Let’s Stop Time

In every romance movie Rylee watched, the morning routine was the same: the girl would wake up with a beautiful glow, shyly smiling to her lover. He would adoringly kiss her and comment on her stunning appearance, and she would flawlessly arise, looking like an angel without any makeup.

Rylee was cursed to wakeup drooling on her pillow. Her hair got caught under Evan's arm and she knocked her forehead against his chin. Between laughter and pain, she highly suspected she was living in a Rom-Com instead. There were no rose pedals and tender moments, but the warm feeling in her heart was enough.

"After we have breakfast I can take you to see Bandit," Evan kissed her forehead, and maneuvered off the bed. Despite her clumsy mistakes he seemed excited to spend time with her. "Wait here, I'll cook. Maybe see how the forum is doing?"

"They probably think we forgot about them," Rylee realized, pulling out her phone.

When she logged into the chat box, she greeted a few of the regulars, and checked on the updated topics. Her thread with Evan was still waiting on her but it made her feel a little shy reading things over now. Instead, she moved to another thread, chewing her lip as she tried to get into character.

While she worked, she could hear sounds from the kitchen as Evan cooked. Her nose soon welcomed the scent of bacon and she had to reread the posts several times before she was happy.

Play by the Rules

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Willow twirled her keychain around her finger as she leaned against her truck. She found talking to other women annoying, but couldn't avoid the temptation to show off a little. She could never win a race with her old car, she knew that. But there were plenty of other games they could engage in.

"Racing my truck would be a waste. I can't even go fast enough to get a speeding ticket. You really want to see how that would go? How about something a little more exciting?" She turned, and looked around the corner, spotting a decent target.

"See that guy across the street? First one to get his sunglasses wins."

Evan's Room // 7:47am

Rylee hit post, rereading a couple times for spelling, and sat back when she was done. She almost jumped when Evan walked in, carrying two plates and sitting beside her. Her mouth was already watering with anticipation.

"Anything exciting going on?"

"Just the usual. Willow is competing with Shamrock, we are in the second page now. I need to respond to our thread but..." she blushed, and Evan smirked.

"What? Does the idea of role playing with me embarrass you now?"

"No!" She squeaked. Evan handed her a plate and she blushed deeper. "Well, a little. Writing feels so personal! Now that I can see your reactions to what I post I feel more self conscious," Rylee admitted.

"I don't think you need to be worried. I've always enjoyed writing with you. And now I feel like I can look forward to it more because it was something we did together," Evan admitted.

Rylee looked down at her plate and poked an egg. Her face felt hot. "Is it bad I don't want to see Screech flirt with anyone else now? I feel a little possessive of your characters."

Evan kissed her on the forehead, "Has anyone told you how adorable you are? Don't worry, I think Willow has him on the hook for now. Eat your food." He nudged the plate and she obediently ate some potatoes. She shifted so she could rest the plate in her lap without straining her bad leg.

"I don't know how you stay so motivated all the time," Rylee remarked when she put her phone down. "Role-playing, artwork, and even your day to day schedule here. At least when I am working at the craft store I have a set time when I need to work."

"It was a bit easier before you came along," he winked. "I won't lie, having you in my bedroom makes me want to stay here all day."

Rylee stuffed bacon in her mouth and pretended the comment didn't make her feel shy. If he kept teasing her, they were going to have troubles behaving again. After eating some more, she looked back over. "While we are at my house, maybe you can help me get some inventory together? I'll warn you now, there are a lot of boxes, but I would appreciate the help."

"I'd be happy to help. Besides, something tells me you would try doing it with or without me." He looked stern as he looked down at her. Rylee looked away innocently.

"So what if I would? I'm not helpless," she whined.

Evan sighed, "I never said you were helpless, but you may have an incurable reckless streak. Why do you think it's taking so long for you to heal?"

Rylee stuck her tongue out, "Fine, next time YOU get to use crutches and I will have the arm brace! It's no fun being babied all the time."

Evan tilted his head, "I thought girls liked being doted on?"

Rylee snorted, "Some do, but I've always had an independent streak. If a guy wants to stick with me, he has to be willing to keep up!"

Her empty plate was suddenly snatched from her lap, and she squeaked in surprise when Evan scooped her onto her back. Leaning over her, he smiled in a victorious way before pressing his mouth to hers. "I think you will learn to be spoiled from time to time, because I've already caught you and I don't plan on letting you escape!"