V01 - Chapter 9 Demonstration RM


--- Fort Alnus ---

April 31st, 2025

Lelei is holding what the Americans call a blueberry-muffin. It is a soft, fat, and fluffy bakery food with berries in it.

When she first arrived in Rondel long ago, she could not believe all the amazing design of bakery product there.

She was born in the Rurudo nomad tribe. Everything had to be hunted and cooked back then. Her people did not believe in settling down in a single location. So, Rondel had so many luxury foods she never could imagine. But now, she finds the American bakery is even far more luxurious than the best Rondel backer.

"Mm," Rory said to herself, enjoying her muffin.

"How do you think they make it stand so tall?" she asked as she analyzes it. "And make it so fluffy."

"Dark magic," Rory responds, enjoying herself.

She looks at Rory. "Do you think so?"

Rory looks at her and burst out laughing. "Of course not. Just eat it. It is tasty."

As she eats her muffin she looks around as she waits for Sharpe. He asked them all to be here by the Gate at it being midday, or these otherworld warriors call it, 1035.

It has been three days since Vanguard-7 escorted the refugees to Alnus Hill. When she got there, she was amazed by what she saw. They have massive, armored weapons called tanks, so much of their equipment made from this strange metal, showing how wealthy they are.

The other thing she noticed was the area around Alnus. Thousands of bodies and beasts all over the place. It is clear Alnus Hill became a bloody battleground. Based on the Americans' appearance and lack of concern, they did not suffer many casualties. With her time with Sharpe fighting against the Flame Dragon, she can believe how deadly their weapons are. Having these people as enemy seems like suicide

And then there is Major Sharpe. What he did was very brave, helping those people. That was very out of character for most people in Falmart. He and his people are soldiers, but they do not act like soldiers. For some reason, she feels safe around him.

She looks to her left and sees Selina standing there. While they are the same age physically that is where the similarities end. But she still agreed to watch over the girl for Sharpe. It is the least she can do for helping the townsfolk and giving her a place to sleep.

"It is fascinating isn't it, Selina?" Rory asked, referring to the Gate.

Selina looks at her. She still looks nervous and slightly scared. "That is how they come here?"

"That is correct," she replied. "The legend about the Gate is true but I am surprised that the Gate has appeared."

"My master Cato El Altestan has told me stories of the Gate," she said. "Stories about a Gate that appears, and life or death comes through it. I never thought I would ever see such a thing."

"Yeah but smaller than I expected," Rory responds. "But yeah, all good things are usually smaller than expected."

She looks at Rory, trying to understand the hidden meaning. All she sees is Rory chuckling.

As she is standing there by the fence, watching as the soldiers bring cargo through the gate. As a thank you from Major Sharpe for helping in the battle against the dragon, Lelei and her were given their own tent with some special rights on the base. Selina was also assigned to their shack, so I could protect her while he was not around.

Selina tugs on her blue and green rob and then points to the large boxes.

"Yes Selina," she said. "I noticed a lot of those recently. I think they are cargo boxes."

"It looks like these people are moving in to stay," Rory points out. "But I don't think they are ready for our world."

She looks at Rory confused. "What do you mean? They seem to have so much power."

Rory looks at her. "They are probably the most powerful force on Falmart right now, but power isn't enough. These people are new to these lands and our ways. They are also angry. I was talking to Sharpe and he didn't even know who Palapon was."

"I see what you mean," she said. "I also noticed that they don't know the basics of our world. I was talking to the big man named Randy and he said there are no monsters in their world. Just Humans."

"Correct," Rory replied. "While I am admiring their bravery, they seem to be like children."

"They didn't even know what magic was until a few days ago," she added. "But what are you saying, Rory?"

Rory looks over. "I have seen good men before. Even the Empire has good men. However, even the best of men can be corrupted over time, especially when they face the unknown."

"I do believe these people when they say they want to help but Sharpe was right," Rory continues. "How can they help if they do not know this world? What is basic for us is so foreign to them."

"I bet they say the same about us," she adds. "Should we help them?"

