The Card

"Our Semin is so strong!" Sekjong exclaimed as he barged into the patient's room with a bag full of food. Yoona and Semin were sitting there, chatting about everything that transpired. As soon as Sekjong entered, they stopped to look at him. 

"The exhausting schedules must have gotten to you," he went on. "I remember when Jinhyun was a trainee, he used to collapse everyday."

"Were the training sessions that bad?" Yoona asked.

"No," Sekjong replied. "He was on a forced diet and couldn't eat any sweets so he used to collapse out of what he called 'sweet deficiency'."

The girls burst into giggles. Sekjong handed them their food.

"I also got you some porridge," he added to Semin.

"Thank you," she said.

"And chicken salad for you, Yoona," he said to her.

"Thank you, Manager," Yoona replied. They began to chow on their food, discussing the next episode.