
3 hours after that incident,

All media has been reporting the incident, but they were unable to get further information as to what happened and who was the party involved.

XiennaYan was unconscious when she was rushed towards the hospital, she received three fractured ribs, a broken arm, a dislocated shoulder, and a gun wound.

Her mother's side of the family heard about the incident when it was reported on the news, and became more aware of the situation when SueNan's mother informed WennaXien.

WennaXien together with her parents XienAnxi and WenYao, went to the hospital to check on XiennaYan's condition.

Arriving at her room, they saw MaoSi treating XiennaYan.

"Si?, is Yan alright?" - WenYao said as he came towards him to do his own diagnosis.

"Hmm, aside from the fractured ribs and broken arm and dislocate shoulder, everything else is a superficial wound, also the gun wound is not that much, but it pierces to her skin, so I may need to...." - MaoSi was explaining to WenYao...when he saw him pulled out an acupuncture needle.

When he pierce the needle to XiennaYan skin, it went pass the wound and was able to reach the plain back part of the bullet and pierce it.

He then adds another needle surrounding the wound, when he pierced the last needle the needle at the center of the wound rotate as it rotates it also made the bullet resurfaced on her leg and was able to successfully treat her wound.


After making sure that XiennaYan was alright, her family waited together with MuChen inside the room waiting for XiennaYan to gain consciousness.

"Chen, you can leave now, we can take care of her here." - XienAnxi said to MuChen as she is not aware that he and XiennaYan got married not long ago.

"It's alright grandma, I can stay here and wait for her." - MuChen said it naturally, but he noticed the confusion on XiennaYan's grandparents' face.

He then realizes they haven't told them that they got married. He was about to explain it to them when WennaXien to tell them first.

"Mom, Yan hasn't told you yet, they were supposed to tell you about it this friday, Yan already got married, and it with MuChen..." - WennaXien said then pointed at MuChen. - "so it's fine for him to be here and take care of Yan."

"When? You? with my Yan? when did that happen? why we haven't heard any of it?" - WenYao asked consecutively.

"I'm sorry grandmother, grandfather... we got married for about a month now, it was kinda rush wedding and it wasn't planned, that was why we were unable to inform you... we were supposed to inform you this friday as what mother said." - MuChen said trying to explain to them their plan.

"Hmm, ok we understand. Just make sure you take proper care of her unlike those bastards men in her life before." - XienAnxi said approving of him.

"Hmm... I will, this incident won't happen again, I will take proper care and watched more of her" - He agreed to what they said to him.


While they were busy talking with each other...

The door of the room opened, and a white lotus appears together with the other bastard in XiennaYan's life.

"Sis?? are you ok? I heard what happened..." - WanXin said as she goes inside the room, acting like a worried sister...

But her act was stopped when she heard XienAnxi word.

"the snake is here? can you stop acting like that, it doesn't suit you...and leave this room.. the two of you are unwelcome here."

"aa.ah, grandma...."

"don't act like we're a family."

"b-but gra---"