Chapter 22 RM


--- Roma Highway ---

May 10th, 2025

Vanguard-7 spend most of the day at Italica, completing their original mission. After that they left Italica with a hero's departure.

Major Sharpe was surprised and pleased that the town was so thankful for their help. His intention to show a positive side worked.

Countess Myui Del Formal was incredibly grateful, giving a short speech thanking Vanguard-7 and their American friends. Princess Piña Co Lada on the other hand was more pleased that they were leaving.

The three JLTV are on the road, heading back to Alnus. The mood in the vehicles is high, after a successful and stressful battle. It would be good that they are happy because things could have gone far different.

The radio is alive with team members talking to each other, all arguing about the new topic of the day.

"I am telling you man; this is the future. It has to be," Andrew said in a confident tone.

Randy speaks up next through the radio. "That is stupid man, this is not the future."

"No, see. It makes sense. That is why there are hybrid humans all around. Nuclear winter changed everything." Andrew explains.

At least three Rangers are speaking over the radio, all trying to explain how dumb that was.

"This is not Planet of the Apes Andrew," Alicia comments.

"No, this has to be an alternate reality!" Andrew replied, forcing his idea out there.

"What if we are in a movie like the 'Last Action Hero(1)' film?" Scott asked.

"Does it really matter guys; do you honestly think you will solve it right here," Jerry said.

The radio will go quiet but then what seems like everyone will yell yes it matters. Alicia sits back down crossing her arms. "Men..."

"How about this idea? What if the Gate is a portal into the Matrix?" Andrew adds to the topic of the day, throwing out random ideas.

"That one is bad," Selina asked in a nervous tone, looking at him. "Right? What he said was silly?"

He looks at her and nods. "Correct."

As Andrew drives, he looks behind his seat with a confused look. "What?"

"Steele, you just got put in your place by a little brat," he said with a chuckle.

"Is a brat a good thing?" Selina askes in confusion.

He smirks from the question. "A brat is the highest of honor. I was called that many times growing up."

"That explains a lot," Alicia mumbles.

"Do you even know what I am referencing?" Andrew asked.

Selina shakes her head no and then looks at him. "I don't know what a Matrix is, but it just sounds dumb. Been around you guys long enough know the difference between a smart and dumb ideas."

He, Alicia, and Rory begin to start laughing at what Selina said, making fun of Andrew. Sharpe explains the story over the radio so the whole team and they all begin to rag on him over the net.

"Who needs enemies…," Andrew said, smiling a little.

Out of everyone, Lelei looks very confused. "I don't understand, why are they fighting?"

"They're just being stupid. One of the Rangers started a betting pool to see who will be the first to figure out what your world is. Too complicated to explain," Alicia replied to her question.

He leans backwards, facing the back of the JLTV from the front seat. "It is interesting that this world not only has humans but other intelligent creatures too. People on Earth have always thought a world like this was just a fantesy one. You guys have magic, monsters, fantasy races, it seems everything. I always thought it was made up," he explains and then reaches for his personal radio. "Na, this has to be another planet, cannot be time travel."

Lelei thinks and then pulls on Sharpe's jacket. "You said your people believe Magic is make believe. Maybe it is because your people lost the ability to imagine it, so you lost the knowledge."

"That is, it!" Andrew suddenly yells and then speaks through the radio. "Lelei figured it out, we're in Imagination Land."

"... Don't Start Corporal. I love that episode. Don't ruin it for me," Johnson orders over the radio next.

He thinks about Andrew's idea. Imagination Land is a three-part episode from the show South Park. It is where the kids go into this world that is full of their imaginations. Everything that was created ended up there. Every story, every friend, every idea and thought.

Then he gets a scary thought. Humans have very twisted thoughts at times. Both the good and bad, all depending how a person thinks about it. The more he thinks about Imagination Land, the scarier it becomes to him.

Lelei now looks confused, not understanding the reference. Sometimes she has a hard time understanding Earth Human humor.

