First Symbol

Where am I? He wondered. The place did not look familiar to him and he tried to move around to scan his surroundings but to his horror, his body would not move.

Another dream! Jinhyun realized. His mind was alert but his body was not in his control. Unlike last time, he did not panic but thought hard. Seyoung was showing him another dream but how much of it was true?

He looked around, trying to understand where he was. It looked like some kind of study room. He was sitting on stool on the ground near a mini desk. There was a long parchment in front of him and on it was the sign of a black rose being held by a hand. 

This symbol...he thought. It's the Black Rose's sign. What is it doing here?

Jinhyun made a mental calculation. If he was not wrong, then he was probably in the year 1522 or 1523. Cherry had first encountered the Black Rose sometime in the 18th century. Then why was their sign on Seyoung's study table?