Chapter 30 Elias Forest Campaign RM


--- Iruos Highway ---

May 23rd, 2025

Vanguard-7 is back on the field after a short leave in Alnus. They are joined by two other Vanguard teams in the region, Vanguard-5 and Vanguard-3. Major Sharpe is happy to be out on the field again, finding it relaxing. He never like to much down time at base.

NATO forces have been pushing west sense Italica, pushing the Empire out of NATO western flank. The Dumas Mountain Range to the east of Alnus has proven to be a massive obstacle. Italica was no longer a threat, Lieutenant General Charles Stanford decided to secure the western flanks of Alnus. He is not scared of an eastern attack because of the large Dumas Mountains.

The farming town of Naiktai fell after a short siege. Atler quickly surrendered afterwards. Imperial forces put up a two-day fight at the river city of Valtris until British SAS captured the Count of the city(1). The Campaign in the Troph Hills lasted a week and a half in a NATO victory.

While NATO and US military technology and professionalism has been a decisive edge, Valtris and the Troph Hills has shown the Empire can draw blood. While relatively light number of casualties, it was more than expected by NATO brass.

Once Valtris fell, the town on the other side of the Row Stream Etlia surrendered. Daze, a small ferry town south of Valtris fell five days later. With Valtris and Daze occupied, NATO western front became secured.

Once the west was secured, Alnus Command discovered that the Greater Elies Region is the heart of the Empire agriculture. According to Lelei, the region supplies the Empire about thirty-five percent of the continent.

It was decided to send in the Ranger Vanguard teams to start exploring the region to see the value in the invasion or see if they can turn cities away from the Empire.

In addition, securing a steady flow of food stuff locally would free up logistics with the Gate. Besides a few farms near Alnus and Italics, all of NATO food brought from Earth to Alnus. This means it takes longer for other military material and personnel to come through.

The 75th Rangers were chosen for this task because they are some of the best warriors America has to offer. They can adapt to new and changing environments while on the field. They are highly trained, some of the best and can fight against superior numbers. Their history has been busting the door open for larger forces to follow. Fighting the British back in the Revolutionary War, climbing the cliffs of Point Du Hoc during World War Two and being some of the first troops in the invasion of Panama in the 1989. They are the perfect force to spearhead the US effort in this world.

The team convoy will be driving along and all they have seen so far is farmlands. It has been fascinating seeing what Earth considers ancient culture and seeing that as daily life.

He is sitting in his seat as Corporal Andrew drives his command JLTV. As he looks at the bright sun, an idea appeared in his head. "Damn..., I cannot believe I didn't ask this before."

He looks into the back of the vehicle and see Selina, Rory, Lelei and Alicia. Selina is watching something on a tablet he gave her, Lelei of course be reading a book about natural physics and Rory will be cleaning her Halberd.

"Ladies, question. Correct me if I am wrong, you call your sun Flare correct?" he asked.

Rory looks up at him and smiles, nodding at him. "The god of the Sun, yes."

He nods his head, glad that he remembered that right. Lelei and Rory has explained that this world has many different gods, each representing a list of 'jobs' that are part of daily life. The topic reminded him of Earth Roman and Greek mythology gods.

"Interesting," he said. "I had a question sense we first arrived. What do you call your world?"

Rory looks confused by the question. She knows that he knows that these lands are called 'Falmart'.

Lelei looks up from her science book. "These lands are called Falmart. You know this sir."

Alicia looks down form her magazine. "No, he means what is your planet name. Like our world is called Earth, our country is on the North American continent. Have you notice we separate our names like that?"

"I have noticed that myselt," Lelei replied. "I been confused by that and been meaning to ask why."

Both Lelei and Rory looks at Alicia and then at each other. Lelei then breaks her gaze at Rory and then back at Sharpe. "I understand now, I don't believe there is a name for our world yet. Most never would talk about such things and only the astronomic sages would think about that."

He smiles, enjoying what he heads. "I didn't know your people were into astronomy."

Lelei looks back at her book, disgusted by the word 'astronomy'. "Some sages do however they are a fringe cult."

"A fringe cult?" he asked, confused.

