Press conference 2

Murmurs can be heard from the reporters, even those who were watching the live telecast was also shocked and at the same time amazed at what they see.

The first one to speak was Yang WeiLan. - "First of all please allow me to introduce you to our newest artist and a part of our Z entertainment family, Ms. Si XiennaYan."

XiennaYan stood up and bowed in front of the media and the cameras, then sat back down. Today, she was wearing a simple black dress with natural light makeup which was suitable for the event.

After Yang WeiLan finished introducing XiennaYan, she passed the microphone to ZhangLyn, to give a brief overview of what would be the flow of the press conference, while ZhangLyn was speaking a reporter cut her off mid-sentence.

"We only want to know why Z entertainment would sign such a promiscuous artist like her, who sleep around just to get what she wanted."

He was supported by the other reporters who also said...

"Aren't you guys afraid that by doing so, it will tarnish the reputation of the company?"

"A temptress like her isn't worth the fame."

"The management must have been bewitched by her body."

"The proof was strong enough, even young master Ahn admitted what kind of girl she was."

ZhangLyn eyed WeiLan to asked permission, when she got the permission to proceed, - "Let's hear from the public relations manager of Yang Corporation Mr. Wu, he is here as a lawyer representing Yang corporation and Ms. Si."

Lawyer? the reporters were a little flustered with why Wu LingXian came here as a lawyer. They had been wondering why a PR manager from Yang corporation was invited to this press conference, now they were even more confused as to what really was the matter.

LingXien, open his laptop and uses his mouse to click something on the screen before him, then everyone sees again, the not pixelated version of the video that was released in the middle of the night yesterday.

The video ended and there was silence for about a minute before the reporters start murmuring again and the people watching the live telecast were screaming and rapidly typing leaving comments as to what was unbelievable.

Yang WeiLan became irritated and her eyes became cold. "Quiet, please."

After the reporters mellowed down,

LingXian, tapped on his laptop again and the big screen beside them changes, it displayed a message conversation, between WanXin, FangNin, and ShangLin, there was also a conversation between FangNin to YongZan, telling him what WanXin would like him to do.

Phone numbers and emails were verified to be what they were using, there was also a tracking location for the email IP and it was from WanXin owned villa, from the Star entertainment building which the office of ShangLin was, and also from the Ahn residence and YongZan villa.

At that moment, the shouting could no longer be suppressed.

It wasn't over yet.

Next, LingXien displayed... XiennaYan contract from Yang corporation, that she was supposed to work as a public relations officer, but then the contract change as an agreement of XiennaYan changing from an office worker to an artist that would be under Z entertainment.

And another agreement that she will be the other bond formed, to let other artists in Z entertainment know that Yang corporation is behind their back in case that there would be a controversy or misjudgment coming from other artist, companies, or even inside Z entertainment.

There was also proof released that XiennaYan, that she was not in the country for the past 4 years as she was abroad finishing her studies and working, it also proved that she never meet or even know YongZan not until recently when his name was used together with XiennaYan.

After seeing all the evidence, the reporters became more confused as to what really was wrong, they don't understand why a famous actress like Lin WanXin, a big manager like ShangLin and even the young master YongZan would conspire together to ruin a rising new actress like XiennaYan.

LingXien brought out a lawyer's letter and said that she had filed a formal complaint against WanXin, ShangLin, FangNin, YongZan for malicious defamation and slander towards XiennaYan.