"There is no way this can be Imagination Land," he responds.

"And why is that?" Someone will say over the radio.

Scott finally jumps into the conversation and said what he was thinking. He started this whole mess and then stayed quiet, using everyone for his own personal show. "Because everything would be perverted and gross. Let us be honest, we already have an Imagination Land and it is called the Internet. We all know what is on there."

That is when the radio will go dead quiet, now everyone imagination all their darkest thoughts. For the first time since they left Italica. Truth be told, living in a real Imagination Land would be very, interesting, to say kindly. Right then everyone would agree to end this topic and move on.

"What is this Internet?" Lelei asked, confused. "Is it bad?"

"Well," Alicia replied. "If you are looking to explore your dark side then yes, it is bad."

Rory will burst out laughing, thinking how that was funny, understanding the full context behind all of it. "Oh, thank the gods... I was beginning to think you were all these purists but no, you're all perverts. This is going to be fun!"

"Shut up Rory...," Alicia tells her.

The conversation continues for a bit, all throwing out different ideas. Most of these ideas are to just blow off steam and bond with each other.

That is when the first JLTV stops, which is Johnson's vehicle. "Sir, I need you up front, we have contact with what seems to be cavalry."

The convoy stops as ordered. "Roger, on my way. And all teams stay in your vehicle, do not act hostile."

He gets out of his JLTV and walks up front. When he arrives, he sees dozens of horsemen and women. He notices the Rose-Order banner, like the one Grey and Pina had. As he walks up, he pullesd out a piece of paper, that being a copy of the treaty from Princess Pina.

"Who are you and where are you going!?" One of the women in blond hair demands. "Are you coming from Italica!?

"Wow mam, calm down. My CO is coming. We're friendly." Johnson said, speaking from his window.

As he walks up, he sees a decent amount of these Knights, at least a platoon worth. He notices the flag which has a red rose on it. They must be part of the Princess outfit so this should be easy to fix. To his surprise, almost all of them are women. He only sees one, maybe two men in the group.

Not that he has anything against that, war is usually fought by men. Ignoring the part that men are on average stronger, in most society men have always been considered more expendable, to be thrown into battle if needed.

Still, give someone a gun or in this case a sword, that quickly evens the playing for everyone. A bullet knows no different, everyone equal to its deadliness.

"Hello there. My name is Major Sharpe of the United States Army. I am in command of this unit. What is the issue ma'am?" He asked.

All of the female Knights look at him with this pure hatred in their eyes. "So, you're the enemy leader. I am not impressed. Why are you coming from Italica? And where are you going?" The blond hair lady will say.

"Hold on, here," he said and then hands her the document. "We were visiting the city. We are on our way to Alnus Hill. We have permission-."

Hearing that name Alnus enrages these knights. "You're the enemy from the Gate! Warrior, prepare for battle!" A darker hair woman yells, holding out his sword.

"Wow! Wait!" he raises his hands, trying to calm them down. "We have permission to travel back there. We mean you no harm. This document is from Pina." Then he realizes he should have added Pina's title.

"Then why is there smoke coming from Italica? You attacked them!" The yellow hair women say, not listening to him.

Sharpe turns around and sees smoke coming from the city. It did not even dawn on him that smoke was coming from the city. It makes sense if she is assuming, they attacked it. "Ahh shit."

"Attack!" The blond haired woman yells.

"Open Fire!" Johnson yells over the NW(2).

He realizes the treaty is about to fall apart. Everything his team just did in Italica would be for nothing if the treaty falls apart. His superiors will have no choice but to attack Italcia if the treaty falls apart, turning them into an enemy. He would hate to come back here and kill those townsfolks for a misunderstanding.

He thinks about letting the M2 Browning .50 caliber take them out however they are so close it might result in a few friendly casualties. Plus, he just made some inroads with the enemy leader and killing her own unit is not a good way to build on that relationship. He understands what a unit is, it is like a second family, sometimes first.

