Chapter Five - Terminal One.

Ana POV.

"Shall we get going?".

We all look at Darko, well everyone except me.

"Dali nije malo rano? (Is it not a bit too early?)," Andrea asks him

"Pa, neznam, do ne zakasnimo, jer je i onako guzva, pa zbog toga... (well, I dont know, I dont want us to be late, because the traffic is building up)," he replies.

I mean, he is making a fair point, the traffic here can be... unpredictable, as I have mentioned before.

"Mislim... ima Darko pojentu... (I mean... Darko has a point...)," I respond.

"Sad je pola dva, necemo da zakasnimo, avion ti polece u... Pet? (It is half one, we won't be late, besides your plane is meant to take off at... five?)," Andrea says.

I nod to affirm that the plane is expected to take off at five.

"Neka se u petnaest do dva pripremimo, pa onda dok sve stavimo u kila i dok se spremimo, taman dva. (Okay, in around fifteen to two, lets get the stuff ready and in the car do by the time we pack the car and do our stuff, it will be two)," Andrea adds.

"Okay..." we all answer.

*Multiple minutes later*

We are laughing, talking to eachother about our old memories and once we stop.

"Shall we begin?" I ask.

"Alright..." Andrea answers, helping me up before grabbing my luggage.

"Samo ovo? (Just this?)," she asks me, pointing towards the one and only visable baggage that I will be carrying.

"Pa rekao mi je da ne nosim puno stavri, on mi ima sve spremno. (He told me that I dont have to carry too much stuff, he has everything ready for me.)," I reply.

"Aha, ima sve spremno kao da je milioner... (Yeah, he has everything ready like he is a millionaire...)".

I roll my eyes upon her sarcasm.

"Mislim, sta ako jeste milioner? (I mean, what if he is a millionaire?)," I ask curiously, but Andrea breaks into bits of laughter.

She stops when she sees that I am being serious.

"Ne zezas se? (You are not kidding?)," she asks me as her face straightens.

I dont say a word as I continue adding some more mascara onto my face.

"Uzecu to kao 'ne' (I'll take that as a 'no')," she adds.

"Ali zamisli koje sense cu to da budu ako je on ustvari milioner... (But imagine what would the the chances be is he was actually a millionaire...)," I say.

"Vema su male sense da je on milioner... (the chances are very low that he is a millionaire...)," Andrea replies.

"Ali samo zamisli... (but just imagine...)" I say looking at her reflection of my mirror.

I can see her shake her head, "ne mogu da zamislim jer ja to samo vidam u filmovima. (I cannot imagine that because I only see that in films).".

I roll my eyes at her. She can be so boring at times...

"But hurry up, we will be waiting you in the car...".

"Alright," I reply.

I see her smile at me as I smile back at her.

"Its is not that I cant imagine it, I just dont want to get your hopes high that he is a millionaire. If it turns out that he is one, then lucky days!".

"Thank you... I guess..." I reply, smiling at her.

And just like that, my hopes and throughts of him behing a millionaire sunk, but hey, I am at least going to see him again. I can't wait to kiss him again...

James POV

I arrive home and I instantly go to change out of my suit. When I am at home, I like to be in some comfortable clothes, like my adult pyjamas.

I go into my living room and I turn on the TV.

I head into Netflix before watching some random... stuff, so that time could pass by faster, so that I could get to see Ana faster. A smile grows on my face at the thought of her... and I am getting impatient, not a good sign.

Anyways, as the series that I am watching is playing in the back ground, I take out my phone and I send a quick text to Ana.


Hey beautiful. Cant wait until you are here with me, until you are in my arms. Have a safe flight in case if I dont get the time to tell you so. See you in... Twenty hours!

I can't fucking wait!

When I send the message, I place my phone on the coffee table that is right in front of me and I tune back into the series that I began watching.

It was not long before that feeling of sleepiness hits me, hard!... My sleep slumber is here...

I turn off everything off and with my phone in my hand, I proceed on heading upstairs. into my room.

I leave my phone on my bedside table before collapsing myself onto the bed and withing seconds, I feel sleep consume me.


"We are here..." I hear Milica say as Darko drives us down towards the entrance to Terminal One on Belgrade Nikola Tesla International Airport.

"Mnogo ce te mi nedostaja ti... (I am going to miss you all so much...)" I say as my eyes are becoming watery.

I suddenly hear sniffles. Andrea is crying.

"Joj, Andrea, nemoj, molim te da places. (Oh, Andrea, dont cry please...)," I tell her as I can feel tears threatning to over flow and eun my make up.

"Da, molim te, nemoj, sad cu i ja. (Yes, please, Andrea, I will cry too)," I hear Milica say as her eyes become red.

"Idem ja prenego sto se svi rasplacemo. (I am gonna go before we all breakdown into tears.)," I say light heartedly.

"I obavezno da nam se javis, okay? (And you must call us, okay?).". There we go, Andrea once again turning into my mother. I smile at her concern as I can feel my heart wrench. This was what I was dreading. I didn't want this to happen.

I am a sucker whan it comes to goodbyes.

Anyways, I get my stuff from the trunk. Before leaving fot the terminal, I give Darko, Andrea and Milica a big hug. I love them all so much!

"Vidimo se! (See you!)," I say as I wave at them before making my way into the terminal.

James, I am coming...