"Yes," Lelei replied. "They are considered a cult by the Rondel Grand Masters. One of them hassles my sister Arpeggio to marry him. They have strange theories about how our world is round and they have this really strange theory about how there are other worlds going around Flare."

"You don't think there are other worlds?" he asked.

"Of course, there are other worlds," Lelei replied. "Legend said people came here through the Gate over the millennia's. But the idea we orbit around Flare and such is nonsense. Like, how can your world orbit our Flare? It is nonsense."

He can see the frustration in Lelei with the topic. While she doesn't know it she is talking about the helio-centricism theory(2). While Lelei has proven to be very smart and been able to grasp many complex scientific theories, she sometimes still follows the old ways and see things through her people limited perspective.

He sees Alicia about to correct Lelei and he shoots her a warning look, warning her not to say a word. While he like to tell Lelei and the other Girls the trust about the universe, he does not want to break their understand of their place in the universe. He does not want them to reply on his people to much for knowledge and become dependent. He wants them to still discover the knowledge for themselves in some ways.

"Something on that scale would have a god name," Rory adds. "Like Wareharun, the God of the Forest. But he wouldn't be the name."

"It could be the God of Miritta. She is the Goddess of Fertility, she gives life to us all," Selina proposed.

"Why would my god be the name?" Rory asked.

Selina is hesitant to respond, still building up her confidence. "Because there is life all over the world and Miritta is the goddess of fertility. That means having babies. Mother once said the world is like that, that we are all part of our world. The world gives life just like Miritta."

He realizes that his innocent question turned into a far bigger subject then he intended. Nothing is simple in this world, at least it is interesting.

He looks to Selina. "I didn't know you were religious."

"Miritta is the core goddess we worship back in Edras," Selina replied. "My middle name is Mir, to represent my goddess. Miritta has no temple here for me to worship at."

"Your middle name. What about your last name?" he asked.

"I don't have one anymore," Selina said quickly, struggling on going on. "When you become a slave, you lose our last name plus, all my family is dead."

He sees Rory rub Selina back, showing support. He does not fully understand how someone can just take a last name just because they were a slave. Maybe the slave can forget their last name but that took years if not decades, not months. He assumes she just does not want to talk about how her family died.

Rory looks at him and then asked. "Why do you care? These are strange questions."

Private First-Class Alicia comments on Rory question. "He is a nerd. He likes space, and other science topics, if you haven't figured that out yet ready." She said, hinting at the Optimus Prime figure on the dashboard, next to the Kaeso Sura figure. "It is not that its important, it's just about knowing stuff for the sake of knowing something."

"I understand," Lelei replied. She goes into deep thought, pondering on the question. "Next time I go to the Magic Academy in Rondel I will ask about the subject; they might have a name."

Lelei has told him what Rondel is before. The reason she was in the Coan Forest was because she was getting special training by her Master Cato El Altestan. He was in Rondel when his team met her.

The Magic Academy is in the city of Rondel. The city is home to many magicians, scholars and what the Americans call scientists, and other professionals and intellectuals. For the everyday people, information like this has no meaning since it does not help them in anything.

After hearing that, Rory rolls her eyes. "I know what they are going to say. Last time I was there I remember them using the word Uros for some reason. I forget why they were talking about that, but they didn't know what god he is. They don't even know if he is real. It is a topic that doesn't get much attention though. At least since the last time I was there." She said, now pondering what that bit of information.

"I never heard of that name before," Lelei said. "My master would have told me during my training."

"He is considered a false god," Rory replied. "I only remembered the name because of the topic. Last time I heard that name was about three hundred and fifty years ago from the south-east Continent Telirif."

He looks at Rory. "Interesting. What do you call the moon then?"

"Idos, that God of Cosmos," Lelei replied as she reads.

Rory nods. "Yes. Emroy and Idos has been competing against each other since the dawn of the world. I have faced against his apostle throughout the centuries."

"Hold up," Andrew said with a surprise tone in his voice. "There is another one of you?"

Rory looks at him with a no shit look. "Of course, there are. There are dozens of us. Each god besides Wareharun have an Apostle that represents them. Not all of them are on Falamrt and we travel around the world all the time."