Rory hesitates to respond, gathering her thoughts. "If they let me I will. I cannot allow their rage for the Empire to turn them into another Empire. They need guidance until they can learn and understand our world."

"So, they are like big children?" Selina asked, trying to be part of the conversation.

Rory laughs hearing Selina say that. "Yes. For now, though."

She then sees Major Sharpe and this other woman walks up.

"Hello girls," Sharpe said. "This is First Lieutenant Sarah Rose. She is one of my coworkers and if you need anything while I am off base you can get to her."

"Hello Girls," Sarah said. "You must be Lelei. You must be at Rory. In revealing clothes, I see. No wonder the Major tried to play a fast one on you."

She laughs and poses a little. "At first sight of me, men just lose all control."

"You know I am standing right here," Sharpe said.

"I know," Sarah responds. She then lowers herself to Selina's height. "And you must be Selina. You are so cute. Are you feeling better?"

Selina nods her head and then shyly glances up at Sharpe.

"What is the plan?" she asked.

"You are welcome to come inside," Sharpe said. "The Colonel and General would like to have a word with you two. Please follow us."

She grabs Selina's hand and follows the two.

"Major," she said. "What are those metal things over there?"

"Those are helicopters," Sharpe responds. "Blackhawks. Part of the 101st Division."

"Helicopters allow us to fly through the sky," Sarah adds. "It is like a flying wagon."

She thinks for a moment after hearing that. "So, it is like a Wyvern but metal. Like everything else they have. Very interesting."

She could not believe what they said. The Empire specializes in such abilities as its Wyvern Corps and Dragon Riders. It is one reason how they became the dominant power of Falmart. It takes years to train a Wyvern to obey human commands and only a select few can ever be able to fly. Even in her long life she has only flown a few times. Based on how calm Sharpe and Sarah responded it sounds like the flight is normal to them.

She also sees about ten soldiers standing around a box, all dressed very well. She sees them pick up the box and start loading it into one of the vehicles. She also sees a flag over the box, stars, and strips. "What is that over there?"

Sharpe looks and looks at her. "They are sending back one of our fallen soldiers. I don't have the details, but the soldier walked into a monster nest. Bad way to go."

"You value the dead bodies?" Rory asked.

"We leave no one behind. Dead or alive, everyone has the right to go home," Sharpe said. "Lieutenant Colonel Hal Moore, 1966."

"And what is that flag?" she asked.

"That is our country's flag," Sarah adds. "Our country isn't a normal country. It is a union of fifty-two(1) States, all united under a republic. The starts each represent the states in our union, showing we are united."

"The thirteen strips have two meanings," Sharpe continues. "The first thirteen colonies or as states today. Red represents valor and strength, white represents innocence and purity, and blue represents perseverance and justice. We out a flag to honor our fallen as they go home."

Rory liked that a lot. "During battles, I collect the fallen souls of soldiers who died. I help guide those souls to Emroy so they souls can be protected by the other gods, so they can rest in peace like a warrior should. I find it respectable how you treasure the fallen."

She sees these two men standing there. They seem to be talking about something important, but she cannot tell what.

Once they arrived Sarah introduced the girls to the two me. One being Lieutenant General Charles Stanford, the leader of the newly established NATO Expeditionary Force. The other is Colonel John Yang, leader of the Rangers here.

"I like to say thank you for helping Major Sharpe and his team out there," Yang said.

"You are all welcome to stay here until something better," Stanford said. "I must ask you all to remain in the refugee zone until we can clear out a new area for you and the others."

"Hold up," Rory said as she holds out her hand. "I am not going to sit around and do nothing. I will go crazy. I want to help. You need me."

"I had a feeling you were going to say this, but we cannot," Stanford said. "For one this is the US Army, we don't accept kids into our ranks."

"And with all due respect General but I am not a kid," Rory said, crossing her arms. "When I was twelve Emroy picked me but that was nine-hundred and sixty years ago. I am stronger, faster, smarter, and let's face it. Prettier too. There are threats to this world that you do not understand. You think I am the only one of my kind out there?"