He turns around to look at his unit. "Hold Fire! Fall back! Back to base now!"

The first vehicle, Johnson vehicle backs up, ramming into the other then turns left and, drives away. The other two also drive away, following it. He knew they hated leaving but he always knew Johnson would obey his order.

And right then everything goes dark as something hard hits him in the back of his head.

--- Hours later ---

"Why the hell did you leave him behind?" Alicia asked, yelling at Johnson.

"Stand down Private! He gave a direct order!" Johnson said.

Alicia stands down, about to burst out angry but then manages to control herself. "Yes sir."

Vanguard-7 drove away and is now out of sight, away from any road. They would be holding up by the tree line, close to Italica.

"Why did you leave your commander behind? You could have easily killed them." Lelei asked Randy.

Randy has his arm crossed, clearly not liking the situation. "Its politics, kid. If we open fired, then the treaty which we just signed would be worthless. Italica might retaliate which means we would. The Major understands what happens when a small event escalates into a big one and wants to avoid it."

And Second Lieutenant Johnson looks over, overhearing them. "On top of that, we weren't in a good position to fight. All trap inside the vehicles"

"So, are we heading to base as ordered?" Alicia asked.

"No. Gear up, we're going light. In and out." Johnson orders.


--- Italica ---

May 10th, 2025

Bozes Co Palesti, one of the Rose-Order of Knights greatest warriors, one of Princess Pina most loyal knights. All her life she has sworn to serve her princess, waiting for the day to prove her loyalty. For years she has known Pina has been wanting to prove herself to her father and bring honor and glory to the Rose-Order.

She looks to that other world dweller called Sharpe from the other side of the Gate. While riding on her horse, heading back to Italica, she looks back at that strange man. When he woke up, she took him back to one of our wagons and had two of our knights beat out information from him. Well, at least they tried. She must admit, he is resilient on torture.

Sharpe is currently tied to a robe that is connected to a wagon. He has a black eye and bruises all over. Strangely, he is currently humming some strange song, something about a highway. It is strange, he told this story about a flying beast killing all these bandits, saving the city. There is no way that can be true. We are close to the city and yes it looks damaged, but they were the ones that came from it.

That is when Beefeater E Caty rides up to her side. "Has he given any information how he got this fake treaty?"

"Nope. Still saying that the princess just gave it to him," she said.

"Impossible. There is no way she would give a treaty like this to them." Beefeater said in a confused tone. She then looks at the document that is currently rolled up in her hand. "But the terms do seem to be like they surrendered to her. Maybe she already defeated the people from the Gate, and they were the last of them."

That is when she pulls out this knife that she took from that man. "I bet. Look! This is their primary weapon, this dagger. How can cut down a man with this, they must be stupid from where he is from."

She looks at that man again. "Hey! Answer this question. Why would your people attack us with such weak weapons? You thought you could defeat us with this?" She holds up his knife.

Sharpe looks at it and then at her. "Yeah, pretty much." He then coughs, needing water. "We thought about coming here in sandals, but we thought that would have been… to stupid."

That answer just infuriates her. Is Sharpe just mocking her or what? "You… you will pay for your sins, attacking the great Empire and for mocking me!" She then hits him hard in the chest.

"I don't understand what the fuss has been about. Your people abandon you at the first sight of trouble. If all of your people are like them then taking Alnus Hill will be easy." Beefeater adds.

"Too easy, we will never earn glory with such a weak opponent," she comments, not impressed by these people.

"Well then, why not you do it then," Sharpe said in a sarcastic tone. That would just earn him a hit in the gut from a large wooden bat like object.

Once they got into town, she expected to be met with celebration by the townsfolk. That all the people would be happy that the Rose-Order of Knights were able to drive the enemy away and capture their leader. But it was all quiet once they got there. They notice that some people are giving them these disrespectful glares and then walk away.

Beefeater quietly speaks to her. "Is it just me or is something off here?"

