You can't use that kind of language in front of your son! What's the matter with you?"

"He can't talk yet, Hermione," Harry said, laughing. "He knew the tone of my voice was friendly."

"Oh? And what will you tell Ginny when she has to write in his baby book that his first word was 'bugger?'" Hermione asked.

Harry chuckled. "I'll tell her it was Ron's fault."

Hermione shook her head, laughing. "You two will never change."

"See! That's a good thing. When I came out here you didn't like change," Harry said, beaming.

"I love you, Harry," she said, throwing her arms around him and hugging both him and James.

James squawked in protest, causing Hermione to release them.

"I love you, too, James," she said.

"There you all are," Ginny said, smiling as she strode across the meadow to greet them. The fading sunlight shone off her hair, making it glow with an ethereal beauty. Harry had never got over his fascination with her hair – and he didn't think he ever would.

"I've been looking everywhere for you," she said, wrapping a hand-knit baby blanket around James and taking him from Harry's arms.

Harry frowned slightly. The one thing that always disappointed him about visiting the Burrow was that there was always a pair of hands eager to take the baby away.

"Fleur and Shannon are talking with Mum about Auntie Muriel's tiara, Hermione. You'd best get up there if you don't want to find it incorporated into that pretty veil of yours," Ginny said, one corner of her mouth quirking wryly.

"Oh, no. I'd better hurry back in there. Thanks, Harry," Hermione said, hurrying back toward the house.

"Hello, gorgeous," Harry said, leaning over and kissing his wife on the cheek.

Ginny frowned slightly looking down at her faded jeans and bulky jumper. "I might not be gorgeous today, but I will be tomorrow," she said. "I can't believe that dress finally fits me. I was so worried I wouldn't be able to get into it in time."

"You look gorgeous now. You always look gorgeous," Harry said, leaning over and kissing her again. He knew from experience that he was talking to deaf ears, but as far as he was concerned, she was the most gorgeous creature on her earth – along with their son, of course.

"Where have you been?" Ginny asked holding James in the air. She giggled when he grabbed for her nose. "You've been gone for ages."

"I showed James the Quidditch pitch," Harry said.

"You didn't take him up on a broom, did you, Harry?" she asked, narrowing her eyes.

"I didn't! You can ask Bill. We took a long walk around the woods and examined all the colors. James threw my glasses on the ground three times," Harry said, listing their adventures.

"Why don't you just Charm them to stay on?" Ginny asked, laughing.

"That would ruin his game," Harry said, shocked she would suggest such a thing.