"Now that is interesting," he said, taking that fact seriously. The idea that there are others like Rory has been talked about in the brass meetings. Currently NATO has no way to defeat a Apostle then overwhelming fire power. Each meeting basically said they are happy Rory is on their side to provide that guidance and protection.

"Thank god you're on our side Rory," Alicia said, turning the page of her magazine, not fully paying attention.

As the conversation continues, Alicia radio console goes off. She has this annoyed look on her face, assuming it is just another update request from Alnus Command. She picks up the handset and dose her job. Her mood quickly changes, going from casually bored to fully professional. "Sir!" Alicia said as she switches her radio from private to public, so all of Vanguard-7 can hear what she is hearing.

"This is Vanguard-5, need back." Back now in the background there is yelling, screaming and gunfire. It sounds like pure chaos. The team automatic SOS message beginw as the person on the radio just stop speaking.

As the message went on, he ordered the rest of the team to triple time it and head to their last known location.


--- Elies Forest, Vilgla Village ---

May 23rd, 2025

It has been a few hours for Vanguard-7 would reach their sister unit location. As they pull up, Major Sharpe see another Ranger team here, Vanguard-3.

"Team, pull up there. Steele, I want you on the .50 cal." After saying that, Sharpe gets on the team radio. "Randy assist in security. Do not trust the locals until we know what is going on. Johnson with me. Jerry, see what you can do with the wounded."

Everyone knowledges as their three vehicles pull up. There are six other vehicles here, all from Vanguard-3 and 5. Once their vehicle stops, Sharpe leans back, facing the three girls. "Lelei, I could use your help in Public Relations. Rory, help with security. I do not want the locals wanting to do something iffy. Selina, stay here."

Everyone gets out of the vehicle to do their task. Before She leaves, he puts his head through his side of the JLTV window. "Selina, remember our agreement." He said in a serious tone. Letting her know the subject is not up for debate.

Selina nods her head and grab the helmet she was given. Unlike Rory and Lelei, where they can defend themselves if needed, Selina cannot. To help justify allowing her to travel with them, she had to agree to terms, like wearing a helmet while in a combat situation.

Second Lieutenant Charles Johnson rushes to him as he walks to the officers of the other Ranger units. As they walk, they see dead bodies, bullet shells, blood everywhere. "Damn, what the hell happen here."

"Let's find out." Sharpe said back to him.

Once they walked to the other officers, they look at both Sharpe and Johnson. Captain Bailey, the leader of Vanguard-5. Right now, he looks like he just finished a crash course from boot camp. There also be Captain Charles, leader of Vanguard-3.

"Hey guys, statues report," Sharpe said to them.

Captain Charles is the one that speaks first. "We got the SOS, came here as soon as we could. By the time we got here the fighting was already over. That was an hour ago."

He takes a glance around, just seeing all the dead bodies that are being gathered into a pile. Then he looks to Captain Bailey. "What happened here Bailey?"

"Exactly as it looks like. We were ambushed sir," Bailey said.

"I see that but how?" he said again.

"I talked to the village elder, he said he does not know how the Empire found this place," Charles said, speaking for Bailey. "They are not friends with the Empire and this village has been in hiding for generations. No idea sir."

He looks directly at Bailey. "You're kidding?" He said with a sarcastic but serious tone. "Have him explain this."

Bailey raise his hand to interrupt him. "Hold on Sir, the rest of the unit would be dead if Elder Elfifh didn't help us out."

"It only takes one sir," Johnson comments. The three officers look at him, acknowledging he has a point.

He looks back at Bailey and then just realizing something, what Bailey just said. "Rest? What do you mean by that?"

"I will show you. Follow me," Bailey said in an angry tone. He begins walking away as everyone follows him.

As they walk, Bailey explains what happen in the fight. "First, arrows rained into the village. Still don't know how they got so close. This place was supposed to be safe. After that, cavalry just came out of the brush and then they were right on top of us."

They stop by Vanguard-5 vehicles. Right next to them are three bodies lying on the ground side by side. The three bodies are fellow Rangers, laying there dead. The dead Ranger on the left has his arm cut right off, died from bleeding out. The one in the center has an arrow to his side and a hole in the center of his body, from being stabbed by a sword. The last Ranger has three different arrows in him.