"It seems everyone is upset with us. Maybe they are still shocked from the recent battle," she replied, guessing on the matter.

As they walk through Italica she can see the peasants staring at her. She gets the feeling that the Rose Knights are the enemy, not the Other Worlder. While they are well trained and armed, if they decide to attack them, they will have no chance.

"Maybe we were late?" Beefeater guesses. "We did get stuck in that rainstorm and had to go around."

That is when she again looks at Sharpe again as she hears children run up to him. She sees these two little boys and a little girl giving the soldier some bread and water.

Sharpe waves at them and tells them everything will be ok. He keeps reassuring the kids and the townsfolk not to worry.

Witnessing that confused her more. A deep feeling that something is completely wrong sings in her gut. She starts to wonder if the city did surrender to this man. If so, then why would not have they attacked and ran away?

"Yeah," Beefeater said. "Something is not right? Has the city rebelled?"

"You know the Formal family," she replied. "They are soft people. Cow pies have more integrity. If it was not for their wealth they should be purged for their backwards views. Being soft on the enemy. Just like the Bunnies."

As they ride through the city, they keep getting the same reaction for the townsfolk. She hears many of her Knights whispering as they try to figure out what is going on. Some think they are traitors while others start to guess that maybe the Other Worlders were correct.

That is when she sees a wagon full of dead bodies. The city clearly was attacked, and the people are in the middle of clearing it up. They keep getting disrespectful glares and back talk. She starts to feel like she is marching like she is the one conquering the city, not saving it.

When the Rose Knights reach the palace, they form a line. "Knights! Dismount." Beefeater orders.

Both Beefeater and she takes the prisoner along with them, with six of their fellow knights as guards. Their male Knight Jalin is the one holding him, so he does not escape. To their surprise he has not resisted once, only back talk with these strange references.

On the way to the throne room, assuming where Pina should be. While walking there, they jokingly talk about all the things they would do to him. Should they just enslave him to punish his ego, crucify him here or in front of his comrades, whore him out for some quick coin, lots of fun, lots of choices.

They walk into the chambers and see Princess Pina sitting on the throne. Countess Myui Del Formal is standing there as they are talking about something.

Pina's personal servant Hamilton is standing there, recording everything they said. She starts to say something related to the city, mentioning the number of casualties the city suffered. All three of them look exhausted.

The three of them look like they have this huge relief was just lifted. That must be how they won the battle against the Gate people. She feels like she will be able to lift the Princess spirits with their prisoner. He must have been the one who attacked and looted the city.

The three of them look to Beefeater and her, all happy to see them. "I am so happy to see you all here. I cannot believe it! Oh, thank the... who is that?" Pina suddenly asked with her concerned voice.

She begins to feel a huge amount of pride within her. "My Princess, today we Rose Knights brought great honor on our first victory and glory! While on the way here we faced and caught one of the warrior's leaders who attacked Italica."

"I also have to report that once we entered the city the peasants here have been very disrespectful towards us," Beefeater explains. "They provided food, water, and kindness to the enemy prisoner while ignoring us."

She looks at Myui. "I know the peasants of this city have been through a lot however treating Imperial Knights with such disrespect is a crime. I will deal with it. Now show me this prisoner. I wish to seek my revenge on him for daring to attack us."

She signals two of her Knights to bring up the Other Worlders prisoner.

They drag him and set him down on his knees.

"Princess Pina," she said. "This is the enemy we intercepted outside of Italica."

She can tell something is off. She can see Myui panicking, like her world just came crashing down.

She then notices the same reaction from Pina and Hamilton. Even the Maids look scared.

Right then, Hamilton's mouth drops wide open, not believing what she is seeing. "By the gods..."

Myui sits down and holds her legs, taking a deep breath. The Head Maid walks over to ease her stress.

Sharpe looks up and smirks. "Hey... your highness... long time no see..." He said in an exhausted voice. He then gives her a wink.



(1)Last Action Hero film, 1993

(2)NW = NETT Warrior Network



