Chapter 6

Bellamey Pov

You really can't judge a book by it cover. There is one word to describe Mutsu fast. It looke like both Mutsu and 02 are able to use Touki. They clash their swords together. They seem to be about even. I don't know much aboutt swordsmanship that is Artoria specialty but it looks like there swordmanship involves assinasstion. After several strikes they break apart. When it is over I see Mutsu has a cut on her shoulder.

02: I was right your getting weaker 04 or should I call you Mutsu.

Mutsu: I may not be as strong as I use to be but I can still take you on.

The scarf around 02 neck tears and it falls to the ground. It look like two was not the only one that has landed a blow. Mutsu sheath her sword and gets in to a new stance


Mutsu moves so fast that she makes mirages of her self even I am having a hard time keeping up what she is doing. 03 knows she cannot dodge so she sacrifices her hand. 02 screams in pain.

02: AHHHHHHHH SON OF A BITCH! Danm that blade. I never liked that sword Muramasa. Every cut it makes intensifies pain receptors and it doubles every time. With just a few cuts you could kill me by overloading my pain receptors.. Two cuts in the same place and I would want to cut off my on hand to make the pain go away. It times to change tactis

She pulls another sword out of her space. Mutsu eyes grow wide

Mutsu: Why do you have 07 blade 02. Why do you have Watanabe

02: I knew you were lazy but did not know you were stupid as well why do you think I have Watanabe. The only way one our sisters would ever let go of there sword is if you pulled it away from their cold lifeless corpse.

Mutsu: You killed 07

02: Not just 07

She takes out several swords

02: 01 sword Setsunna, 03 sword Shiroyuki, 05 sword Kaminari 06 sword Himari , 08 Kurohime 09 Kazama.


02: I am simply doing what I am design to do Mutsu. Don't wory they were like you on there last leg what you got a year left maybe two at most. Humuculus never live long and it ok there life force allowd me to live longer in way they are now apart of me. Don;r be sad sister you will soon hoin them. GRAVITY SLASH !

Mutsu: : SHIT !

Mutsu avoides the attack and I jump over it. I think that they have completly forgot about me do I have that little pressence. Well I guess that is for the best. 02 switches to another sword


Danm I can't see it is too bright. I open my eyes it looks like Mutsu got stabbed but she didn't it was just and after image.



Mutsu manages to wound 02 by slashing her cross the chest. Her shirt rips and you can see her bresst. It looks like Mutsu wins in that area as well. Mutsu also takes 06 sword Himari back from 02.

Mutsu: You don'r deserve to have those swords I am going to take every last one of them away from you.

02: Mustu I knew you would be the hardest to defeat of us sisters because we are I like you and I. The two of us did not have powerful Demon or holy swords. We had to rely on swordmanship alone. I always thought you were hiding your power. Imagine if you were given Setsunna or Kamanari. I beleive you would have been the leader and not 01.

Mutsu: Leading a pain in that ass I rather sleep.

02: That why I hate you the most out of all of us. You were like me not given and exyreamly powerful demon or holy sword, I worked my butt off and no matter what I did you would always beat me and you did not even care. ALL YOU CARED ABOUT WAS FUCKING SLEEPING IT PISSED ME OFF !

Mutsu: Do you know why I like sleeping so much, Because when I was sleep I did not have to think about that heel hole we grew up in. I did not have to think how we force to kill, how they tortured us. How our lives wher in their hands and one wrong mistake could kill us. I WAS JUST TRYING TO FUCKING SURVIVE ! We finally made it out there all us and no matter what we did we did it on our own terms. 07 wanted to be a baker. 03 wanted her own flower shop. Even 01 wanted her own Kendo dojo one day. You did not just take their lives you took their dreams. I csn never forgive you.... COUGH

Mutsu begins to cough up blood.

02: looks like your over exrending yourself sister. Using Murmasa is draining whatever life force you have left. I also had a dream and IT KILLING ALL OF YOU !

She can't react fast enough I guess It is time for me to step in. I cover my arm in arnament haki and I catch 02 blade with my hands

Mutsu: What the hell I thought you left

Bellamey: Do I really have that little presence that kind of hurts my pride I am the main charcter after all,

02: Why enterfere I notice you but you never made a move You body launguage tells me your not a regular human let guess devil.

Bellamey: Well half

02: Why interfere now?

Mutsu: You don't even know me .

Bellamey: Because you pass.

Mutsu: Huh?

Bellamey: I like to believe that I am a good judge of character and you are exactly what I am looking for I have not seen sword fight like that in years it really go my blood boiling.. Mutsu fucking half dead and she still can go toe to toe with you. Not to mention she got all those special swords and still got her on her knees and took one of them your pretty mutch a badass.

Mutsu: Thanks I think?

02: Your pissing me off

Bellamey: I am sorry are you offended. Well anyway let ignore the lightbulb in the room. I want you to be my Knight

Mutsu: You do realize I am dying right

Bellamey: Tch If I want you to live your going to live not even Death himself can take your soul from me and if he does I will go to underworld and kick his ass.

Mutsu: I don't know if your stupid or sweet no one has ever said that to me before. What makes you so confident.

Bellamey: I am doctor.


I grab Mutsu by the waist and carrier princess style. I let out my wings and avoide her every attack.. Than I activate my room.

Bellamey: All I can say is really is some on jealous?


I avoide her attack with observating haki. 02 jumps up onto the building. She start slashing away but I avoide every attack. When she tries to attack me again she can't move.

Bellemaey: Mana Stiching Spider Web.

I been experimenting over the years with mana stitching. The strings are use to heal people who body part are amputated. They are extremely durable and I can make them as thin as I want which makes them hard to see to the naked eye. They also excellent for making traps and wire attacks. now lets finish this up.


I cut her into several piexes but she stil alive . This is Mutsu sister she should decide whar to do with her. I teleport all the swords that 02 dropped to Mutsu.

Mutsu: Your giving them to me.

Bellamey: A knight need her sword besides. These swords are the only thing that remain of your sisters I will let you decide what to do with 02.

Mutsu:.... Thank you

02: Sister lets talk about this I am your only family left. I will leave I will never do anything wrong again; I will spend the rest of my life attoning for my past sins.

Mutsu: You can atone....IN HELL KILLING INTENT PIERCER !

She move so fast her sword goes through 02 head. I knew I chose the right one and not just because her boobs are bigger,,,,, DON'T JUDGE ME ! While we are in my room I noyice my healing magic doubles in potencey. I take out my knight piece and make Mutsu Okita my second Knight. I tell her she i going to live for a long time and she gets so excited she hugd me and I fall her boobs squish my face. She does not scream or get mad at me.

Mutsu: Since you saved me this can be your reward if you want we can go a little further....

Mutsu fell asleep

Bellamey: REALLY !

I guesss this is not so bad her D cup breast are like pillows. I give them a squeeze these are really nice.


Standing over there is Artoria, Bilu Darcy and Vivi

Mutsu: We can go all the way I don't mind if it is you.

Bellamey: NOW YOU WAKE UP !



As I am losing conciousness I hear something.

Vivi: If he wanted to snuggle in D cup breast he could of just used mine stupid Bellamey

I don't know what I hear but it was probably just my imagination. Yep it must be the concussion I got from Vivi's kick. I wake up in my room and my lab top beeps. My facial reconision sofware on my computer activated and the kitty alarm rings. I get up and smile

Bellamey: I finally found you Kuroka Toujou