Digital Romance

Just Stay

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ROGUEOWL // 11:29 pm

Tyler looked at her, mesmerized by her expression. The long eyelashes, full lips, wild hair. She was powerful and independent, things that he used to run from in a woman. But in Willow, he was drawn to her like a magnet, dragged to be by her side.

When she was captured, he imagined what he would feel like without her. When she was injured, he suddenly knew how devastating it could be to see her hurt. She was bleeding, but he felt every drop, was pained by every scar.

"I care what happens, because I care about you, Willow."

She owned his heart, so when it broke, his broke too.

Rylee's Room // 11:31pm

It felt like the temperature moved from 72 straight to 100 degrees (f). Rylee's cheeks flames, she buried her face in her pillow and muffled a squeal, hoping Tara wouldn't hear her. She re-read the post, trying to keep her heart from beating faster. They were just words, but they managed to stir so many emotions. How did RogueOwl DO that?

It was official. She was swooning over a digital romance.

'It's not like he confessed his love for YOU, you dork,' she thought, holding her pillow to her stomach. She knew real life love stories never turned out that sweet. With Blake it had been an anti-climactic 'hey, lets go out'. She couldn't remember feeling butterflies this intense in that relationship, and they had been engaged.

The thought sobered her, and stopped her from typing her reply. The longer she looked back, the more ridiculous it all seemed. Rylee had been picking out wedding dresses, looking at venues, but it never felt magical.

What if it never felt that way? What if her heart only thundered for someone else's romance?

Well, at least that meant she would feel giddy sometime...right?

Rylee looked at the clock, knowing she needed to go to bed soon. Having the time off her feet did not mean she got to sleep in, sadly. It felt almost routine to get up early and be dumped on Evan's doorstep. If she was honest, she might even say she was looking forward to it.

Rylee spent most of this week helping Evan with his art. They finished the commissions he had due, and Monday's web comic was ready. Instead of being behind, he was actually ahead for the following week. In fact, helping Evan was relaxing, and she had really enjoyed herself. They talked, discussed the projects, and it was nice having lunch with him. Evan still managed to cook decently with one arm, and made tacos, chicken and rice, and a homemade Mac and cheese. When she asked why he put so much effort into cooking, he just shrugged and told her he really didn't have much else he could do.

Rylee couldn't fault him. That was why she was helping after all. She spent the last 5 days off of work, and her time at home was mostly spent on the forum. She enjoyed writing, but it didn't prevent her from feeling restless. She didn't miss working, but it would be a lie if she didn't feel anxious having the spare time. Free time meant hours she wasn't getting paid for. She couldn't afford much more of this.

Tara told her not to worry, believing that the settlement from the accident would make up for lost pay. It sounded nice in theory, but their bills couldn't wait forever.

Rylee put her phone aside and stared at her ceiling. Tomorrow she had a doctors appointment in the afternoon. Evan offered to give her the ride there, since Tara still had work. With any luck, she would be free of the chair and the stitches, and life would resume to normal. So why did that make her feel so sad? Was it the art?

Or was it Evan?

No. No no. She put the pillow over her face and resisted the urge to hit herself with it. He was a famous artist. He had millions of online followers. She was a no-name nerd who worked at a burger place. Yeah, this week had been great, but he was Zane's friend, not hers.

'You can't go through all of this and still not consider him a friend.'

The thought was surprisingly honest. The car crash, community day, the artwork, all of those things brought them together in the span of a week. Rylee finally had to admit that obligation wasn't all that made her visit Evan.

//Sparrow, you heading to bed?// the message was waiting for her when she glanced at the chat box.

//Wish I could say no, but I have to work tomorrow.// she responded. //I'll have a reply by tomorrow night though! See you then!//

Rylee logged off and shut the web browser, wondering what RogueOwl would say about the situation. Helping Evan was still doing artwork, it just wasn't her own project like she wanted to really try. Her desk had more doodles and sketches of Bandit. She even had one of two drafts she felt would be worth sharing online. She just didn't feel ready to jump yet.

Weren't life of death experiences supposed to jump start you to try everything you never imagined you could? Why did she still feel so afraid...