Rory walks over, seeing all the officers gathering around something. Once she gets there, she sees what they are all looking at. "It seems like there was a fun fight."

"Fun right?" Bailey asked. "I lost four of my men."

Understand Bailey feelings, he places his hand on Bailey shoulder.

Rory looks at Bailey. "I mean no disrespect Captain. I see how damage the bodies are, and I was implying that they put up a brave fight under the circumstances. Emroy would be proud of them."

"What happen to him?" Johnson asked.

"That's Staff Sergeant Tomas," Bailey responses. He took his helmet off and takes a breath. "He was on the .50 Cal when the attack happened. He refused to go down. He was the first hit but continued firing the .50 caliber, killing most of them. We were outflanked by that direction. He was able to prevent them from riding right into us but took a second arrow in the process. It was shortly after that when a third arrow hit in right in the neck, dying then."

"A true spirit for Emory," Rory said.

He looks at Rory, getting annoyed by her comments. He respects her faith, but he feels like this is not the time for it. However, he sees her kneels the bodies, conducting some chant. He can see that she meant what she said, in her own way respecting the fallen.

That is when Charles speaks up. "Another thing sir, last count. We are missing a body."

He looks at Charles. "What!? Where is the body?"

"I already reported that in sir. Command is figuring out what to do. The Imperialists probably got dragged somewhere." Charles said, not happy with that thought.

He understands the fear. The Empire is not known for treating Prisoners of War kindly. He remembers talking with Princess Pina on the subject and she seem clueless about treating prisoners decently(3).

"Have you sent out search teams?" he asked.

"Not a large-scale search yet sir," Bailey said. "Area is still too hot. We don't know what is out there. I don't trust the locals. Didn't want to divide us in this situation."

He takes a deep breath, hating everything that Charles just said. However, he had to agree with his decision. The price of command, sometimes you just must pick who is more important.

"No, you made the right call. I think we have the resources to being looking around," he said and then look to where Rory supposed to be. "Rory? When he looks there, she already be gone. Wasn't she just there?"


Selina is walking through the elf village with Lelei. Most of the elves are cleaning up the mess from the attack. A few of their people also died in the battle, mostly by arrow fire. The mood in the air is tense as everyone seems either scared or angry on what just happened.

In her home kingdom there was a large elf population. Wood Elves to the North and High Elves to the south. Her people were usually on friendly terms with High Elves, being more civil.

She has always found Elves interesting, being so different and yet so like Humans.

Lelei wanted to see if she could help any of the villagers and she did not want to stay in the vehicle. Both agreed to stay with each other as they explore the area.

"It looks like they are not use to being attacked," she comments as she sees the situation.

"I don't think anyone is Selina," Lelei said back to her.

"No, back in my country, being attack was quite common. You can become numb to it after a while, it being a part of life." Selina said back to her.

Both remain quiet for a bit as they look around.

After some time, Selina was the one who broke the silence. "Lelei, what do you think will happen? When I saw Sharpe walk to his fellow Rangers, he seems angry. Not just him but the other Rangers that were on guard seem angry to."

"I don't know. From what I understand they will not take lose on their side very well," Lelei said that based what she has seen from them. "They are Soldiers Selina, they accept that they could die anytime, it doesn't seem like they like it when it happens though."

That is when they see a female elf, sitting down by a hut crying. That did not seem abnormal, a lot of elves are crying right now. That is when Lelei notices that elf is holding a green jacket, like the ones the soldiers wear. "Selina, stays close."

They head over to that elf. "I am sorry but where did you get that jacket?" Lelei asked.

The women look at the two girls and look a little confused. "I'm sorry, what? Oh, this. It belongs to one of those soldiers."

"Why are you crying? Was it given to you?" she asked the elf.

"His name was Larson. We came back here to mate but right before the attack came two of those Empire soldiers came," The elf said.

"What happen to him?" she asked her in a soft but leading tone.

The elf looks at her. "They took him. Larson was trying to protect me, but they took him."

Lelei leans in after hearing that. "Did you tell the Americans?"

