The Request (28): LS

Jinhyun was nervously tapping on his guitar case as he waited impatiently at the guest room. He could hear the merry laughter of children coming from the playground outside. Their happy squeals momentarily distracted him as he gazed through the window. It reminded him of the days he had spent there at the orphanage when he used to have fun with his roommates.


He turned around to see Teacher Song standing at the entrance. She was smiling widely as he gave her a hug.

"The matron informed me you were here!" she exclaimed. "What a surprise! How have you been, my child?"

"I'm great Ms. Song!" he replied. "I hope everything's fine here?"

"Everything is going great," she said. "What can I do for you?"

They sat on the bench. Jinhyun was a little hesitant not because he was scared of the answer he was seeking but he felt rather apprehensive of the fact that he was raising his hopes too much. What if he did not find any answers?

"I…" he hesitated. "I want to find my mother."