Finale (8)

Semin was walking to and fro in the makeup room, waiting for Yoona. Ever since the party, Yoona had been cold and distant. Lately, Yoona had been giving off a very strange vibe which scares Semin. On one hand, she wanted to believe in the sweet and humble friend she had but Semin could not help feeling that something was wrong.

She waited for Yoona for a long time but in vain. Her friend did not show up and she was dejected. Hanging her head low, she slowly walked out of the room and headed for the balcony to get some fresh air.

However, once, she stepped on the balcony, she was met with cigarette fumes instead. Coughing hard, she looked to her side where Suyeon stood, lost in his own thoughts.

"You still didn't give up that nasty habit?" Semin scolded him. "You're gonna harm your voice!"

Her voice brought him out of his reverie.