The Elf shakes her head no. "The elder doesn't want us interacting with them right now."

"But you need to tell them." Selina said to her. "She takes the elf hand. Come on, we need to tell them."

"But the elder...," The elf said before Selina interrupts her. The attack only happened a few hours ago, the gravity of what just happen is still settling for the villagers.

"No. The Empire is going to kill Larson unless we stop them. They cannot help him if they don't know who took him. Lets go, you can follow me," Selina said as she begins leading the elf women to Sharpe.

Lelei follows behind the two, impress by Selina sudden action.

As they get close, they can overhear Sharpe asking where Rory is and some arguments with the village elder.

"Major Sharpe!" Selina said as they walk to the Rangers.

He and the other officers are very confused on why there is an elf with her.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Elder Elfifh said, not liking what he sees.

"Hey! Don't you yell at her!" Sharpe said to the elder.

They will look directly at each other, clearly not trusting each other.

"I knew I shouldn't trust your kind. Humans, they never can be trusted. I thought you would be different!" Elder Elfifh said angry.

"Our fault!? You promised our safety, saying that the Empire didn't know where your village is!" Bailey said, pointing his figure at him.


For generations, the Empire could not find the villages of the High Elies Elves. They are masters of these forests. Every time the Empire or other enemies arrived, searching for their villages, they slaughtered them.

Over the years, it has become harder and harder keeping the Empire and their vassals out of the Elies Forest. Being territorially surrounded the Empire could attack from any direction. The only advantage has been they are masters as using the terrain and forests.

When the American Rangers arrived and offered peace terms to set up what they call a refueling outpost and in return, they will provide trade and security. Everyone has heard of these Other Worlders from the other side of the Gate, a people that is at war against the Empire. Those matters mean nothing to our people.

That is why the son of the Elder Elfifh, Kelazer decided to make an arrangement with the Empire.

While his father trusted these people enough to talk about a peace treaty, he never trusted them. While the Empire is bad, at least they are from this world.

He watched carefully and study them. They act friendly, say the right words however he knows this cannot be. Humans have always brought war to these lands and cannot be trusted. He does not understand why his father tolerated these people.

What was his final straw was seeing one of these Rangers, he thinks his name is Larson flirting with a female elf. Not just any elf but one he wishes to mate when he becomes a man and warrior. He will not allow these Humans to come here, strip them of their culture, lands, and women.

He knew had to act quickly. There was not a lot of time to warn the other villages and form a proper army or challenge his father. He was able to recruit a few but if this plan going to work, we needed more. It was decided to ask the Empire for help and ride these Other Worlders from our lands. As future elder, he agreed to allow the Empire forces to move through out lands if they leave us alone.

The attack went off as planned. The elves that are loyal to me helped sneak the Empire legionaries through the forest so my people could not detect them. While the attack was happening, he was surprised on how many these Other Worlders were able to kill. There magical weapons are nothing he could even imagine; they are truly a powerful enemy. Seeing that only removed any doubts he had about his plan.

After the attack, he helped them take the one who was trying to mate with his future wife. Once he got his revenge he decided to stay by and watch. He knew more Other Worlders will show up and it will be someone in charge, a Nobleman or something. He is hoping to spart a war between his people and the Other Worlders, guarantee there will be no peace.

He has been sitting in this tree, watching. Seeing more and more of their strange metal wagons appear or as they call then, a vehicle, it seems they are coming to take my people lands. There is this on man that arrived, he seems to be someone important as everyone else seem to be listening to him. He sounds like the Nobleman he was expecting. Killing him would end any chance for peace between our people.

After spending a few minutes thinking on how he would kill that soldier, he decided to kill him with his bow. He already killed one of them with it today and at this range so it should be easy to get another. Slowly he aims his bow, getting ready to release his arrow at that soldier.

"Are you sure you want to do that?"

He hears a female voice coming from his right side. He looks over and see this girl in black and red cloths. She is sitting there looking at the village. How did not he hear her or notice that she was right there.

He is speechless as he sees her look right at him and give this devilish smirk. Bad idea, that is my friend you are aiming at. She said licking her lips with a grin on her face.


