The Tai Lang Academy

Qing Long gave the captain a big smile as he was holding Butler Luo's hand.

"Sorry Sir, this is my city pass! I'm trying to bring the boy to Tai Lang School!"


"Let's see here..."

( Oh, wow the man has a Purple Pass! )

"Well, everything looks to be in order! You can go!"

"I'm just gonna make sure he gets there in one piece!"

"I'll allow it! lieutenant Houten bring them to Tai Lang School with some men!"

"Yes Sir!"

The man that got hit slowly got up to his feet, he was bleeding from the mouth and was coughing a lot. When he finally got to his feet he caught a glimpse of Qing Long's face, all he saw was a grin from Qing Long.

"That fucking brat!"

"Stay away punk, or I'll send you flying again!"

"I got this, lieutenant Houten you can leave with them now."

"Yes, Captain!"

"Well, good luck Butler Luo."

"Thank you, Captain Tai!" - Qing Long

Both Butler Luo and the guard captain were thrown off by the kid's ability to tell what the captain's name was.

"Now, kiddo how did you know my name?"

"You, have a nice Spirit Soul and it's a Martial soul at that and it's a strong one at that but it's not overbearing, plus the Tai Clan are known to have grey eyes and your Aura is grey too!"

( What! How can he see what the color of my Aura is without me releasing my Aura? )


"Later Kid."

... ... ...

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"Until next time Young Master, try to stay out of trouble this time!"

( Yea, Yea I will! )

"I will try to!"

The Tai Lang Academy was on a small island within a small lake near the Azure Xue Mountain range, though the locals will call it a large patch of hills and not a mountain range.

There were four classes in the Tai Lang School, it was Qing Long's first year, so he had four years left in the school.

Qing Long didn't know it yet, but the person who caused the injury to his body is a student in the Tai Lang School, even though the current Qing Long might not know them, but he will find out sooner or later.

"Hey, you!"

"Who me?"

"Yea, you!"

"Where, are you going?"

"I don't know?"

"Follow me then!"