The Smile That Reached His Eyes

"So...what exactly is this party for?" Suyeon asked in confusion.

"Oh don't be such a killjoy!" Semin snapped. "We don't need a reason to have a party with loved ones!"

They had received an abrupt call from Cherry, demanding that they show up in Jinhyun's new house. Even Sekjong, who was overseeing the preparations for the upcoming finale, was bewildered by the sudden invite. Kahi, on the other hand, was simply impassive.

"This is just a surprise get together," Cherry said in an unusually cheerful way which made Suyeon frown.

"I don't know what's more surprising," he noted. "The party or your extra happy mood. Honestly, the latter is scary."

Cherry threw a pillow at him while Jinhyun sighed at the kids. He was stuck making the ramen for everyone while they chomped on the chicken fries.