Major Sharpe looks at Selina, angry that she is out of the JLTV. He is also angry that Lelei allowed that to happened, especially during a dangerous situation like this.

"Selina? What are you doing?" he said, all confused on what is happening now.

"Major, she has something to say," Selina said, bring her to him and the elder.

As Sharpe looks at the elf women, that is when he notices one of their jackets in her arms. Before he said anything, he hears one of the Rangers from Vanguard-5 say that is Larson's jacket. "Why do you have it."

"Don't answer that, I said don't speak with them," Elder Elfifh said.

"And why not! What did you do to my man!" Bailey yells angerly.

"Captain!" Sharpe said, looking back at Bailey, trying to maintain order with the Vanguard troops. Then he looks back to the elder. "Where is he."

"How did the Empire find my people! You had to bring them here," Elder Elfifh said.

"So, we attacked ourselves? Bull-crap, your people had to sell us out," he stated.

"We would never, my people also died in that attack!" Elder Elfifh said back to Sharpe. "We have been safe for hundreds of years until you arrived."

"Stop! Both of you!" Selina yells as she walks up to the two. "Just stop, neither of you are to blame. Just listen!"

Once Selina said that, she looks up at he and realizes she just kind of talk back at him. The realization she might have just unsettled him scare her a little.

There is a short pause in the conversation, which allowed everyone to think.

"OK, I will be bit. You didn't sell my people out then. Now, what happen to Larson," he said, still wanting answers.

The female Elf looks at the Rangers. "Well, we were at my hut right before the attack happen. Some of the Empire soldiers attack our hut and took him. He fought bravely but there was to many."

That is when Charles speak up. "No, that doesn't sound right. How did they know he was in your hut?"

Sharpe looks at Charles and then back at the elder. "That is a good question."

And right then a loud noise is come from the trees. This young elf bursts out of the trees and slams into the ground. That is when everyone sees Rory pop out of the same tree and lands right next to that elf. She takes her Herbart and slam the blade right next to his head. As she looks down at him, she licks her lips, feeling the lust to kill him.

"Stop!" Elder Elfifh said as he rushes over to her. "That is my son! Don't kill him!"

"He is your son!?" Rory said, now confused. "Then why was he hiding in the trees about to assassinate him." She points to Sharpe.

As the elder goes to his son, some of the Rangers and elves walk over to see what in happening.

After seeing Rory points to him, he be surprise. "Wait what? I just got here. Wait, assassinate?"

That is when the realization of what is happening hit everyone. The truth is that these elves did sell out the Americans to the Empire but, it was some youth who did it.

"Tell me it is not true, tell me they are lying." Elder Elfifh said to his son, hoping the truth is a lie.

He looks down in shame, unable to say a world.

Captain Bailey tries to walk over to the kid, wanting some revenge for what that kid did to his men. He is stopped by Sharpe, shaking his head no.

The elder slaps his son face, forcing him to fall back to the ground. "You have disgraced your people. You dishonored our word. I will deal with you later."

"Wait." Sharpe said. "Where is our man."

The elder looks back down at his son. "Answer the man."

The young elf looks around and realize his situation. After much thought, he decided to speak. "The Empire has them. There is a fort east of here, they probably took him there. I promised a prisoner for their help go get rid of you."

After hearing that, him then walk away, heading to Alicia. Rangers, mobilize. "Were going hunting."

As everyone gathers up, getting ready to leave, he stops Selina. "Two things Selina. One, never do that again. You could have gotten hurt."

After hearing that, she feels sad, like she dishonored him. Before she could speak, wanting to say her opinion, he stops her.

"Two." He said, showing two fingers. "You stopped a bad situation from getting worse and found the truth. I'm proud of you, good job." After saying all that he walks away, giving order to both Vanguard-3 and 7.

Selina stands there a little confused. "I… is he mad and happy at me?"

That is when Rory walks up, seeing the whole thing. "Don't worry. You should know by now he is a bit overprotective. Good job." Rory pats her on the back and heads to the JLTVs.

Selina thinks about it and then smile, heading to the JLTV to.



(1)Chapter 26

(2)Heliocentrism is the astronomical model in which the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun at the center of the Universe

(3)Chapter 20
