Virtual Roommates

It was past ten when Rylee walked into her apartment, dropped the keys on the counter and bending to greet her dog. Bandit was young, much smaller than the lab she once had, but she considered the terrier her favorite boy. Lifting his wriggling body into her arms she hugged him, before wandering over to her desk and waking up the computer. A forum came into focus, and she checked the online users list before grinning. Her own username, FallenSparrow blinked up at her, and next to it RogueOwl appeared. Navigating up to the chat box, she quickly threw out a hello.

//I drafted a reply for Mall Mayhem between shifts. I'll have it up soon! // She typed.

Seconds later, a smiling emoji appeared. //Can't wait! ShAdowClaw was on earlier and we want to move the kidnap plot forward soon!//

Tucking her legs under her, and adjusting bandit in her lap, Rylee navigated to the right subforum and clicked open the thread. The LAST REPLY button brought her to RogueOwl's post, and she quickly reread the update. Within moments, she was falling into the imaginary world. His character, Screech, had been arguing with Willow, her own. The playful banter had come easily, taking them through 5 pages of updates. It was always easy to post with NightOwl, and it was something Rylee looked forward to especially after a long day.

Blake used to tease her about these role playing games, but she always brushed it aside. There was something she enjoyed about crafting a story with other writers, playing pretend and building a world together. In her own writing, she was forced to use her own wit to keep things going. But in a forum it was a team effort. You were only as good as the other players.

//I have another double tomorrow so I can't stay up too late. Think we can manage some rapid fire?// She threw the comment up before starting into her post. After several revisions she published Willow's retort, then scrolled back up to nudge her friend.

//I'm always game for rapid fire. It's about time we got this going.//

While she waited for his response, Rylee scurried to take a shower, hoping to wash the smell of grease from her hair. She rushed more than she probably should have, already eager to read the next update. This was a new matchup for the two of them, and something about the chemistry between Willow and Screech made her giddy. The pair had potential, if only she had more time to hash out the details.

//Big day tomorrow?// She asked, wet bangs sticking to her forehead as she returned to the computer.

//Deadline is looming. Gotta finish the line art, once you're offline of course.//

//Don't get in trouble on my account! Our shenanigans can always wait.//

//I think Willow would say otherwise. Just wait until you see what Screech did to her car...//

With a tiny squeak, Rylee jumped back to the thread, brow furrowed as she focused on another response. Just like that, she was drawn in, swept up in the imaginary world. She was Willow, the wild redhead, confronting the silver haired boy who had just broken her car windows. Brave, brash, she spat out scolding comments through the internet. As her fingers flashed on the keyboard, her mouth settled into a content smile.

//You get any further on your comic?//

The question surprised her when she returned to the chat box. A tiny pant of guilt wriggled in her belly, and she pushed it aside.

//Nope. But I managed to get 8 hours of sleep yesterday. Score!// She stared at the thread, hoping for an update, but the chat box pinged instead.

//Bummer, I can't wait to see more. I can't believe you don't do more with your art.//

Rylee sighed and fiddled with her mouse, thinking the comment had been used one too many times before. It was ideas like that which got her into trouble before. 'You're so great at this! Why don't you sell it?' She dragged her boxes of prints to comic conventions and expos, believing the praise she had received. But being good at drawing was one thing. Surviving with it? That felt impossible.

//I work hard so my dog has a better life.// She types the carefree sounding response, which was better than the melancholy truth. How many webcomics got enough views to be worth it? She was better off in these forums, writing stories with friends rather than drawing for strangers. It was safer, easy. There was laughter and romance, and miles of internet between them to stop her from getting hurt.

Sometimes, the itch to draw would catch her though, and she had reached out to RogueOwl, wanting to share what she created with someone. Knowing he was in the art industry made her appreciate his feedback, but the webcomic idea had becoming a nagging point between them. He meant well, encouraging her to draw, and share more panels of her story. But she struggled to let herself waste time like that. It would be too easy to fall into old habits and loose the progress she made.

//Tag, you're it.// She hit POST and yawned, trying her best not to glance at the clock. Bandit's tail thumped against her leg. She grinned as the game continued. Like a game of ping pong, their story grew. Today it was two super powered teens, arguing in a mall then trying to escape mall security. Last week, they were two adults, battle a giant robot. The game was somewhat intimate, sharing your writing and stories with another human. RogueOwl was easy to talk to, and maybe that's what pushed her to share those rare pieces of art.

//Doing any shows this year?// he asked between updates.

//Just one. End of August.// Her stomach did flip flops again. The memories of those long summers struggling from show came back to her, like a warning in her subconscious.

//You'll do great.// he encouraged. A simple phrase meant so much when the old fear returned.

//Thanks virtual roommate. I don't know what I'd do without you.//