She takes a step forward. "Excuse me but I am not a child. I am sixteen. My master is Cato El Altestan and I am his student. My upbringing was a nomad life, so I know how to pull my weight. And I notice you do not have mages, so I think you need me."

"It is not that we don't understand what you are Rory," Yang said. "It is more that we cannot be seen putting… people like you within our ranks. While I understand your gifts my people back home will not."

"To put it frank we need time to see if there is a role for you," Stanford said.

She then sees Sharpe look to the officers, about to say something. Stanford looks at Sharpe and holds out his hand, warning him not to speak.

"Look, Major," Stanford said. "I understand your feelings. You of all people know we do not act as rogue agents. We do need local's help but putting them into combat side by side shouldn't be the way."

As she watches the debate, she is baffled by the age part. She does not understand why these people brought up her age and Rory's size. She has been working and in danger since she was born. She has seen children in Legion, Knights, and Militias all the time.

Now that she thinks about it, she has yet to see a child here within the American ranks at all. Everyone is an adult. The only odd thing is the number of female soldiers she sees. While still a minority she is impressed by the large amount.

Based on the conversation it sounds like the two commanders just do not know what to do with Rory and her. As Rory said before she is starting to see the immaturity these people are. She can tell they come from a wealthy and safe place.

As she looks around, she notices extra activities by the Gate. She sees one of the big cargo trucks suddenly driving backwards into a wall of crates.

About four crates start falling over in three directions. Soldiers all around start to panic and run.

She holds up her staff. The orb on it glows blue.

The falling crates stop right before it hits the ground. There is this blue enemy flow around all four crates, hovering.

She moves her staff, guiding the crates. She is sweating as she feels the stress and weight of the crates. "What is in those? Rory!"

"On it," Rory said.

Rory then quickly rushes over to the crates. She grabs the largest one and lowers it. She keeps doing that until everything is on the floor.

She takes a deep breath as she feels the stress gone. Suddenly she sees this canteen in front of her.

"Good job kid," Sharpe said. "Drink up."

She takes the canteen smiling. She starts drinking and can see them all talking. Sarah, Yang, and Stanford, plus everyone in the area is looking at her with these shock eyes. "What?"

"Those were high explosives," Sarah said. "They could have killed us all."

"What did you do?" Yang asked.

She looks around. The only one who isn't in pure shock is Sharpe. She sees him give a supportive nod, signaling her that it is ok to speak. "I just used my Telekinesis to stop the crates."

"You're kidding?" Sarah said, shocked. "You mean mind powers? You can just look at something and take control of it?"

"That is a crude way of saying it Lieutenant Sarah but close," she replied. "But don't worry I cannot just control you. Controlling a living person's movement is way too hard. Only the most skilled Arc-Mages can do that and even then, it is a large mana drain."

Yang then looks to Rory as Rory walks bac over, brushing her hand soft

Rory glances at Yang and Stanford and smirks. "I love to see your big brave soldier boys do that."

"Those had to be like five hundred pounds," Yang said. "Maybe more. Did you lift them so easily?"

"Super-human strength Colonel," Sharpe said and walks between everyone. He looks towards the girls. "Thank you very much."

Sharpe then looks to his superiors. "Look sirs we need help. I know it isn't standard protocol but what is standard right now? Are we here to win or are we here to show off for twenty years?"

She can see Yang and Stanford looking at her and Rory. Form what she can tell that they both left an impression on them.

"Alright Major," Yang said. "We will do it your way however they are your responsibility."

Sharpe salutes and nods. "Thank you, sir. I will even do the paperwork."

"Oh please," Sarah said.

Sharpe looks at her and smirks. "What? I am. This will be fun but don't worry, I won't do any edits. I rely on you for that."

She blinks, not fully understanding what is happening. "So, we are allowed to help."

Sharpe smirks. "Yes. Both of you can tag along however you have to obey my commands. Do we have an understanding?"

She smiles and nods. "Yes, Major."

"I guess I can listen," Rory said. "When I feel like it."

"Well I better start getting everything ready," Sarah said. "Good day to you all and welcome to the team."



(1)Guam and Puerto Rico are States in my story.




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